
Why do some people need sex education classes?

I have often wondered if sometimes its to early to teach what may become too late. If one is thought to care would one really need to be thought how to sex another? Lovemaking is in the heart. Its the imaging of the other that brings out the skill.

Lovemaking skills is different from sex education. Sex education doesn't involve just the act of penetration but prevention of unwanted childbirths and infections. Sex education also involves the understanding of sexes. Who is a woman/man vs what we want a woman/man to be. Although we are to extent educated about what, i have come to realise that the who factor has been omitted, could be deliberately or maybe not.

In the old days everything revolved around function, now we live in days where that isn't enough. People stayed in marriages because of status and very few found happiness in it. Connection "Love" wasn't a choice. Love was the forbidden apple, today it is a desired part of life, at least it is now a conscious need.

There are 2 things that people need, to feel satisfaction; that of the heart and that of the body and if one or the other isn't satisfied then the supposed relationship doesn't stand the test of time. Sensuality is sexuality. Gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite varies from person to person and if both or one party is inhibited by social noise the couple breaks apart. Social no no's becomes their personal no no's. Kissing or hugging in public isn't a rule for when within the bedroom however how does an individual learn if they don't hear it in public? Seeing or hearing is believing right?
Sex without commitment is fucking! Why can't women fuck like men? Oh yes they can however is that what we seek? 

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