
Pretty Woman too!

The sum of human knowledge is now so immense that even a highly educated person can hope to absorb only a tiny quantum of it but experience can teach far more in 10 years. Pluto i am on a journey to the past and back to the future, today i woke up with a smile brought to me by the realization of how much i had experienced through a story of a gal who was in love with life. It came in many different faces and left to memory. This part of her life is called knowing self. Where maybe It showed me what the world was like. Her story sure revealed to me who she is and what she would become but until then she had to live through the journey. The saga of a girls journeys with love and with faith. 

The set off of her life began when she saw a dream, a dream that put her in a frame of mind to stop the bad and let the good thrive. She and her father lived in a slum. He would leave her behind to go earn some money for 6 months at a time and she would be left with nothing but 1$ a day to survive on. She was a dutiful daughter a respectful child. During the time while her father was a way she would embroider throw pillow covers for sale. It was her way of not just to earn money but a way to pass time in order not to find herself in trouble on the dark streets of her neighborhood. She had over the years learnt how to defend herself both in mind and with matter. Her father didn't have enough money to put her through high school but in the better days before they lost everything she went to the best schools and learnt everything she could. She picked up books that her peers were studying in school and thought herself through practice, her favorite book was the good book. 

She needed a job, she had a boyfriend who lived with his mother. She left him because every time she would go see him he would show her a side of himself that spoke to her that he was ungrateful for the care that he got. He was fed and was sent clothes from abroad by his sisters and every-time he came home he would throw them on the floor and would leave his mother to pick them up. She felt sad that he would take the efforts of his sister and mother to waste. On this faithful day she decided to leave him, she didn't know how best than to be straight with him about it. It was too late for her to go home so she stayed, in the middle of the night he forced himself on her. He wouldn't get off from her even when she said stop. They argued, he locked the door and through the screams in the room the mother came to try and unlock the door. She leaped out and on to the road. He tried to hold her but she left, riding away on a bike. She tried to remain friends with him and on one faithful night when she went out with him as a friendly gesture she found herself surrounded by his friends while he was trying to show them by gestures of putting his hands around her shoulders that they were still going out. She would pull away and that got him angry and he assaulted her in front of them, tearing her shirt. His friends wouldn't stand up for her as he fed them with stories of how ungrateful she was that he helped her to find a job. She left him for many other reasons such as inducting one of her childhood friends into fraud. But he wouldn't rest, he would come over to her house to taunt her, she pleaded with him to leave her alone, he would appear in at her friends house and tell her friend that he wants her back, but she wouldn't give in even when he brought his mother. After a time It seemed like it was over. She continued her life, she would go to work, take care of her grand mother and wait for the short days when her father would come back from his long trips.

She had a moment of happiness when a new guy came into her life, she knew him from the past. while she was still in search for a stable job he became her confidant, they would drive round town, but he too was staying in his family home. He was a student still, she was 18 and he was 21. He was what the other wasn't. Respectful to his family, helping his mother in her business, going to school and had good friends. She felt safe with him. His mother liked her, his friends respected her, but he had a cousin that was jealous of their relationship. While he was around she pretended to be nice but when he left she spread nasty rumors about her that broke their relationship. The jealous cousin told him that she had a relationship. While he was away he told her that while they were apart she could date but not who he knew but as soon as he was told he called her and broke it off while insulting her.  She wouldn't give in to the taunts continued the short affair while focusing on her job. She understood that so long as she kept at building herself that men would come and go. She never wanted to be at the mercy of men supporting her life.

She left for another town after having a terrible rift with her  father because he totally lost his mind to despair where he broke down and hurt her by trying to give her into obedience of the same person he protected her from all the years, He wasn’t just going off on trips to make money but to his wife and son. They were best friends and that was a thorn to his jealous wife and it crushed her to loose the last person she had. His wife had never been a mother to her. She really didn't feel bad about it because she had accepted that since she was 6 and so long as she stayed away from her and could leave her life without the constant taunts she could live with being her own mother! She was severely bitten by her and this didn’t involve any other reason at the time but her frustration and pain towards her husband.

Through out their marriage they fought mercilessly and violently and in the process neglected their responsibility towards their kids nor did they preserve the foundation for having a good life, she rooted out anything that he ever tried to do! During their fights people who saw this took advantage of their kids! But her dad accepted his responsibility and stood to build her up and separated her from his wife and left her to live with his mother and it is for this reason she stood strong regardless of what she went through. She refused to go into university as she saw what was going on there and took jobs the skills that today hold her strong! 

What happened before she met Edward.

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