
The cock stroke twice.

If the only thing that confuses people about Christianity is the resurrection of Christ, strike that piece of and place next to it "he who comes to lift souls of the people ie every leader who ever tried to inspire anyone always faced trials and tribulations, I don't see why my case should be any different, which is why I don't take things personally when it concerns public matters, on a personal level I simply leave the environment and have affections for those who care about what's going on around them and others. I presume that the Pharisees (far races) removed loads of stories in the New Testament about Christ in order not to scare people to join the movement.
For someone to feel that much he must have gone through hell and one of the stories or all could be all his experiences at different time zones. Why would a supposed child run from his parents and seek peace in the church and then on the streets? Why would he denny his mother audience? Nothing is said about his father beyond the birth and search of him at the church.

What is the meaning of all the names of the apostles? Is anyone looking any deep at all, or we like to swim in shallow waters? What is the meaning of walking and calming the seas? What does it mean to feed the multitude with 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread? What do all the parables translate to? Story's of his experiences with people and ...... I guess people read, see and listen only to what they want, clinging to only what they know, and listen to those who they respect rather than expanding horizons; Man does not live by bread alone but by the word/activities/inspiration derived from the pursuit of life.

To praise and worship in faith signifies to speak up and argue points of views and hopefully reflect on experiences without insults "emotional banta" however to get to that level of interaction requires being surrounded by people who are unbiased about mundane issues such as colour, shape or size as these few mentioned physical attributes get in the way of approaching issues to derive adequate solutions that affect all of us at different occasions.

If people value things over life there will be strife. For someone to be a leader it doesn't require that the person be rich but a wealth of knowledge derived from experience and an amount of will to push the pebbles/parables that people see as mountains/depths.

Fear gets in the way of persons which is the first temptation of Christ ie in quote jumping off the cliff would mean daring to do what others can't or don't want to which includes saying what others wouldn't yet are thinking. If put in physical terms jumping off the cliff sounds ridiculous however today we have persons who do that. Don't tempt thy God also implies don't incite others into actions or to say what one isn't willing to do themselves.

The phrase do what I say not what I do has dual meanings/sides; should one give advice one should be prepared to walk the mile and more with the person, promises must be kept, plans must be followed through regardless of current circumstances, things or words need to be said or all turns to not.

This is my personal code of conduct and whining doesn't exist in my dictionary nor while in activities, If those who know me speak up can never say I haven't followed through to the promises I have made and this isn't said as a statement to make anyone feel bad but it's my way of doing things which is why I head on regardless of if I am not alone or are.

The other visible temptation was that of food, in current days it is compared to resources. I have made it a principle to use what I have to get what is required, desires at this moments were illusions that I needed to get me through the journey in finding the essence of things. It is the same in business cases, resource and resourcefulness have different demands, face and phases.

The third temptation is that of the flesh which every person who walks alone goes through. Sex is not a necessity neither is it a desired attribute to someone who has what they are doing. Relaxation and pleasure has a varying level of application and if I may be frank I have had the misfortune of meeting selfish hearts who know no difference between banging and affection so I leave that notion of bliss to when it arises, of course I have had a number that I wouldn't mention but trust I am the ultimate Bond Seal gal 󾌩😎 and damn proud of it, as I would be a miserable fart if I didn't as a youth, and as a grown woman know how to manage my needs.

However the search continues, where is my Girl? Anyone seen her? Joan of Arch here she goes on Easter night with the king or is it my sweet Valentine? Hehe

When religious and political leaders have made a mockery of life it's time to turn the temple/rules upside down. What nonsense, look at what the churches/industries that are in Africa, look at what the political movements have done where everyone is in fear of their lives and in return rubbing each other off of abilities to thrive. Haba Na today? Cowards on jets while people are in disillusion.

If women are turned into prostitutes "legal or not" then men will become bastards. Fire for fire, let the Red Sea part. Where is the pressure in being richeous for the sake of self serving men?

Women are hiding in churches being bitter and full of scorn, yet the men are like roaring lions on the streets.

