
Meaningless! Meaningless!

◄ Ecclesiastes 1:2 ► "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless."

I was once asked by my fathers friend "Why was King Solomon given so many wives?" I got to understand through our chats that my fathers friend is a very wise man and a teacher and when he asks questions i know he has an opinion of his own. At the time i said i couldn't give him an answer even though i could feel the words rolling in my tongue. I waited until i made extensive research on not what i am told about King Solomon but what i know of men. He is a man after all before his title. If i go by what i know to be the mentality of our society as regards to a man having plenty wives and our women pretty much accepting that then i guess he was insinuating that i should also accept that too.

Another African man once told me this "that if a man who has only one woman something is wrong with him. The same man lost his family due to having a wondering eye. Well the history of this man was that he was heart broken thats why he said so. He developed a disrespectful attitude towards women, yet he had a mother he cherished and a sister who passed away in trying to support 6 children while she forgot about her own wellbeing. So i did know he wasn't a lost cause regardless of what he was saying. Sometimes it helps to know the history of a mans relationship to understand why they say what they say in order to not get mislead by their emotions. Half the time people express their views as advice and following that may be detrimental to a young heart. If men don't like their women to be shared they shouldn't say so as a method for self encouragement publicly. If you wish to cheat then cheat yourself or on yourself not others. Taking out your pain on another is cheating yourself of of an opportunity to live again, the other may move on to be happy in the memory that he/she gave.

On hindsight: It is presumed that a man who is attached to one woman becomes weak minded! In Nigeria when a man is with one wife they call them "woman rapa" and it seems that it is those men that fall into temptations; many want what they can't have and many have succeeded in ruining their homes to this mentality. Love they say is blind, it blinds one to the realities of life! Many women many problems and keeps the mind alert "it fuels the ambition of men to possess more earthly goods than heavenly gifts" unfortunately the opposite is the effect. 

When a mans heart is exhausted in pursuit of pleasure he wastes his energy to vanity! Sooner or later we all want peace at old age, what did K.S. have to deal with even if he had enough to take care of them? Is it possible to be kind and not loose affection from the people who keep him on the throne? When you have to shake hands with so many people wouldn't you develop a rash? He lost his faith and that is the worst thing that can happen to a human being regardless of what they posess. He was compromised with too many conflicts of interests. If he truly was loved by God then he should be a tyrant to peoples  people. A wise leader is a kind and principled leader. Kind to himself and principled in dealing with people, especially strangers or the political alliances to which his marriages involved him in. King Solomon was ruined by his advisors; clearly being distracted by so many demands! Atleast in his days to be given a blow job wasn't a crime, in the free world you will be impitched. Look at the state of Africa because of polygamy or look at the men abroad who have to pay alimonies to 4 wives and then commit subside. The forbidden apple myth should now be obvious to the foresighted.  Ah the wicked men who compiled the bible or is it the unseating mind that is at fault? Of course there are those who can handle 10 wives, i hail the muslim brothers who by saying you can marry as many as you wish remove the pressure to do so but our christian pritchers who say don't furnish and adulterate your life by that have dangled the carrot to the unwise. Of course the men will hate me for saying this but when wisdom shouts on the streets they turn a blind eye. K.S is a myth however the wise are crowned with honour regardless of if they are acknowledged publicly or not. Our father in heaven provides abundantly for his children who hid to his words and teachings.

When the bible preaches that Eve was tempted by the serpent it implies that women have weak hearts because they love with their ears. However the women who keep a disciplined mind and body have spirituality beyond mesure. A woman who is able to harness her energy is virtuous. 

A sound mind is a sound heart! Throwing your energies in pursuit of happiness does not bring joy, no wonder the Queen of Sheba left! Imagine having to manage her own nation "family" and be playing politics with the ministers of affairs "inlaws and extended family"! If the facts during my research on her through the libraries is right then all she could do is take with her the gift of love or die! I consorted with a friend some days ago and he said "publicly loved is privately despised". What profits a man to gain the world and loose his soul"?! It seems that in the 3rd world countries a man is hated for being principled.

Father in heaven help our men in Africa who listen to wayward friends who wish the fall of their friends!

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