Online RadioMag GAGA! Sweet nothing's and heavy shit! Aha! Just I asking Jah WHY for a because answer and how simplicity turns complicated!
a "what if this" and a "what if that" to the equation of the HOWs in this world! Isn't it about the What's in reverse? Fun and diversity no restrictions.
Keep your attitude.
I once heard this "you cant talk about Jesus with just about anyone". I did a social research. I saw 2 groups of girls; in one corner were black girls, in the other not far from them coloureds (thats how they call the mixed raised 'culture" people in South Africa"). I went passed both groups twice, my heart drew towards the Coloureds but my soul was captured by the black girls. I had a lovely chat with my soul, and rejected my heart. Although i feel the disposition to draw to my perceived kind at first, i went for the other half of me. After having a lovely discuss about what they perceived the world of work like, i drew my conclusions on why i didnt want to accept my kind. It was simply the attitude that repelled me. I saw it in their eyes and body language manner. The Mixed gave me a feeling that they needed no one, that they were comfortable with themselves and any external offer to connect will be taken as intrusion. I saw the black group were more accepting, they were smiling while talking to themselves while the other were aggressive to themselves. This topic isn't about black or coloured, it was about the personalities that were gathered within the group. We have so many cultures and within them cultured people, which is why painting everyone black or white or coloured is wrong. If there is no positive vibe exuding from you or a race no one will draw to it. If one doesn't need no one, then thats fine. Keep your attitude.
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