Doesn't marriage feel like a crucifixion? I mean it kills the boner. Love is a boomerang effect, it isn't subjected to prejudice, it maybe blind but isn't stupid and sure; a rod or a hard on.
Those who think conventionally in extreme situations often loose their position, on normal days it's ok but even then there is danger in putting oneself to sleep. Outside the box reasoning isn't hard to develop so long as one isn't afraid to stand out.

My greatest pain is also my joy I am free to be who I want to be and not only because I am mixed but because I fought for it and ain't letting go.
How can people live bright lives by staying in a box?

Ever wondered what the word Buddhism can translate to when approached from the phonetics point?

In Russian understanding of foreign words - bu du e zm - I will create a piece for my self; sounds selfish right? Well if anyone ever practices Buddhism they will see for themselves what creating a piece for self implies; I deal with myself ie meaning I am the only law to my life, I persecute myself for the sake of others, I will act upon my beliefs for my own sake; quite an isolated way of thinking hmmm?

Someone once asked me do I have issues with religion, I said no, I have issues with the people who use it for their own gain. There are people who believe that being of a giving nature doesn't pay, well how about knowing what true value is. Is value in ones possession or what one sees to be in vision?

Ones ability to see beyond today is in combining past, present and making a distinction of what's useful or useless for personal reasons. I am in tune with who I am, what I do, when I do, how I do it, which gives me the ability to explain to everyone why certain steps ought to and not. A lot of people want to know what I am doing and when I am going to do it, I already have done everything that I say and seeking out my actions isn't necessary as I would reveal them as time goes on, when memory permits, not to talk of when I find the appropriate words in defining my stand on issues.

Before anything happens in the outer sphere it has been envisioned in the inner sphere. Being able to connect with oneself is the ability to connect to others. Having a comfort zone about oneself allows a pieceful existence with others amidst turmoil; implying/assuming that the next person isn't selfish. By no means, what makes people think that a peaceful preaching religion is that one which people shouldn't be afraid of? What makes people think that the violent sounding religion is what is to be feard? Christians are justice "focused" giving that to crucify someone demands having a judicial mind towards issues and the ways of man.

Islam gives contrast to the ever imposing nature of man, you have all the right to stand up for yourself, in retrospect Buddhism asks those who practice it on a personal level how does one stand up for oneself. If politicians are demanding separation from religious influence on state matters then I beg to ask what governs a leaders ability to provide equal rights to all and hopefully at the same time?

Is it possible for someone in let's assume 8 years to implement the desires of a multitude? In our days relatively possible, as some need mental and some need physical satisfaction of their desires, however one needs to understand that desires are wishes that people voice out under pressure. Everyone wants salvation but who is prepared to put their neck in? That's why cowards always get the gelatine. 󾌩✌️ being funky here with word fusion.

What people find shocking isn't what I say, it's the fact that they didn't imagine me thinking about the things I say and did. What people worry about is if we had been blind all these years then what else did we not know about this person?  Well that's what I call stupidity "those who preempt their luck by levelling others to their module of reason." I didn't mess with you apostle Peter you messed with me and now the payback is sweet. Judas has the right to wage war on your head.

Father forgive them for they know not what they do, earth shattering revelations hear we go; lightning and thunder; my Father who Art "creates" in heaven, praised be your deeds. Give him his daily bread "share of deeds", thy will "reward for actions" has come to be done on earth as it is in heaven "deserved", give each day the daily bread and forgive "teach us of the consequences of" our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us into temptation (experiences) to deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom (varying ways), and the power (persuasive), and the glory (deeds), forever and ever. Amen.

The cock stroke twice, I am waiting for the third. To provoke the public to act is in the power of everyone, it's the cowards that I am fishing out cowards for friends of "same mindset" faith.

Confucius is a tactician who applied aesthetics to the knowledge of of men's behaviour. By crusading with his friends and students he derived knowledge from experiences of men in order to help them find themselves; in reflection to activities surrounding self and state governance. He may have been called Confucius but that's because in war ridden environment, like Asia was of then, in order to save lives he provoked sides through creative effects, Impressionism.

Since people don't know how to act  certain manipulations of the enemy is justified, being that greed leads men to possess. Illusionist impress upon persons to act in order to force those who threaten, to prove their basis/bias.

The source code for men's rage is from not knowing their fathers, should a child long for guidance/help they find it in Our Father.

