
The state of immortality!

"Why does every Christian nail his own on the cross"? By this I mean boxing someone's soul; rather than have an issue with the mode of expression look into the natural state of being? Most Doctors wants to change that white jacket for a Harley D. Leather Jacket! Do we as people not realise that a professional and a profession is just one way of the souls expression? We have boxed our pastors in a box too that many of them have resulted in manipulation to survive! They are judged by their conscience everyday for not knowing how to inspire cos they too buried in realities. Same as kids ramming their parents into "THEY WERE NEVER KIDS" or parents forgetting that they were once kids! Oh Oh Oh is it the fact that you forget everyone is human? :)

What is sin? Pride and Prejudice! Is it that Black isn't dark? Is it that White isn't often bright? We all do stupid things, that to me isnt sin, ramming everything good to the bright and bad to the dark that is sin. We have black sheep as thorns in our mist, hey I maybe just viewed as one :) should I be plucked out of the garden so we can level every growth with the grass? Or can we actually help a person into change by participation, rather than prevention using judgement. I have always been outspoken, it didn't bring me less hassle but in the fruits of being bold I enjoy its peace! Rather than being dead and on judgement day be asked what did you do with your life and I have nothing to say.

My life is full of stories and that's cos I left the perceived safety of my parents home. He loves the Good and the bad, he hates the Ugly! He uses the bad to take the ugly out and uses the good to heal! May your yey be yey and ney be ney, be principled, be steadfast, be bold so he can behold and say that is my creation! For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Deceit is Ugly but the wise know when and how to reveal the truth! You fight your neighbour and think that that's where the problem is; cos his life reminds you of what you coulda, woulda, shoulda? As within so it is from without! Its not what your eyes see but what you do not know! You are the authority, regardless of the government you are still alive, who is sustaining that? Your unharnessed emotions of fear and hunger have not been transformed to bear fruit cos you have not set a principal decision in this life! What do you stand for, can you say it in a heart beat? What statement to life have you made? Get cracking, or be cracked because from ashes we came and to ashes we will go! The rich or the poor have one allocated space in the physical realm 6ft by 6ft, soon they will make it 10 cos every generation is taller than the previous! The wealthy inherit the kingdom of heaven, the state of immortality!"

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