
Wait there I am coming.

What do people think the Queen doesn't fart or fuck? Wait there I am coming.

Men presume that women are demanding of them to do things that are beneath them yet have little thought to feeding off of the hearts they hurt. Ever wonder why women turn evil?

To separate is a long journey for most women, it's not just a separation from husband but from the family and friends, it's a separation from social dogmas, fears of being extricated by all because they hold women by default while men run free even within a perceived union. Women find it harder to move on but once done they only look back when people keep reminding them they regret to have done them wrong. Should there be children it's even worse as they keep drawing them back to the memories of what is gone. There are women who for staying inflict on their kids the pain for being cowardly and the spyroll of events within continues.

Women who leave their kids behind are scorned and not just for the broken home but for fear in the knowledge that most men don't know how to handle kids. I have known families that when the man remarries the "wives" maltreat the kids, Africa is full of it and I am not the first to go through this.

When a man marries a wife for the sake of having someone watch over them it's either he treats her bad or she leaves.

Daddy gave me and my brother deservingly a trashing once and afterwards only his eyes were a warning enough. Honestly I got more whippings from him for once smacking my bro when we were kids, the funny thing is Osas didn't cry when I whooped him and as soon as he saw dad driving in from work belted out in tears. Osas is a piece of work to handle, I was better when younger I guess we are now at par. My tear head Neva start 󾌩😇 other than that dad always used parables and sayings as a method to drive the message. He is always worried about my wordspels, daddy I don't give a hoot.

Remember Uncle Uyi speaking to me on the phone telling me that dad is saying "when did Alsu become so stubborn?" Dad I always was, just now an ass for a man brings Muhammed out of me.

In order to manage people, to be objective about situations it demands that both sides be heard. If one is smiling during serious matters it is usually presumed that they are guilty.

In the course of ones journey one always meets different types of people and attributing a religion to being a definitive profile of a nation is paramount to asking for trouble.

When someone walks into a home of a person usually pompousness is met with an equal level of arrogance. When someone comes in with a humble disposition usually they are welcomed, stupid people however take it as a sign of worthlessness. Arabian women culturally are thought about courtesy and ways in protecting oneself from men who presume that a smile means deftness.

To make judicial analysis of a religion one shouldn't just look to what is said by others but what one has experienced from others. Politics for the most part is propaganda and I suppose that should I have not had the experience and a mix of cultural upbringing as well as travel I would be like most who follow the general noise that is being sent by rulers who chose to downgrade another for their own gain, in the end when all is over what shows is the result of ones actions.

As a woman who has experienced cultures I can strongly say that I have never been disrespected by the Muslim men, friends that I have, both in Russia and in Northern Nigeria both white, black and mixed muslim families have been the most fun with and I am sure that there are those who would say differently.

The defensiveness of Christians is unbelievable, you would think that a religion that propagates to be the greatest would have some level of confidence, however with the history of how Christianity was founded wouldn't it be right to say that hurting is the foundation of the rules of Christianity ie looking at the 10commandments.

The chants "prayers " alone is enough to say of the tranquility that flows is sound based, a calming effect that nations living in extreme temperatures need. The desert land does not allow for weak mindedness to exist.

I don't know but that's my view.

Considering that most men need ego boosting to have an erection any wonder why women hide their faces?

If going by the story of Abraham 2 children were divided by a jealous woman, at that time it wasn't defined as Christianity or Islam, all served/listened to God through messengers and dreams that were given to a selected few which is where I would presume all the rules and regulations come from that eventually were made into a compilation and called a name.

Given that people didn't read at the time stories were ways people passed knowledge from generation to generation and in many cases salt and pepper was added to amplify the imaginations of people as that's what most desired because without an imagination to survive is almost impossible; life will be grounded and eyes locked in darkness. In contrast we know as adults that an over inflated ego has a tendency to be blind to the reality of life and the way of man.

Would I be wrong for saying that every nation possesses both the good/cruel, bad/active, Ugly/greedy set of people? Why then should theology of a kind be considered the one and only? Is it because scriptures are compiled more in a book called bible? How about those who misinterpret it for their own gain? For all it could be even mine are flawed, I don't state that what I post is applicable to everyone but should someone find it useful then hey be my guest use it however be careful in claiming it's an absolute thing to follow, these are my experiences and memories and hopes and wishes all intertwined, same it is with other books of wisdom that I read.

