
Doing the bidding always!

Sometimes people ask me, "where do i begin identifying who i am and being who i am". I say, usually the simplest and complex way to do it is go through your zodiac sign generic description. Its a way of mirroing your image. Astrology to me in part helps identify types of characters and not necessarily an exact description of a person as a lot of factors influence character, and i surely hope that it is you who shape you rather than everyone doing the bidding always.

Lets take for instance me. I am a scorpio by sign. I started to get interested in my sign when i was 12. Reason for this was that i had a nasty aunt who tried to set an image of me of the negative scorpion. Mostly at a latter age in my life implying that i was sex driven; well, i was 16 and she was 23 years of age and in her prime years seeking for suitors to marry but unsuccessfully, while she saw around me fellows her age but i was just friends with them. In the bid to pull some attention to herself she painted me as black "which was a projection of her inner desire to be wanted".

You see, i saw myself from the positive side to the description of the sign.
  • Characteristics of those born under Scorpio include; focused, emotionally sensitive, complex, determined, and charismatic. 
While she saw me through herself from the negative side.
  • Scorpios are also known to have less flattering characteristics like being stubborn, cruelty, jealousness, possessive, and moments of extremity.
and the more she did the less attractive her example of me through herself became.

There are loads of books on zodiac signs and in all i see similarities but i also see added qualities. Something that a few mentioned was foresight. This is something that many around me weren't aware of that i had. I am likely to do or use the strangest ways to avert disaster happening in other peoples lives but could never do that for myself. Its almost as though i would put on their dirty shoes and leave them my new ones. I never really minded if i remained a shadow that saved Gotham city "Proverbs 3:27-35. Never really saw myself as a hero until i noticed that i am always surrounded by either evil or people in need and my character moulded over time to be that of a protector and guardian and in event projects the focused, emotionally sensitive, complex, determined, and charismatic person that no one really saw until i decided not to hide any more. I would deliberately at times turn evil and all of a sudden they would say "but you aren't evil". I laugh and say, "do i need to become bad for people to suddenly realise i was good"?

I had lived in extreme cultural environments and surrounded by people who were envious, jealous, cruel, possessive and created those moments of extremity in my life. What brought this up today for me was an incident sometime ago. Someone told me that i am perceived as a spy. I laugh because those who were saying so were same people who were snooping around me for information about my business and person.

SO remember when you are looking at yourself or for yourself make sure it isn't through the eyes of others. Now i guess i have been thought how to be cruel but mostly to those who have been so to me. I am only human and i learn from others. Opposites attract they say, in this instant i would believe that some people piss you off to such a level that you can make their wildest dreams come true and through for your own sanity to prevail rather than carry their baggage.

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