
How long shall we kill our profets?

Is there ever a right time to ask the question? What if everything is a lie? What if Jesus was a Myth? What if it wasn't a beautiful story? It just might be and they had helped so many regardless of the controversies and conspiracies. We marvel at their charisma/character.

Everyday we ask questions, everyday we doubt and look for facts in our hearts to prove that he is and was all that that the bible says. It is true to who wants to believe. He was and Is to me.

"I am that I am" could also be a Myth. We have different religions and beliefs around the world but everyone will agree that there is someone who created us because it is impossible to believe that such a world could come out just from no where and for nothing for it to just end meaninglessly. As for the messengers we give them thanks because they brought Him closer despite those who tried to make them look like scarecrows and still do try to scare us with the ending of the world because they want to keep their illusion on power. Let Him come, those who are His children will hear His voice and those who don't, He will give another grace of time because He is Grace. We respect the messengers for their courage to be who they wanted to be, which is something many arnt bold enough to do because they are too harm conscious, they know their minds.

If you ever thought of killing that someone then you will be afraid of being killed, we harm or save ourselves by the weapons we raise. Yes the messengers must have stirred up your heart or mind at some point but did we choose to love or to hate? Luke- 9:24 "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it"today they are immortal. We all want to be liked and accepted as them and many in envy try to kill those who are unique just so they dont feel left behind or vulnerable to loneliness or be exposed. Amazing how many till this day stand on their knees to beg those who they have crucified. The words Luke 23:34 "father forgive them for they know not what they do" to themselves is pregnant. Until we learn to save our profets we will continue to be beggars.

My hat to: J.F.K, M.L.K, Malcom X, Lincoln, 2pac, BIG, Bob Marley, Jesus etc. No offence to the true Muslims but in our churches we also have our "May harm"Mad's".

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