
Too predictable!

Was just listening to an interesting program in which I heard that governments slack in creating stability! My question is. Why seek for stability if governments duty is to achieve balance? Something goes out of line create a tactic to balance  the scale!

Its quite evident that in the past wars were the economic solution to the unemployment problems; wiping out a few so the many can be employed. Stalin wouldn't rise from the grave to explain why so many had to die before, during and after the war. Ass hole. Hitler was just a tool just as Napoleon. Puppets. My people perish for lack of knowledge taken by the element of surprise and the unwillingness to learn from history, even till this day they will not go to the library and analyse events. If people do not know whats good for them they will elect their faith."

If change is inevitable why expect stability? Only emotional people look for stability. Dinosaurs were extinct because life was too predictable!

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