
Go forth and multiply!

When a person is not sure about something, they will move towards certainty, this applies to those who understand that regardless of current facts something still needs to happen. In my case I have seen that time is all that gets wasted in pursuit of defining certainty! Everyone looks for reasons! What makes one act is a dare to face their fears and prove wrong or right a stated fact! Many are likely to believe the good is bad, If affections have been trampled on. Trust in oneself puts the foot forward, what you find you store till you have the tools to make it work, or you sell out! Did the sea travelers know they would find America? No, they thought they were going to india but the waves of the ocean took them there. That is destiny but you need to build a boat that would stand the storms! Action That is certainly a fact! What you will find? Leave it to faith if your heart is in the right place ie work with what you find then that's certainly going to work! Build some tools before you find the matter and you are certain not to make a waste of time and effort! Fishermen don't know if they will catch what they want, they see signs and then cast their net! Farmers explore, cultivate; sow to rip. Hunters scout to target and kill. In all of these 3 they have uncertainties but there is a certainty they would get something because they put an effort! One should be greateful to have motivation! Gratitude is faith because you know the allmighty created you for a purpose! Go forth and multiply!"

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