Interesting what's the symbolic for Goliath? I don't know could be the king, or his falos? Men who are sexually starved usually are violent by nurture. Should there be a smart woman by his side he usually pipes down. No wonder the royals are always horny, who disguises it well gets the crown.󾌩😇

The source code for men's rage is from not knowing their fathers, should a child long for guidance/help they find it in Our Father.

Sometimes the question stands why do women stay when being abused? They pray for our Fathers mersey to renew the soul, if not for the prayers men will be drying out in the sun. To pray for salvation is to forgive. When a wife sits to ask the husband to leave the worries of the world, she pleads for him to stop hurting her, should he turn his face away, she leaves the abode.

Men talk of nagging wives yet fail to see their timidity.

When mothers are pulling at their sons for affection send them back to their husbands, should the mothers persist create a fight in the mothers home, should she threaten to bring in the rest of the family fight the husband.

When the husband comes with tears from his father appeal to the father, should the mother of the husband fight the union between father and son, withdraw.

I am sure everyone listening to the anthem are standing erect while I am On top of the world.󾌩😇✌󾍔󾆐😎󾌺󾌽󾍁󾆢 what a moody bugger I am.

Isn't it wonderful to have a gal that can do everything? Both whoop your ass and give a kiss?

Only a woos for a guy wouldn't know how to bring out a lady in a tramp, the lady drowns in sorrows for his timidity, so she has to put on the boots; where is Dora the explorer? She's gone with Diegoooool. By the way who let the dogs out?

When men see the disastrous acts/methods that tyrants use in dealing with people there is bound to be an uprising, messages of how to live a peaceful life springs up from all corners of the earth.

Morality has layers of applications, in times when there are hardships only those who try succeed at moving a step ahead, regardless of what they may face on the way.

There is a journey that everyone who's lives or beliefs have been shattered goes through. A code of conduct with a person changes and unless there is a personal decision to restrain anger usually things go haywire.

It is a conscious decision to sway from the path of revenge, should the violators persist in defensive acts a victim become a villain. Anger is blind just as love. Pain can move a person in 2 ways/direction  either to self destruct "pity" or they move places to heal.

Only people who do t know how to manage themselves invent guns, the foundations of the security industry is based on insecurities of people, which includes the sycophants in the medical world that seek to manipulate minds for their own gain. Maybe Feud defined the innate drive of men's psychological influence for being boobs but it took the religious dogmas to fuel that crave, by labelling expression of affection as sin. What is sin? Is it the natural/normal crave for affection or is it the carnal intentions of men to manipulate?

Same regulations on antiabortion movements are fuelled by zealots who don't understand that while saying women should birth children aren't endorsing on men adequate behaviour nor do they educate them properly on the nature of women and the demands of the world.

I have already expressed my views on what it takes to have good children by nature, and if the churches are creating strife between sexes what are we going to have for the path-o-logical effects on an embryo developing within a violent environment? Do men know that how they treat and feel about their wives during conception affects the psycho-logical state of being of a child and pretty much speaks for who they are through out their life?

Children that are often discriminated often go through violent fits and on the other extreme very mellow, silently drifting in and out of lifestyles and tricks for survival against oppressive behaviours of men and people who deem themselves to be of a superior race. Superiority complexes are healed with meditation and hard labour.

It is a self affirmative and a will to heal through active duty, in order not to reflect on society the  afflicted soul. Kids that run away do not run away because they are loved, they run to seek solace, some find it and some don't.

To seek ways of saving a child born in faith is to fight from the first weeks of his birth against doctors who have become disheartened. How wonderful is faith in action. Who is black isn't dark, who's white isn't often bright.

The only reason why Confucius is misunderstood is that readers can't seem to separate and then fuse the personal and social principles he upheld and informed others on his journeys and learnings to find applicability in different situations.

I am sorry to say this but the Christian direction of the Jehovah witnesses are the most oppressive lot; can't marry anyone other than from the faith, what crap is that? What if for the most part the persons within are daft? Should a deep soul result in disrespecting himself to a mediocre life by just having someone birth a child yet left isolated in mind and body? I have cousins who I adore but that religious direction of worship is tyrannical "no logic" but woven in fear and spare me please the banter on that level.

