
The Never ending story!

Why do some feminists get uneasy when women make progress? My initial reaction to this question was to say "they will be out of jobs" however that would be incomplete. So long as macho exists feminism will thrive. Just went to you tube to search and understand feminism and what i saw was; Feminism: The Art of being a woman. What do men know about what it takes to be a woman if they are lost in translation within themselves about what a gentle man should be.

I never subscribed to be a feminist as that i think limits an individuals perspective on life. Before i proceed in telling someone  what they should be i prefer to ask if its any of my business to know about who they are. Lebel's are for creatures not human beings and especially those who possess a higher reasoning to being. To most men i come across as hard, well check my experience and you will know that life makes you who you are with a touch of self determination added to the mix. If men are threatened by strength they usually bring out a negative aspect to their specie let alone if that strength comes from a woman. A gentleman sure knows how to melt the ice.

In the communist era in Russia women were having jobs just as the men and i didn't hear or see any man having an issue with the women climbing high tension wires as them. Communism in its good form means communally raising their country of its knees. I personally don't understand the USA and the tug of war between the men and the women. Is someone not getting blow jobs there? What is feminism if not a job description for women who stand up for women and children's rights because the men are slacking.

I attended a social meeting of women once and discuss on women independence etc in that regard arose and honestly it made me feel as though women think women are wimps. That offended my sensibility as that has never been how i saw myself. Yes maybe many women need to be protected physically from abusive men thats about how far it goes for me but when it comes to struggling for a place in the work world i think women should carve their own niche rather than squabble for positions that they could start off themselves.

If some actually knew how to support each other as men do maybe then men would become gentlemen, because honestly men will not take advantage of each other even if the guy is going down they will still keep his secret. What do women do? Don't get me started. The only tight group of friendship between women that i had witnessed is that of Sex and the City and it is a well scripted series, in real life behind the scenes did they get along?

I had an incident with my adopted daughter and her boyfriend at a time. He constantly taunted her with jealous comments and left her crying and defending herself which resulted in her almost loosing her job. After getting her word on the issue, i invited him to my house and in a motherly way told him that if he isn't careful he will not be the only guy she will be dating while he is still in the picture. He got the message clear as i also enforced it with his mama. Today he is a well behaved young man. In my home no man messes with any woman.

I don't struggle with men i deal with them, which ever way you wish to understand it for me its how you approach me is what you will get. A man may mess with my heart thats cos i allowed it but he can't mess with my mind and get away with it. The fear of the lord would be the beginning of wisdom. Women over from time in existence have cultured women and look at where it has gotten to.  We had been made to be subservient, ever wondered why now we have to fight for freedom and rights including that of the innocent kids? Don't create walls that latter you would be forced to break down and remember the cornerstone that builders reject would be made head stone. If only they knew that there is nothing weak about a woman and giving that perception in the first place is what got the feminist movement fuelled more. If feminism is a way to stop governments from exploiting women and children then that is a political game an not a social problem. I'd rather piss the men off by fighting for the rights of Gay people. They are much more intelligent than the average Jane and Joe who can't seem to wipe their own behinds. Sue me. Some Gay men know how to make a woman feel like a lady, men should get some lessons from them. 

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