

Down through history men have always been measured by how hard they work and cultivated, how well the protected their wife and children. In the old days woman saw their man as conquerers, providers, heroes. But somewhere along the line that change, woman started to became their own hero, maybe it was because their man forgot to be relic or because woman don't want to be protected anymore or maybe woman had to be their own hero because of the pain they had to endure in life. But whatever the cause, the world took away a man's reason for being a man. It told him he wasn't important anymore and when that happened, it turn the whole world upside down. Quote from film "Not easily Broken"

I can't readily agree with this quote as this seems to be more of a wish than it actually ever was on a mass scale! There were and are men that are Hero's and there were and are women that till this day are their own Hero's, maybe that's the design that both men and women are to be Hero's to each other and those who are to themselves! Wars, sicknesses as well as nosy ass family members are the things that occur and will still occur as natural and artificial influencers to changing roles within a society!

No situation is permanent and no hierarchy is above the other! There are weak men and weak women, there are strong men and strong women from birth or by self nurture! Power is an illusion, respect however is strength! In a family where respect exists and an objective outlook to life and surviving there is usually no dispute to who is to be or not to be a Hero  they both are to each other and to those who depend on them!

I don't know if one is to be given any special invitation to feel important. If one's actions as a person brings good to the family then respect follows, except by some stuck of luck one happens to find oneself with the wrong person! Dump that ass like a bad habit, no one was born to suffer. That's not love when one is abused!

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