
Civil rights in Niger Delta posed as jungle justice!

Civil rights can only exist in a society that knows how to guide social consciousness! In the events
we have experienced with the Aluu boys (google Aluu if you wish to see one of the many atrocities happening in Africa) the problem is in the local community, as well as the global that surrounds it! We are failing to get the right judgement to satisfy our needs! The first thing I would focus on is that the boys are dead and that's what is so hard to bring back! We have to find away to prevent such happening! The Aluu community killed themselves by killing kids, they tortured themselves when torched the boys, they violated themselves! How much more tourchure than this can one do to them. It sure is an expression of the violence happening in the Niger delta as in whole!

Have the Jews gotten healing? No! Films keep croping up to remind man for his ignorant acts, following political, religious, personal rotten belifs! There isn't no justification for man killing man! And no repayment that will find healing! But we must prevent such happening again! We wouldn't need physical security if there is mental security! Aluu community has no security, spiritual or otherwise, this is what their acts showed! Seeking justice should start from investigating the local community and the surrounding environmental factors that fuel behaviour! Demanding death for death is exposing the pain of the lookers, what excuse did the community have to act in that manner?

I was once asked by someone, "why educate the grey mass"? All I could say was so our society can be colourful and our kids protected! The bright man brought us the bible, thought us how to read and write because the darkman has no appreciation for life and knowledge of leaving! We live in a world today where the basic simple rules that are complicated to execute 10 Commandments are disintegrating because they arnt broken down or used by todays halfbaked pastors as a method for making their own living! The media capitalises on ignorance to sell products and services but would the market listen if the truth was given in its raw form? To be relevant is hard, to belong is almost impossible because we have all formed clicks cults "one way reactive thinking". Inadvertently forcing us to draw the boundaries that have ceased to exist because we have forgotten life in exchange for making a living! I have tried in my own way to define them for myself, but to implement it requires a collaboration of thoughts! Let's take away how angry and anguished we feel! Let's understand that by demanding an eye for an eye we will all become blind! We will satisfy not justify their killings by killing! They violated the cardinal rule of the 10 commandments and what it truly stands for; Respect for life and an individuals right to demand justice back when kindness is shown. Are we as a society going to do same? We are supposed to evolve! And if we result to same for same are we better?

As a society both country and world wide we also violate by leaving the gray masses uneducated! We fall victims of violence in return by the ignorant man! Innocence is bliss not ignorance! Toomuch liberty sure murders freedom! We need boundaries but not rigid rules for consciousness change, hence times are not the same. We become animals in a cage that has been built by rules that don't evolve! When a community behaves that way, it shows that we have neglected them also! We keep pointing fingers at the government, arnt we its people? Change yourselves and your government will have no choice but to change! The government now I hope are not ignorant enough to use this to justify why they loot! Mothers and fathers, the hood of parenting influences its coming leaders! The lack of knowledge is disrespecting our kids and making them vulnerable and unprotected of both themselves and others! We used to have family values but the methods of parenting has failed the institution of the hood! Shutting your kids down only breeds animals. Fearing parents makes kids take it out on the society! Bring back the family values, and we will have a safe society! This the government isn't responsible for! What is going on in the Niger delta is a face to shame all of us! As much as we want to push blame we are showing our own blame! To punish your enemy you hug them, to help someone change we need to educate them!

2boys out of the 4 came from able homes who felt they had enough money to borrow, who felt that they could in a crowd go after a boy like them with a cult member. What wepon you use is the wepon that will be used, if they used love wouldn't they be alive today? Who told them that going in a crowd they wouldn't meet a crowd? My father brought me up to sort out my own problems and never gave me enough money to put myself in trouble by being arogant! One of the boys had a great voice! What was he doing by mingling with thugs? That's why Rapers are measured as thugs! Their arrogance to life makes them victims! The blame I lay, on the boy who cried thief! Blame I lay on his parents who thought to borrow and not to give back what was given in kindness was right! Or do we know if realy the boys wernt cultists? Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are! Greed breeds death, but who got punished? Certainly not the boy who refused to give back what wasn't his, they provoked  further actions to retrieve their possesion! The society's immoral values, Make us all accomplice to murder! Effects can't be prevented with out investigating the cause! Now its evident how one person buries a community because he thought he was smart! He knew what was in his comunity, he knew how his leaders operate for him to use it in his defence!

All have been punished! Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins these people took their lives; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their  strife. Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Shakespeare spoke in tongs, events of which we saw play out! The story of Romeo and Juliet is a story of every society and person who by virtue of ignorance kill innocence! Don't loose the love for life cos you will only find it when in pain! A mistake must happen for knowledge to be brought! Mothers and fathers efforts have been put to waste! Those are who we should be focusing to heal and not ourselves alone! A memorial must be erected to remind all, the art industry should rise to the occasion!"

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