
Liberty is of the mind.

Reasons slavery existed and still does; In the past on one side the need for labour as most white people were emancipated but they sure enslaved each other before Africa and the rest of the world. On the other hand the naive Chiefs as well as dubious Chiefs who wanted to get rid of some of their enemies and tribes.

In the present its same enslavement happening on a cross section and it isn't discriminative anymore as mind manipulation is fuelled by greed as a result of megalomania. Black people treat their staff even worse these days than even the whites as political restrictions have been placed. Yeah I guess that enslaving your own is more tolerable these days but does that make it right?

Simply stated of course it's deeper and more complex. Freedom is the right of all centhian beings, Liberty is of the mind.

Busta Rhymes - Dangerous (original)
When judges are seated to pretend to be pro family in effect what happens is it fuels the desire to divorce, as a dispassionate figure who him or herself may be going through family turmoil yet can't speak up tends to make judgemental/bias decisions. If people are going to court for a divorce then it is should be about property or for custody over the children which can be handled behind closed doors, should external parties interfere thats when it becomes a public affair.

In my case I have no qualms in handing him the kids, the funny thing is, a guy who can't manage himself how can he manage the kids, this is what rules women in the struggle for the kids. Knowing my dad I can't say that that's an overall pattern for men. Mothers aren't best either, when they are bitter about the union; women turn bitter because they have been dogged by socially imposed rules.

Other than that the kids need a balance which I am not opposed to so long as either party shares the care both emotionally and financially.
Id be damned before I pay a lawyer to have a divorce, if the governmental municipalities make it difficult I simply abandon the idea, after all the only reason many seek divorce is because they wish to remarry. What if there is still a bond between the divorced couple, how does that protect the person who may have been drawn into a relationship with one or either?

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (COLOR and ORIGINAL TRUE STEREO) - Jailhouse Rock Movie
Looks like the church/society keeps one in the marriage that kills the soul, then the lawyers milks someone dry for the mistake of being led by dogma.

Why can't children desire for themselves what to do? Why should parents dictate a life of a child when basic amenities such as general school is available, are there jobs where kids who don't fit in the general scaled institutions? If parents are having children for social status then such issues as what children should be busy with will surface between couples and often leads to bitter fights.

When judges are seated to pretend to be pro family in effect what happens is it fuels the desire to divorce, as a dispassionate figure who him or herself may be going through family turmoil yet can't speak up tends to make judgemental/bias decisions. If people are going to court for a divorce then it is should be about property or for custody over the children which can be handled behind closed doors, should external parties interfere thats when it becomes a public affair.

In my case I have no qualms in handing him the kids, the funny thing is, a guy who can't manage himself how can he manage the kids, this is what rules women in the struggle for the kids. Knowing my dad I can't say that that's an overall pattern for men. Mothers aren't best either, when they are bitter about the union; women turn bitter because they have been dogged by socially imposed rules.

Other than that the kids need a balance which I am not opposed to so long as either party shares the care both emotionally and financially.

Id be damned before I pay a lawyer to have a divorce, if the governmental municipalities make it difficult I simply abandon the idea, after all the only reason many seek divorce is because they wish to remarry. What if there is still a bond between the divorced couple, how does that protect the person who may have been drawn into a relationship with one or either?

Cell Block Tango
Looks like the church/society keeps one in the marriage that kills the soul, then the lawyers milks someone dry for the mistake of being led by dogma.

Why can't children desire for themselves what to do? Why should parents dictate a life of a child when basic amenities such as general school is available, are there jobs where kids who don't fit in the general scaled institutions? If parents are having children for social status then such issues as what children should be busy with will surface between couples and often leads to bitter fights.

It's a personal decision for any couple/person to make up their mind if they want to be ruled by sociopolitical policies or milked for making the mistake.

There are more divorced legally married people than singles who have a real relationship. If I only knew that's my mantra right now. Isn't having a child for someone not a marriage already? Well when you have people calling your child a bastard I guess what's left for a girl to do?

Nina - Ed Sheeran [Official Audio]
If a man loves his children why be mean to their mother? Is it guilt?

I am the type of woman that would pay a man alimony to have freedom. The only reason gender equality is surfacing is because men have taken advantage of women through abuse.

Ben E. King - Save the last dance for me
What's a good marriage? Simply put; sex, duty , self fulfilment, if either of these don't exist, then there is always a problem that eventually leads to a disconnect. Self fulfilment is a personal prerogative, duty is weighed upon principles people adhere towards the kids and what it takes to bring them up safe, soundness in this aspect is relative as oppressing a child to becoming successful and happy is fleeting, as regards sex it balls down to the image both have about themselves and life.

Unfortunately there are lazy women that are fighting for policies that take advantage of hardworking women from hardworking fathers.
My question would be why do men want to get married? There is no question why girls "want" to get married, social pressure. If guys are running from commitment because they want the liberty to 1. Probably make a better choice, well then women have the same rights, however guys with their physical "ego" strength can hurt a girl who doesn't want to be tied down. Had one like that, when I broke up he assaulted me in front of his friends and they approved because they felt that I was wicked not to have answered to his supposed affections, meanwhile they never saw what he was doing when they weren't there.

