
In the woods, out on the streets.

There are 2 methods of writing that i have identified; an inward reflection of self or society, or an outward reflection of self or society, either way it is all writing to me; my questions are always about purpose. Is it to make a mockery or to compliment any piece that i choose to write about. I certainly hate to criticise without an objective direction towards a specific thing or person. I tend to criticise leadership styles rather than attacking someone or something however i may come across to others as a mean critic simply because i have targeted my addresses towards a person. In my earlier writings i came across as a negative persona simply because no one understood at the time what i was referring to. 

I write either to heal myself or to heal society that had hurt me and without a level of critique it is difficult to drive a point to the end.I had noticed that a societies temperament determines the direction of my write-ups. In respect to the societies i had grown and visited i strive to have and set a balance between positive and negative directives to my messages. I have developed a certain attitude towards the Russian, English and Dutch society. The people i had met in these societies have formed a picturesque image in mind, that only when i choose to listen is when i hear what is being said. I have people i had developed pleasant and negative memories with from all nationalities which is why i can’t possibly be pro this or pro that, which is why i may be seen as an Oliver Twist, as most would like me to be either pro or against, forgetting that it is my choice after all.
When one sees a society or a person in trouble and there is no way to reach them and slap them into consciousness then a revolutionary spirit awakens.
Sometimes i find it hard to explain the physical attributes of nature, i am not that much of a romantic, probably because i had seen too much of reality, its much more easier to describe behavioural patterns of a society or person due to having a natural inkling into psychology.

Can i describe how your smile makes me feel or should i act based on how you made me feel, that is easy. I'd rather paint a picture than idolise a situation. Waterfalls are a representation of tears, a relief and a counter deflector of negative images within the walls of a taped soul.

Its easier for men to describe the physical attributes of women as well as how they feel about the illusive bird, its easier for a woman to express actions taken towards her than describe the physical attributes of a man she once held dear to her heart. When a man is physically described he usually becomes very self conscious as most men innately feel inadequate about their looks, women are easier in that retrospect except a direct attempt was made at hurting her in order to keep her tied down.
I am a reflective writer and a projective leader.
When people are forcefully introduced into intimacy they often loose touch with the sensual aspects of relating to people or places. Innocence is an illusion but even when "rubbed" off that innocence it takes on another form of illusion.
Sex in its physical act is brutal especially for girls as yes we all know it is painful at first try. What makes it worse is the social taboo that revolves around the act, when people are shamed for expressing affection even with something as normal as crying whats there to say about sex needless to mention if it is found that she had an abortion. Religious forceful pressure on women had a profound effect on how most women related to sex and that in return creates tension even after a woman had married.

Most writers live from hand to mouth and the nearest available means for sustaining themselves is through gambling however gambling is as addictive as drugs because In the old days and even now the application of a piece in theatres or as now for future productions is limited.

Governments forgetting or principally dismissing the need for writers because they are for the most part considered a nuisance to those who choose to do things in hiding puts a creative person in dire stray situation but what usually drives people to pay attention is a nearly drastic approach towards situations. There is no question that literature edifies a soul as well as society, if writers artists cease to exist there is little hope for personal or social growth.

HISTORY IS BEGOTTEN ON THE STREETS, there is no way one then could enrich their knowledge base by sitting within 4 walls.

The Trouble with Tolstoy #2
If you look around the worlds history of the 30's systems of governance that was springing up everywhere, where the population was large a communists way was adopted, in much smaller regions like the U.S. capitalism was adopted while the Scandinavian nations adopted a socio capitalistic approach which is why they had a seemingly peaceful society.
It would be naive to say that current European union states didn't have a plan for world domination which is were the military problems started in Africa. Before then Africa traded well without much turmoil with European countries and then something broke, greed replaced development. The sudden brutal ways in Uganda and the Congo, the sudden enforcement of apartheid regime in South Africa, the civil war in Nigeria to name a few; the Naija delta is a sharp fact to the reasons why and what was the core interest, of course the years of slavery gave the lords the impression that that is how to manage Africans and the greedy Chiefs made it worse.

The inability of a person to transform from one mindset to another is either fuelled by a passive attitude towards life or themselves or someone maybe profiting from such mindset or system. It's fine to think of oneself but in the end when someone lives well they become aware that having a life built on the heads of others becomes a weight few can live with.
Is it really bad to think of others? Yes and No, it can be detrimental if one forgets that certain comforts ought to exist. Those who are forced to think about others yet harbour self serving values become brutal in their ways of governance, you can't serve 2 gods doesn't apply only to situations where one is torn between mother and wife, but relates to values of service. 

