
The Man in the Iron Mask!

The story of the Pauper and the Prince reveals many angles to life lessons.
Exchanging comfort for a moment of depravity would give one a sense of reality as well as a sense of Identity not to talk of a test of character!

If one works hard enough on themselves as well as on a craft then there would be very little difference between a child who comes from a perceived wealthy and poor family. The nature of a man is from their inner determination to succeed or grow, it doesn't often mean that because someone comes from a poor home means they have a poor background. Values play a big role to differentiating  roles. There are kids who are judged by who their parents are and that is wrong as some fruits do fall far from the tree, some wind might have blown in the other direction if you understand what i mean. Destiny, fate or in what ever way you may call it has an influence in our lives when change or growth is demanded.

Can the person live up to an image or a dream? My mother once said "you can be anything you wish to be". I didn't know that was called identity theft :)". Imitating another person may go right or wrong if the heart of the undertaker isn't convinced of what they are pursuing.

Another aspect is in the method by which kids are brought up and i wouldn't emphasise that it is only in our days but today a lot of kids are segregated by their families; you shouldn't play with this and you shouldn't play with that. Now the effect of such upbringing shields the kids from understanding themselves and others as well as life itself. I wasn't brought up by a father or grand parents who created barriers. My father would test me at how i interacted with kids who were a little lower on the scale of "class" as well as kids of same level as i. I went out bare feet and played under the rain. Carried buckets of water from the general pump where everyone did and walked on occasion to school instead of being driven. This allowed us not to develop negative inferiority complexes, we exchanged views and that allowed us to learn from each other. I would go to the market just like any other girl; in summation i wasn't treated as anything special but he made me feel strong and cared for us deeply.

They say "bring up a child in a particular manner and he/she shall never depart from it"; habit is our major downfall or Uphill and at various times in our lives we need to evolve. There is a time for everything under the sun. A time to rest and a time to play and a time to work and no one should be forcing anyone to do anything but an inner drive to be good and successful can be dampened by events as well as an unwillingness to be better.

Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the snare of the fowler.
Go to the ant, Consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
Yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
A haughty eyes,
A lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,
A false witness who pours out lies
A person who lets poverty in the community.

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