Guys assault girls that refuse them sex or a reciprocation of affection. Guys stalk women who choose to leave because they are concerned about how their friends will see them, especially those who have been prior married.

What's the point in telling someone who is not responsible to be responsible, that only aggravates the situation.

If most men because of laziness see it beneath them to do domestic work and it's even worse in Africa to change their own child's dipper why even seek to live with a girl? Are boys looking for a replacement for their mamas?

His friends were looking for someone he could fuck and get him of their backs by being miserable, which is why they cheered at the beginning.

He was never there, I am only struggling because I feel sorry for him and sad for the kids, but then I guess it's tough luck for me.

Jordan loved his first nanny, he always had names for them which were abbreviations since he couldn't pronounce their names fully.

Veronica was Balo, our driver Kazeem was named Tasi, the other driver Toyin was called Tuyi, and Florence is Flosha.

In my family we are always fond of making out fav names with endearing sounds.

Let me as usual burst the bubble, when someone is asking if someone loves them; if someone doesn't know why ask the question?

As much as guys want their space it's also an indication that they aren't likely to be of a caring type.

Kids that are brought up sheltered often don't know how to share, I do consider that kids who are allocated their own room or corner are likely to be territorial.

Big families tend to have a more friendlier disposition, however the other side is if there is no balance the effect can be that of seclusiveness.

Parents who badger their children for self directing affection or push them too hard on social etiquette tend to look for isolation.

Parents that openly express tender affection through prayers of good will often give their kids a nurturing disposition and positive outlook towards life.

Rearing children through fear makes them insecure.
Tradition is based on rules that profits someone, hopefully those traditions that should be honoured are those that spread faith than rubbing someone off of joy.
How many toads should one kiss on the journey of hope? I look like I don't have faith in people it's the institution and the absurdity of people's self serving demands I have issues with. At 35 I know I am young in body but my heart is tired of believing in false hopes from those who don't put their foot where the mouth is.

What stops people from achieving their dreams? Social order of what should or shouldn't be.

Considering that someone who wears good clothes or a better car to be wise maybe true however can you do what they do should they tell you what they had done to attain what they have?

People who are rich had to pay their dues too but may not be without sacrifice of self, someone or something.

Those who may be practising match making usually don't bring anyone to the door, what happens is they are approached when 2 people meet and often in a party setting, a gathering of some kind. Match makers are often whistle blowers if you know what I mean, they usually exist in societies with rigid social etiquette, which is what the churches of now a days are doing, sad that the restrictive rules in society were set by those who benefit from it.

Nightmares are blessings as they persuade towards attention but there are those that are quick in trying to forget them rather than see it through, same it is with how people respond to messages that hurt their senses.

Those whose illusions have been shattered are often enlightened. Those who are sitting and hoping for miracles without effort are in for a rude awakening.

People like to enjoy watching others just as they like to watch cartoons seldom asking what was hidden in the tales.

There are messages that are pretty straight forward and there are those that are woven in with the personal emotions and trials of those who wrote them, same it is with films and music.

Анжелика Варум - Вавилон 1993 (+18)
Every art piece has symbolic meanings which can be interpreted in various ways, what one sees is different from how it makes one feel. Painters in the process of making a piece are weaving in emotions and circumstances through colours which is why certain arts bring luck and some bring sorrow. What was the intent is always hidden in the strokes.

I do strongly advice people to choose art not based on someone else's persuasion but how it makes you feel or reason. What a piece speaks to me about may not speak to you, same reason why people fall into arguments over anything they can't connect to.

I guess it evident that I don't take prisoners, what a heavy burden to carry on ones coincidence others actions.

To be a musketeer is isn't easy and telling people the blunt truth is dangerous, only the brave can regardless of what circumstances they find themselves in.

What does it take to be a friend? Is it the illusion of togetherness or the act of connecting to oneself through the world?

Sometimes to be a friend one must draw swords on issues that may affect the future regardless of how painful it may be to admit that one was wrong and in reciprocation to be understood.

No one is a bastard, those who hold senseless statements, targeting towards creating dispassionate hearts, pointing/taking advantage of others personal circumstances can make one feel like a nobody.

To know oneself one must travel either through geography or history in each you will still find both, they are memories and deeds of people.
Doves are blue, birds without nests yet are fed.

Ever wonder the symbol of why when doves are let out people feel happy? It signifies the end of a limbo, sad it's done on wedding days or celebrations; delusions.

Wyclef Jean- knocking on heavens door lyrics
What is eternal? Dreams, quests, desires.

Ever longing, ever wishing, ever needing. Presence.
Need I say what it takes to be loyal, faithful and possess beauty? This is war.

Naked Queen on a parade. Ha, everyone is laughing while she shows her ignorance. I suppose in certain countries this discuss wouldn't take place if there were respectful and honourable lawyers.

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