
The story of Antlers.


A handsome stag with majestic antlers admired himself in a lake. As he looked at his reflection he thought, "My antlers are beautiful! But these spindly legs of mine are so skinny I wish I could hide them in shame."
Just then a hunter's arrow whizzed by and the stag bounded into the woods. As he ran, his beautiful antlers caught and snagged on the branches of a low-growing tree. Struggling, he finally pulled himself free. If it weren't for the exquisite speed of his legs, he would surely have been captured.
After that, when he gazed at his spindly legs, his pride would swell. "In times of danger," he thought, "they serve me well."

I would reference this story to certain types of people who don't appreciate in themselves as well as in others uniqueness. Same things that we celebrate can be detrimental in certain cases! A beautiful face doesn't save someone when the brain is required. Beauty is fleeting, it weathers with age, the brain however should still keep one going if constantly exercised!

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