

The spirit of a nation is not often raised with speeches but a proactive mind that builds bridges to connect people rather than dividing them.

There is always a way for change without losing old treasures! When one seeks change honouring and restoring the good traditions is a path for transformation. "Every body seeks an imaginary enemy or Hero; needing stimulants to succeed at their goals! He who knows himself is his own Hero and he who doesn't is his own enemy! Internal or External simulators develop vision setting you on a path of birth or destruction!

Sometimes i feel guilty not doing what i want to do, but i am satisfied with doing what i have to. from the film Gladiator! Was Rome built in one day? As a leader you must forget about yourself to see clearly the picture of what is needed for the country. The cries of the people can often cloud a leader from doing what he is supposed to because he wants to please in the moment but what about building the momentum? A president presides over maters of the nation. Every each and one of us have precedence over our lives regardless of societal noises. Ministries are Ministers- they process the brand of a nation. Governors govern/oversee the peoples choices. Commissioners commission the cross sections of development.

I say cultivate oneness in vision as a culture, outline its communication channels, produce knowledge of development needs, build esteem in your homes and nation to see opportunities for growth and expansion. Establish true social and spiritual standards of security in every sphere of life, giving your people the opportunity to sustain their basic lives. Create policies that manage the efficiency of implementation which manages steady growth and only then we shall achieve actualisation of our dreams. Sometimes you need to let the wheat grow so high to see the thorns and avoid mixing crops with poison just cos you are in a rush to rip the rewards of your labour. Would i be wrong in what i see being the problem of Africa's growth?"

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