And what's with the deeper life fellowship? Women and men looking drab and haggard, that's what people who are in fasting look like, its for a period of time to understand what's of essence and not completely abandoning the idea of living to the fullest without loosing soul.

Yes every kid who today is an icon started from the church but why? Most people think that the arts is for riff raffs, same with sport. Let me ask the squeaky clean professions that exist today, where did they originate from?

I mean medicine is founded on butchery if you delve deep enough as to the starting point of surgery.

How about law? Isn't it a code of conduct by persons who violated against the violators? Where are the gangs of New York? Who is keeping the streets in order? When the youth are not handled appropriately "with honour to their lives" they become the menace on the streets.

The era of David is the era of the Stone Age; in reference to the level of education people possessed. What does it take to lift the spirit up? In my youth it was Sri Aurobindo's practical meditations, as well as the bible, not forgetting working and having fun󾌩😎󾍁󾌲󾆲

If you look at the names of the philosophers Confucius (to cure confusion) you have to change the Sri Aurobindo (aura been into) environment you are affected by.

People like me put on weight in a depressive and oppressive environment, it should be known that a persons ability to loose weight is based on the state of mind not just the level of activity/exercise.

I wonder if the Christians aren't the Islamists in disguise?!

Can anyone handle my depths? Hence you see faith thrown round and about the world. To assimilate knowledge for one person alone without cracking takes years, as well as interest in what one is pursuing. What does it take to be an interesting person? Spontaneity, free of inhibitions of others.

Reason why I laugh today is that those who wanted me to go to school didn't notice I was watching them. Do what I say not what I do? Hmmmmm? Does that really work? This advice implies that unless you can do what I do don't take the steps I do.

What I don't understand is how can men who see miracles happening can be the same men who drive women into church, then same will take up arms to violate sanity.

How can a man that asks for a friend to be sent by the heavens in return see a friend as an enemy? Do people who are hurt not need companionship?

Someone once told me "I love you" I said I don't know what love is" which meant I didn't come to destroy but to restore the temple that was once rubbed off its worth.
Ah boys boys when they say I love you it means I want to slay you. Who cares takes steps.

What does it take to hold someone close? What does it take to push someone away? Commodores - open the doors of heaven or one will find their way through the windows. Navigating through emotions and sensitivity between people.

Past relationships that hadn't been solved tend to draw one back into what wasn't meant to be. If one is seeking closure, then what's the price to the future? Holding on to pictures is a sign that one hadn't left the past behind, it's a representation of a deep seated regret, but who is paying the price of neglect?

What pushes someone to flirt with their destiny in exchange for a moment of delusion? I guess it's a choice and we all have to live with the consequences.

Parents who separate their kids from being with someone they wanted to be with often leave a baggage of temptations that may ruin the children's lives. I once told a guy cut off all the strings before moving to the next, he thought I hated him, I needed to make sure he knew what he was doing by confronting the issue head on but he ran, although today everything seems fine but I know there is still a spot that hadn't been cleared roving in the air of doubt.

Reason why it's hard for men to talk to men is because they know what they have in their minds. If men want to be in disarray, mothers need to rise. Putting sisters in as an aid only makes things worse,  as sibling rivalry is perpetuated by parents; for not having the knowledge of how to raise children into adults.

David was the son of Solomon, after Solomon messed with his kingdom there was nothing left but to go on the road. David is kown as a better ruler by learning through his fathers deeds.

Reason why the bible is mixed up is that if it be assembled men will stop wondering the earth as there will be a definitive example to follow rather than seeking one's own path. Men wondering the earth patronised the need for populating, which is why you see men standing by the idea that it was good for Solomon to have many wives. David wasn't that stupid as he saw his mothers tears.
Loads of boys are dieing in the shadows of their fathers.

Ever wondered why the Jews had been persecuted for following the laws of Moses rather than Christianity? Ever wondered why the Israelites go from place to place? Ever wondered why the Jews were persecuted for refusing to pay taxes? Can one make a people who have been outcasts to adhere to any tyrannical rule? I'd rather die than kiss ass.

Ever wondered why nicknames are better descriptors of people rather than the names given by parents?

John the Baptist was sent by the Romans to deceive people, which is why when he failed he was slain.

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