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"There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. Buddha quote

On what grounds do most project doubt? When you hear someone say no it isnt possible it is only to say 'i havnt met that situation or tried making it work'. Don't look for confirmation of thought, start acting and you will see your believers surround you."

When HE feels the energy you have toward life, HE ignites your prayers! Don't sit on the fence! May your yes be yes and your no be no means make a decision! There is no middle way when you need to start living! He created the day and night, HE made a decision to separate issues between mind and matter! "Maybe's" are just shadows of transition not meant to stop but to explore options! Don't live in the gray, make a colour out of it! Hope should only be used when you are acting! Prayer requires thinking! Do you discus with HIM or do you tell HIM? HE isn't your employee! He is your Partner, you have to convince him that you are right. HE doesn't fall for promises! Who is the son of God? Is it he who says "father i will and doesn't or he who says i wouldn't yet does"?

"If your heart isn't influenced by your mind, your dreams will come through! The mind is a tool for implementation the heart is a tool for dreaming. Its not about how you get it, its about how you achieve it! Tomorrow who was wrong will be right!"

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