I question everything not what others do in their lives except they bring it to my hearing or use it to hurt someone or me.

It's amazing but does it really matter where a person meets someone? For all I see girls who are taken from their fathers home are also treated like legal prostitutes ie "here is money for the week for food that he himself will wallop, then pretend he has sex, plays with kids for an hour a day, screams at the maids, quarrels with the wife about the stupidity of the maids and what"? That's love in the mind of the average male. Kings of the rocks, they like to throw stones, climb the ladder while trampling on hearts forgetting that sooner or later what goes up surly comes down, ah I forgot, to be decent is harder to succeed as asking permission makes everyone aware what your intentions are. Yeah I guess the Islamic way works better.

Aesthetics vs morality - you can hide behind etiquette but the real person is always seen through the actions they take.

When people hold you in their fears the only way to move is to break out. Guilty people tend to label advice as bad as it propels the lazy to act in order to survive.

I didn't grow up with weak women for grandmothers and I see no reason why a man would subject me to following the women he himself didn't respect. Giving the impression that one loves the family yet behind their backs creating trouble renders a person to being spineless. Boys are cultured into showing respect to mothers through fear yet in their hearts they seek to break out. Using a wife to fight mothers and sisters possessive attitudes is low, then turning around to blame the wife is paramount to seeking ones own downfall.

Genghis by taking his mother and leaving his wife kept his honour and saved his wife as if he took his wife he would have been seen as a coward. Family ties has codes according to social standards and his wife left behind fuelled the ambition to go after the enemies. The captors of his wife were stupid to have thought that by having her they had won. I am sure he consorted with his wife about leaving her behind. His mother wouldn't have forgiven him if she was left behind, boys are often afraid of the curse of their mothers. Should a mother be left behind the wife becomes the enemy of the family.

I have a vast array of cultures in me that allows me to know what is appropriate to do when it comes to dealing with family matters.

Basic skills in farming, hunting, fishing translates into skills in leadership. What does it take to be a Shepard? It's both to watch and to bark/guide when the blind don't see where the wolf is.

There is a reason before a battle the Asians send forth a bird, Noah did the same thing by sending a dove to know if the waters have subsided.

Where does dictatorship originate from? Oppressive mothers and passive fathers create such. Over centuries or should I state that when women are subjected to a domicile lifestyle what happens is that unharnessed energy suppressed, neglectful acts that subjects her to spending lonely nights breeds turmoil within an individual. A child that is afraid to break loose from his mother eventually results in tyrants "repressed emotions".

Advice to youth who have a friend who grow up with oppressive parents, attack that parent full frontal as that is not parenting.

Boys tend to tell their friends about the behaviours of parents if you don't stand up for a friend you are not a friend.

For a tyrant to succeed it's either the people are daft or there are those who around support the actions. People elect their own doom by being lazy.

Mothers who choose to divide their sons from their wives forsake of keeping their own illusions tend to tell their sons of how their wives are thinking of poisoning them, in effect exposing the thoughts they had.

The worst thing that can ever happen to a woman in diaspora is to be surrounded by women who have gone through hardships and instead of guiding they tell their stories of how they had been taken advantage of by their ignorance and in the process set the young person mindset towards fear.

Unfortunately with the girls that our boys marry and bring home from abroad or be it even from another state is that the cultural shock results in constant fights.

Those who read fairy tales know how to makeup stories and slide situations. Religions seem to have tuned those who listen to dogmas of of imagination same with bad politicians.

Those who demand perfection should be prepared to do.

Those who say one can't act their words lead the paths of richeousness.

What's the point in hiding when everyone is blind? Rush like a bull, roar like a tiger.

In knowing who you are, then to have scouted the terrain, prepare for the show.

How to train your dragon? Start a public fight and make it fun. Every mission has a vision behind it, the objective is the message/action behind it.

Lead management is about story telling be it yours or others, those who are willing will always connect the dots.

If parents have scared their children of of making personal life decisions how will they have the guts in making business decisions? If kids don't cut off at the age when they are having dreams from the fears of their parents then the path is into employment. Even in the employment environment people are placed in positions where they need to make decisions.