If people aren't conscious of taking care of their leaders just as they care for their people then at some point a person is broken into taking decisions of brutal results.
It amazes me to see when someone seeks to break a family that supports his life yet when gone is suddenly aware that even that didn't give him the happiness he sought.
Tolstoy was the sort of person who struggled constantly with social dogmas that caged him as a kid, when he became an adult showed some level of respect for it but at latter age totally broke out of it.

His struggles with his son fuelled the problem more and his wife didn't know how to help him, as a woman living in the era of religious rule she didn't know how to fight, yes he sought his space, he couldn't directly ask for freedom from marriage because of the children, he did everything contrary to the beliefs once yearned towards but when gotten he lost interest in family life.
Soup Question - Finding Forrester
For those who seek to describe nature or the weather to compliment a piece, take pictures or and art lessons in painting, that helps.
If someone or a system takes advantage of your status then usually arguments or internal conflict rises. In making a piece I focus on conflicts as an analysis to events. If there is no conflict of interest then there is no reason for even talking.
When teachers make themselves more important than a subject or the student there is bound to be a clash with those who have a sense of fair justice.
In my understanding a job is only important when it brings purpose either to self or for others. I

n my case I look for what is important to me and I share, should persons find it irrelevant it's ok but I find it insulting when an offered piece is projected back in a negative manner only because someone can't handle the information, as usual it is in conflict with their inner system of beliefs.

I do not hold rigid beliefs hence for me to transcend isn't difficult. In what ever environment I find myself I seek not just for comfort but a point to relate to rather than dismissing everything only because it doesn't suit me. Selfish people always look for what isn't right, forgetting that their ability to see right is because there is something wrong.
Perfection is attained in a progressive effort to make better what was rather than erasing an piece just to seek attention.

If fathers seek to have a relationship with their sons only when the mother is gone then they are no fathers, as giving up the precious time can not be returned.
Your wife disturbs you from being with your child? If that happens to me I will break that door, wall or destroy that country. I guess it's the values that separates us from doing what's wrong yet is right. Nothing can bring back time except for created memories and lost times is always a sorrow in ones heart.
I am a grown woman now and those who sought to push me away then can not bring me back, same it is with lost sons of lost fathers, sitting there and blaming your wife for not having access to your children is paramount to saying you harboured pride instead of care. Those who care for their children fight for them, those who sought not always have excuses, well maybe they realise they weren't really good to their children and that guilt drives them away.

I have had to take drastic measures in bringing fathers and sons together even if I had to become the enemy. I do not beg parents to be parents, I force a level of consciousness even if it means literally becoming bad in the room. I force people to make decisions by being confrontational and trust me if words don't speak then my actions will speak even louder.
Men for the large part are deaf because of the deep seated insecurities developed in childhood towards their fathers, by their mothers or someone else who was interested in gaining leverage over someones life and that attitude transfers to the relationships formed between siblings.
Don't make promises on a desperate heart, or deny your desires for fear of being broken, for you will be held liable for expectations created on another's mind.
Very few people want to be deceived by the illusions of a grieving heart.
I am reality, I do not lie, I may only need time as my life does not belong to me alone.
People that seek to use black magic just as lies tend to evoke on themselves the wrath of it, regardless of how long it takes it completes its mission. It is written in the bible that a word is alive and it doesn't return back until it completes its journey, the hidden agenda "intent" that is left unspoken is the driving force behind events that happen, hence even a pastors prayer may not work. I was trusting too.

Those who use things like clothes of persons they target forget that by touching the object are taking on themselves the negativity they sought to project on another.
When people see dreams it's the universe giving them a distorted clue to what may be happening far or wide, there is no need to be afraid of nightmares, study the signs and look through the past actions or memories and you may find a clue.
Children that grow up with diabolical parents tend to have nightmares witch is reflected in the fears or insecurities that they exhibit towards anything or anyone they come across. It drives them into panic acts.

Black magic isn't just the rituals but a systematic method of manipulation and the only way to deal with it is direct confrontation. Persons who dabble in such are always frantic, constantly seeking to find out about what others who they are after are doing rather than minding their own business.
The crave for power drives such people to means that are unfathomable. In Africa just as in Haiti afflicted zones of war, plagues or famine within Western Africa is as a result of the negativity's and desperation within its people and rulers.

