
Women's rights and healthcare.

Some points to women in politics as regards fighting for women's rights and healthcare. A healthy woman is a healthy family, don't know if happiness is the right way to have put the quote we all know.

Happiness is a fleeting emotion that has a variety of faces and I believe everyone to an extent is responsible for the source of their happiness.

I had a grandmother who went through hell as a child of war and in her case she didn't allow herself a moment to think about personal pleasure her life was all about working and taking care of her family which included external family. It was a blessing that Russia was USSR at the time when she was young as the political system shifted religion on the second plan and kept it as a personal preference for each individual hence she worked as an electrical engineer which was a rigorous work and most times she wasn't at home but when she was she was always present.

The lack of Education in men is the cause of the difficulties women face in the world, just because a nation looks pristine does not mean a country is doing well. Men and women are an enigma to each other. The laws on marriage has stopped the progress on intersex.

The complexity surrounding woman's health doesn't permit the men in Islam to provide adequate health care to woman and child. Considering that Islamic men which includes the chauvinist in the Christian world puts women and children in danger.

For me I will not go to a woman for gynaecological services as most women in that profession are brutal, they presume because they are women that they know better and after a period of time become very cold; when they see what women go through, as gynaecologically related issues in women and children shows the level of care husbands have for their wives. I would always go for men in that profession and my doctor was a man.

When it comes to children then women are more compassionate in that area. The main reason women are gynaecologist is because of religious and personal shyness towards exposing what is considered an intimate aspect of a woman, however in perspective a woman who is managed by a male gyny is likely to see a therapist in the Doctor, personally I had that and grateful to him.

Affections between a couple predetermine not just their lives but that of the character of a child or children. Ever wondered why the eldest kids in the family are given the preference for leadership in a family and a socially accepted norm?

To submit is a realisation that there is a need to look at oneself and others while seeing what or who needs to go first. Religion out to help people reduce their egocentric desires to be first and only as the basic instinct within every person is to compete. I find it daft to fight siblings but unfortunately parents fuel the negative aspects in kids when it comes to striving.

In Nigeria as I have seen most women are desirous of having a male child first and feel down when it's a girl, having a boy in their mind often indicates kingship as men seem to think that they had performed their duty, on the other hand duty is in action through out the life of a  person or child not the image but acts.

Women have been considered second class as a result of those simplistic beliefs. In the old days having male children represented a families ability to sustain and secure the family's continuation and glory, however through history we know and have seen where girls have had to stand up for family welfare. I would ask what if the mental capacity of a person brings a family down? Don't we know kings who have led their countries to doom? We are now in the era where technology helps where physical strength is lacking.

Human desires shouldn't be taken as Gods will. Personal carnal ambitions have driven extremists into wars to creating their own peace.

In reference to the war between Christianity and Islam it looks like Christians like to wage war, I mean the Jews who live right in the middle of the Middle East have been fighting the Palestinians since thy kingdom come which in a way keeps fuelling the wars.  Yes maybe there is a sentimental attachment to a land but there is also natural resources that fuels the drive of the greedy into bad negation tactics. It's quite obvious and making it about religion is down right making a mockery of life.

If there is something that disciplines/focuses a mind it's embroidery.
I love the Asian meals especially the soups, dumplings and sweet snacks.

Let me be honest; knowing how men behave I will wear a hijab, it's quite disgusting to see how hungry eyes level women to a state of self gratis.

In business I hold one simple principle even if the execution of it is complex; you can't cheat an honest man but you can cheat/ask who is trying to get something for nothing. It's a widely known quote that even the English practice.

The quote ask and you shall be given shouldn't be seen as a direct permission only but has another side; those who demand will be given their portion in faith.

Boredom fuels men into war, and triggers the foolish into deceitful acts. 9/11.

How easy it is to fool people who are only interested in themselves.

The sound meaning of Islam - slain lambs, ever wonder why those who survive retaliate? This is in every person who has been scorned.

Love thy neighbour as thyself wouldn't that mean we call upon ourselves the plights we sow? Does a man sow cassava to rip up cocoyam? Raster all the way.

It's demoralising to a person and a nation to constantly be placed to defend oneself and only when a person or a nation chooses to look inward, shut off the hearing senses "those who affect your equilibrium" will one be able to clear the noise off.