Yes sometimes management and directors disagree on what to do the choice is its either them or you.

A government that calls for help should prepare its universities towards the chance of being heard. Announcing on radio that youth need help isn't enough, as when the  business people arrive those universities stand in defensive positions; which reveals that it is a business not a government approved institution. It's quite dark what's happening in countries where an educational institute is a business not an establishment for developing people.

There is no point in someone saying that they have skills yet unable to pass it on to others. As a person I make sure I complete the job I set out to do no matter how long it takes, I try not to let go of people but should they wish to go I keep tabs and help when they return in getting back their strengths again.

As an adult I consider myself successful because of the lives I had held myself responsible for.

I consider it incompetent of leaders or directors who state that the reason for sacking someone is because they have been incompetent. The world of business is about continuous growth, it is an ever evolving environment and only those who choose to opt out is deemed unfit. It is a war game and being a warrior implies one always seeks new grounds or revives old foundations that need to support new heights.

How do I want to be remembered? A pain in the head󾌩😇󾍁󾍔󾆢󾠣

As soon as you tell that someone why you like them the chemistry dies. When you have nothing nice to say to the person you care about best to smile and have the glitter in the eyes, by the way a kiss reveals how someone is, not necessarily how they feel about you.

The energy flow within a person transfers to the other. Of course connecting an various levels helps but what keeps it going? Both from time to time need a breather or having different activities within and outside the home.

Flirt with looks, tease with compliments and romance with intimacy both personal and on social grounds.

To me the biggest hypocrites are those who say how dare such exist yet you catch them sneaking round the corner, so ya'll might as well suck on that dick women cos most men are wild which is why they look for fun elsewhere with the prunes for wives who dream in quiet to have fun. Africans baffle me the most with pretentious statements.

Most men find it hard to digest the fact that they need to be shown how to woo and be with  women so the option is either you leave them in their ignorance or do whatever comes to mind.

There is no doubt in my mind having songs that has lyrics on what to do would help the prunes since sex scenes feel more embarrassing to those, everyone has their preferences which is why porn also exists and on a variety of levels from soft to hard.

When the energy is high or low the choices are abound.

Get to know the person before flirting, there sure are those who kill the interest in knowing them further even after having been with them.

Flirting is also intimate by simply not having sex but body to body touching.

On the stance of friendship it's best not to have any kind of expectations and do stuff yourself, this way backbiting will cease to exist.

A gift isn't a gift when it's asked for, a compliment isn't a compliment when demanded.

By the way I am not that kind that craves for flowers or complements I am capable of doing those things myself. Smile in the mirror it's a better self appreciative act.

Ever wonder why people don't like the raw truth? Well it always questions their once held illusions of self and others. Tough talk spoken in tongs.󾌩😈

When giving tips on the topics of "How will I know?" It begs to mention that one is always dealing with 2 situations either the singles or the married, honestly? Both ask these questions when they are falling in deep into the personality of the person.

Now if one isn't comfortable with being drawn to the person withdraw but not without explains that that is the actual reason. Sitting and dilly dallying doesn't help as it puts the other in a state of limbo. Would the question how do I feel around that person be more clearer to ask oneself while not forgetting to ask the other how they feel around you?

At this stage in my life after being through it all I am still the same person I always was I never joke with people and even before I am told that a relationship is over I make all efforts to make if easier for the other to breakup.

I mean is it hard to know if someone wants you in their life or not? Are fears guiding your decisions? Adults aren't really afraid of being said no as that may imply not being ready or a situation doesn't permit for things to go smoothly for all.

Pulling someone into your life then treating them bad isn't caring for the other but for oneself. Ever wonder why some women pull the trigger? Do men feel funny in situations where they are asked or made to feel like they are being done a favour by hanging around them? I don't think so.

People who are moody are those who can't speak up, suppressed feelings turn into emotions. Frustration is as a result of not doing what makes one happy, pouring it out on another ends up in breakups, best to say and do.

Does anyone understand how the game of monopoly is played? Set land mines everywhere and blow yourself up to win the game, some brats need teaching a lesson on how to wage war on not thy turf.

People who don't know how to manage relationships with their God child will struggle with their own.

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