Christianity or religions may have been brought in to sort it out but when hearts aren't purified it doesn't matter if you do baptism or not with water it's only symbolic. When it is said there is devil in the church, I ask people to think twice about what they hear or are made to see, develop a critical mind towards anything directed at you, a coin has 2 sides in the end the results of actions taken is the evidence of intentions held. Results can also be fabricated by those who choose to rub another of of moving ahead.
It would be wrong for me to label the English as cynical however the persons I had met who claim to be English exhibited such attitude.
The critical views persons hold towards another's progress however slow or short lived does not justify one over the other.

Siniseezm/cynicism is a negative projection of wit, a con or conjured behaviour that is easily deciphered by those who are open minded. Cynical persons can drive someone insane, derailing efforts using distraction, it a method used by military tacticians however it doesn't yield anything positive.
In Nigeria we practise queens English, for those who understand the use of words know that to every no there is a yes and to every right there is a wrong.

To have grown in Russia in a communal environment it is quite evident when someone seeks to divide in order to conquer, such tactics do not work well with me, as the vast cultural background and experience allows me to know who stands in front of me seeking attention that was once denied.

I was brought up by family minded men and when actions are taken to separate loved ones in exchange for self gratis I employ the Kutuzov method, draw in and burn down every bridge, surround and beat the hell out of the ego maniacal mindset.
Partisan warfare is much more effective in pursuing traitors back into their own trap, cease and desist.
Those who are labelled rude are persons who give their opinion on matters that is presented willingly to them, sitting and bitching about others kids with your own kids yet not looking at yours deeds is a disastrous path to take, it refocuses and makes arrogant the kids who carry the judgement of their parents then get bitten for it.

It is said that kids are mean, simply because the unsought ideas passed on by jobless/idle/envious parents breeds arrogance. It's said pride comes before the fall, it should be said arrogance brings the fall. Pride is a focus on a job however those who have attained heights are susceptible to arrogance as succeeding can make someone forget where they came from.
I chose to be humble, I chose to live a simple life not because I don't like to live in what people consider opulence but because comforts can become habits that brings every aspect which includes mental stability to ruin.

Regardless of who I know my father to be or what his background is I take pride and i don't shy away from his memories, today they fuel my stories, I do not take others sentiments and turn them into trash, I honour people's values as theirs and I expect the same towards mine.
All About - Rudyard Kipling (Extended)
If I have no money to buy gas, I will make a hole in the ground, go find wood and ask a neighbour for a lighter, I will always survive on little as I don't see myself above life. It isn't about not wanting to have money, it's about making sure that those who seek to manipulate me can't have me without a fight and even at being captured I am willing to take my pride with me, I do not owe loyalty to people who use underhanded manners. Yes I have children but even then I am willing to give away and let them also survive as I did, after all how much can a mother continue to worry and in event turn out to feed off of her own kids souls by becoming manipulative.

Women who live their kids behind aren't worthless, ask those who put them in that situation. The hardest thing for most mothers who are mothers to do is to abandon their kids but if that is the case they do so in order not to compromise their kids lives. There are those who would say that's not right but do we like what we see in the society at large where mothers have turned scornful by staying and still their children haven't progressed except someone starts a fight.

The fleeting ideas men hold about who is a wife and who is a mother. Yes men can't look after kids as they can't work and cater for the demands that kids impose by seeking constant attention, as well as the unreasonable educational systems who instead of helping the parents are breeding slaves for the system.

In a home where both parents are working in order to sustain the ever growing bills wouldn't it make sense to give home economics classes as a standard curriculum than brainwashing their kids to rebellious acts by saying if your parent smacks you call the police, be assured that any police that comes to my house will be sued for messing with my home, overzealous ministries have now created a backlash where youth don't know how to behave or carry themselves on the street.
I was the youth who would drag my mates out of drunken brawls and unwanted pregnancies, who was there for friends even if I didn't find myself to have any. That's not my focus to gather people around for self, I am a guardian type and that demands walking alone most times, I am happy being a friend rather than developing an obsessive nature running after peoples affections. I really don't know what people think of when asking for a friend yet do not know what it really means.
A partisan is a Boy Scout.
If only you guys saw how daddy loved his back scratched, he still pulls at his singlet. Usually that's a sign that a man needs attention hehe how about a bat on that back? Osas is the same.
What a laugh daddy likes Islamic women as he hates dull women, but the hell that comes with it?, is a mess.
Daddy like I have loads of adventurous memories surviving in hot terrains. The experiences of prejudice towards blacks who date white women is unbelievable, I had mine as a "black girl dating white boys". Daddy always frowns when I talk of guys I date, well that's his protective side, he knows what men are like but instead of saying what to do he preferred to instill independence from every one which included my brother. Thanks dad.
Daddy like every African man prefers to eat native food as the level of calories doesn't keep their demand for energy however dad loves fruits and sugarcane, corn is a standard attribute in our home. Sarah veggies daddy loves them.
Osas was is like flounder when young now he is the sea gal hehe. Where are you flying always?

