
The Would haves and Could nots!

Let those who are willing come forward, let those who are able stand beside them! Deeds tests the willing, time test the able! Are you willing and able? Then be the master of time and deeds!

The seven heavenly virtues oppose the seven deadly sins in the battle of Souls. It is one thing to outline the sins and virtues but in a world where we have ignorance of how to achieve virtue all are lost to sin!

The seven sins are all circumstantial based attributes influenced by the environment we choose not to be in! At youth very few have the luxury to choose where they want to be! How ever at an adult stage one is free to choose to change or let habits take rule!

In lust: If one is young and Unmarried lust seems to be an unpublishable sin as it is a process for self discovery! But cleaningness is a desired state from intoxicants, at that age as it may lead to addiction! At a young age self control is hard to master as hormones and external influences are stronger! Intoxication is not just that of alcohol, sex and violence it is also in absorbing bullshit from those who themselves know not what they do! Purging oneself from the environment is a must!

To be honest with oneself, one's family, one's friends, and to all of humanity. These are circumstantial as ones family and society can force one to be dishonest. To be honest with oneself is the ability to take part blame and glory for what happens!

Indifference at any age is sin! To be full of oneself and caring not for others! Unrepentant of actions that affect self and people!

Gluttony seems to be the hardest of all sins to turn into virtues as this is learnt through experience. How you eat is a habit adopted from childhood! Prudence is a state of mind and differentiating between self and public interest and rights of others is a skill that few are endowed with from birth or in time through experience! Constant mindfulness of others may lead one to become a shadow of oneself so choosing when to take for oneself and giving to others is a must! Understanding the keywords from the Declaration of Independence; Life, Liberty and Pursuit should cover the essence of right and wrong from good and bad! A glutton is someone who absorbs everything without discrimination!
When one understands free will it is easy to accept rejection of ones thoughts or intentions! Greed is as a result of assuming that only your thoughts or intentions are right! To possess ones mind or the minds of others is an act of greed! Forcing others to think like you only for the benefit of self satisfaction is violating the principle of fee will! Information is different from knowledge. Providing an insight to what maybe the consequences before an action is different from setting up an environment for actions to take place! Staging is setting up someone towards a selfish end that may turn out totally different from what was initially planned!

Envy, Pride and Sloth are the very word for hate! It eats you alive! Haters hate themselves, they treat the world the way they were treated! We breed our haters and lovers! Sometimes it is dangerous to love those who hate you and for that moment it is best to project hostility! To be hostile sometimes is to be silent and watchful of their deeds, that defuses a moments situation! Being able to make a distinction in the moment is what may save your life! When does a sheep wear a wolves clothing and when does a wolf wear a sheeps cloth? This is a matter of life and death, the moments of survival of the fittest!

Love those who hate you for it protects you from becoming like them and hate those who love you for it allows you to see/achieve balance!

We all love compliments but ask yourself did you earn it? We all hate to be scorned but ask yourself do you deserve it? Asking oneself questions allows you to become slow to anger! There is always an opportunity for a payback but may not have a second opportunity for a come back!

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