
Hell Raser!

Someone asked, "why are women such prunes that Moses can't part their legs"? Well it begs to ask why do women complain that men are lousy at sex? Lol yall need to go for Kamasutra training! Ever wondered why prostitution exists? Any woman who says she don't like it is just running from bad sex lol. Cant wake me up can't keep me. Just a hint to some men why they loose their wives to other women; she wanted to know how it feels to be touched rather than fucked, one might as well get a dildoe to do a better job.

If women are really honest with expressing how they feel about sex you will understand it when she speaks about it through her eyes and the swag of her hips. We don't mind being dominated, we don't like to be oppressed or presumed dumb, just cos we were blind to your initial agenda. Don't know about how it is for other women but Kamasutra is in touching the hot spots and creating heat. Kama might as well sound as karma what you give is what you get; A lousy fuck gets a lousy lay. After caging women have men not wondered why their women are inflexible? So much for the rules of no chastity.

Thoe shall not fornicate cos you will know more than the man you may marry. Thou shall not commit adultery because you may find out that your man isn't as good as he said he wished. hehe yes life is nasty to liars and hypocrites.

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