Liam Neeson Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | Documentary Video
Sabbath is considered family day and it isn't restricted by going to church, for everyone their own measure of being together so long as they are happy.
We have never been a family of dogmatic souls therefore we don't poses extreme oppressive beliefs. 

Within we are Muslims and Christians alike, hmmm I added Buddhism to the mix which neutralises any form of extremism. Free spirits also clash when issues need to be solved, at least we don't keep malice, I have learnt to deal with twerps.
Sometimes being over protective can drive a daughter away. Loosing your temper at the wrong moment and for the wrong reasons can alienate and plunge one into pain, when a daughter comes to speak to a father it helps that there is no mingling party who is pushing the buttons that uses manipulative tactics.

Yes daddy has a temper which is what I am afraid of why to even bring someone who one is affectionate about is scary. Being emotional about your daughters doesn't allow for them to feel comfortable. Reason why I speak to them from afar is because their emotions towards me gets the best of us ever sharing a table as fear guides most of their decisions rather than reason.
I am sorry for showing you guys of like this but I don't want my life to turn out just like peters sister. Both families have similarities and I can't spend my life sorting you all by running In between.
Oscar Wilde himself 
When it comes to friends I reserve my opinion on how they choose to live their life so long as they don't presume that I have to hop and drop what I need to do to sustain my livelihood for sake of indulging in worldly pleasures.

Same applies to my way of handling my siblings, as an elder sister I am there when I am called. My bro, I feel him from afar, senses "intuition" between us is strong even if we are not seen together often but I appear when there is a need, he doesn't need to know what I am going to do from one situation or the other, I have a discretion in how to act, and it's same, I leave it up to him simply because that's how I believe siblings ought to be.

He is younger and that puts a bit of tension as sometimes the manly ego gets to him however as a sister I act as I should, if I am to be intimidated by his status then I will rub him of objectivity as there is a tendency for people to presume that money rules all. Mistake and a big one at that. As much as I have reverence for people older and wiser than me they shouldn't take it as me being a sheep for slaughter. What makes people strong is experience.

Those who presume that they had taken my freedom because I have children are seriously mistaken.
Men are often married off as a method of becoming mature, my question is, at who's expense?
Dancing Queen - Mamma Mia
Nations and families who celebrate burials like its a wedding are in for a big surprise, by stumping on graves are burying not their strife but raising the dead.
It's amazing to see how hate for a mother can ruin a boy's life because they can't tell her to leave him alone, he cry's to them yet can't leave her.
When people say the truth it breeds curiosity in those who lie. When I speak loud the intentions in the hearts of men they become wiser.
To have witnessed treachery I have learnt to be brutal with evil minds who plot to lead astray their friend.
When people say the truth it breeds curiosity in those who lie. When I speak loud the intentions in the hearts of men they become wiser.

To have witnessed treachery I have learnt to be brutal with evil minds who plot to lead astray their friend.
Siblings that have been thought to envy each other tend to hurt others, by that have rubbed each other off of joy. Parental wrong attitudes to life makes a mess of their efforts, children who don't take care of seeds sown by parents reveals how they feel about them, to leave such a family is a joy even if it's painful.

Prince of Egypt - All I Ever Wanted/Let My People Go
What's done to the earth, atmosphere always returns back. If people are waiting for plagues they should check what they are cooking in the labs. To sit and blame God for everything is unwise of men who know their hearts are the cause of their own demise.

Venereal deceases are spread as a means of war fare, same with airborne infections beyond the normal colds due to change of weather, as that is natures way in helping the immune system become stronger.

Malaria is rampant because of unhygienic lifestyles, same it is with water pollution that breeds typhoid.

Frogs leaping out of water are signs that something is wrong with the water which is why cattle may die.

I guess scientists know where things go out of hand.
In becoming needy of affection children don't know how to cut off and out of guilt "an emotion" imposed by those outside who seem to think that a child ought to be baby-sited beyond reasonable periods and fear of life adds to the pot.

How long should a child be governed?