The 10 commandments pretty much outlines in a simplistic way what code of conduct means. The honour part is the plagues that befall people or nations that have no code, in this case looks like everyone has fallen from grace.

Those who have been slain unjustly both the ghosts of the past always return.

The hardest part to letting go is that one can't blame others but oneself. When looking around one seeks to identify who, where and when yet one sees the sorrow of many hearts that inflict the pain on one person who wished them well.

The horrifying aspect to finding reconciliation between siblings is that one child could be treated more fairly than the other and when a sibling that has been hurt try's to speak up the other shuts them out, the guilty party who instigates them against each other always presents a 2 face appearance where at the point when one is trying to show understanding the instigator seeks to put the other down. Same it is with countries who are at log a heads with each other. Find the instigators and put them to answer for their deeds, more often an instigator manipulates what is seen and what isn't to keep power over both. It's at this moment a rebellious act is employed.

We often ask where do terrorists come from? Well someone is demanding of of the other a consensus to a problem.

Considering that the foundations of the American society was made of the undesirables from England mostly making up of the Northern Europeans is there any surprise as to the manner with which decisions were made? When fighting someone who has no code I have no respect even if I have a code/honour.

How best to educate students? Have them make films about people in a variety of industries as a starting point into industrial practice. People are often interested in others rather than a subject matter, I consider that an indirect training method.

Teachers should be story tellers or what's there to say about getting kids interested in doing anything. Sitting and reprimanding children for not being interested in a topic speaks for a teachers lack of interest hence I was always bored in class.

Those who think about making money seldom can see anything profitable even in a stone. What's the use? That's the starting point to seeing how something or someone applies to anything. Same it is in relationships, most calculating people make choices in marriage based on how useful is a person when they don't see it they start treating the other as useless, well farewell people are not tools to be measured based on attributes that are superficial.

A lot of advanced technologies are useless for the African or middle eastern environments, going back to innocence demands setting basic needs of people focused on expanding social interaction.

In the first year of university I will focus here on the TV and media no one knows what is their calling and teaching on the industry professionals limits the function of making movies and advertising materials. Teaching students on just their immediate techniques limits the imaginative a that one can do. Considering that media technology and materials are made by scientists as well as psychologists it would make sense to introduce a variety of industrial clips rather than thinking analytical skills develop from criticising others creative pieces.

I was asked to give a peer to peer skills analysis, I saw that as degrading and digressing the art of appreciation of a colleague, if people can't apply a critique on themselves how can they appreciate others?

I remember flying with dad to Russia in 86 to visit Grandpa it was the last time I saw him, he was a communications engineer unfortunately by that time he had lost his legs and grandma had to take over managing the family and working at the same time, I don't know if she would have been able to if there wasn't a system that took care of its citizens.

I will be apologetic for the following statement that I make but most Arabic and Asian people have turned into wizles as survival does imply being a crook at points when there is no other option and men who are lazy, sitting in governments warming their asses should get out or hell will be abound, ever wonder why the Middle East is always at war or on the brink?

Stadiums, theatres are empty, dilapidating yet people are complaining that there are no jobs, who is networking with each other? Who is connecting on a higher level? More interested in who is sleeping with who rather than being busy. It tears my heart when I look in an ignorant mans bloodshot eyes from crying the previous night because he got rejected I turn my cheek to lip servers.

Ever wonder the alternatives for feeding people in bad economic zones? Load foods in packets that are similar to that of cat food packages. In times of war people eat anything they can find. Packaged foods as a business serves not just those who work but preserves food for emergency moments of a country due to weather changes that affect farming. Think about the Joseph times of famine for the eastern african regions. I am not indicating that rats be packaged 󾌩😈 pigeons are chickens in perspective (hope the Greenpeace movement knows how to fight the whale killers). Pigeons are considered a gurme meal, for those who eat bushmeat, I don't think that would sound as ridiculous.

What's the point in watching football if there is no will to play?

If weight is a problem for men how come bigger women have more energy for it, while it slows down the men. Talk about who is really fat.

Sad but in Africa guys are likely to persuade their friend into cheating than telling him to sort his sex issues with his partner.

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