In Nigeria our boys for the most part are rough as the Nigerian mother on an average has no time as on her may lay too much to handle, we also know what poverty can turn a woman into.
Secretariat -- "It's Who You Are" Music Video

I am curious why if external remedies against pregnancy affects women why wouldn't men go for injections in preventing early or unwanted births, is it that men are generally scared while women are plain pressured to do so or stupid enough to put themselves through hormone shock.

Yes the effects resulting in taking pills or fixing coils is a shock to the body, an instant body weight increase, mood fluctuations, in an even worse cases a woman develops fibrosis but if a woman obtains she is likely to be labelled rigid or mean by men, which now leads to infidelities by the average mentality men and there goes the family life.
prince of egypt deliver us
People have habits which leads to bad deeds. If it took a system to culture people it also takes a system in breaking those habits that takes advantage of them and others. What tactics does it take people to their desired state?

Certainly being soft handed doesn't work as well as having an impatient mind. If it took Moses 40years to reach maturity what's there to say about building a plan that enables all have a piece?
Ministries that have developed policies over the years have created their own bottle neck, take those strings down and put pillars up, foundations need to be rebuilt and at times it may mean tearing down the walls.

If I may ask what gives any human being a sense of order? Is it innately built or is it thought? The idea of colour does not exist in anyone, it's a thought habit. What tells a boy that a mother isn't a spouse? Is it told or is it developed? Or is it a choice just for comfort sake.
Гении и злодеи. Фридрих Ницше. 2000
If most people think in brackets what does it take to lead? In the minds of those to whom change is a stranger no matter what one says it sounds as chaotic. The minds of kids is like sponge but their body is too fragile to absorb and know how to use information, given the chance to explore and decide how they wish to use what they find allows for a more understanding adult. Brainwash people and to get out of that box will prove either hard or impossible considering that everyone is given a time frame to implement in order to accept a point of view.
In studying and blending the quotes from nations I had developed a plan on how to excite while executing the plan without wasting time. Now I guess I have ended up making a mess of the image prior perceived and created another that makes people wonder who am I. I love the mystery of life, I hate ignorance, I fight the dull, I am active.
While Niche was busy criticising the world he forgot about building himself.
If guys want promises they should be ready, to commit/surrender? Never.
I am sure everyone loves the low blows and jobs blasts. Does anyone else have doubts about my Dutch style romance? Freaks. :)
Тайные знаки. Заговорённая скрипка Страдивари.
When someone sits and crafts on their trade it helps when those who are involved pay attention to what and how. In business the most important factor is character not image, simply because seasons change and so it is with demands. Some will disagree on this point however that's my choice.
I am a service based business that produces ideas and in the mix products. Knowledge to me is important hence I practise regardless of how long it may take. Now for me to do and create takes minutes, 

I have received enough criticism which fuels creativity, yep those words thrown and taken under the wonder of people who were around me has developed a reserve of knowledge in psychology as well as events which helps create scenarios, with the skill of analysis. For me to know who committed a crime isn't hard but the art of combat demands that there be little casualties/expenditure at the time.

When a thing belongs to someone truly it is hard to steal, its character is woven in. I know few are like me but that's not where my pride is, I like to help others be who they want to be, so long as they can sustain it.

To be a developer demands a mix of components, it's like chemistry, some productions are smooth and some volatile, some mild and some sharp, what's your taste?
The only way to implement change is to be ready to plough the trade for what had been chosen or for what they believe in, with an objective outlook to life vs their or personal experiences.
Right now I feel like I can describe the howling wind, at the park. My eyes grazing the distance, trees waving from side to side, in a flash it storms up and cools, the sun comes up, the rains fall, the chilled wind blows the leaves, and I, wrapped up in the blanket of memories. I sit beneath the tree in a lotus position, snoozed while waiting for time to play its tunes. Dreamy, fearing and laughing at my own stupidity, the absurdity of men's actions towards man and hoping someday to hold your hand.

Ernest Hemingway, Wrestling With Life
It can be quite daunting to set a man straight at what he wishes yet looks back hoping to see a woman who he turned into a man. He often asked when will I stop being the man in my own life, I couldn't find the words then to say when will you stop being a woos. 

Men tend to project machismo when it's none existent within. That projection of self ignorance can be overwhelming especially when put on the spot to prove. What does it take to be a man for a woman? What's the point in talking when someone needs to think about resolving issues and set plans that assures the soul doesn't plunge into despair for seeing what goes on around and in the minds of people.

If i was ever interested in men i would be thinking with my ass. Being interested in the person opens a person within me.

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