
Paradigms go round.

Felicity Huffman Bio | Life and Career | Filmography |
Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)
Girls that are often forced into marriage be it by family or social order tend to look for an escape rout, either they plunge themselves into work or into books.

Тайные знаки. Влюбленная в призрака. Елена Блаватская.
Happy Feet 2 - Bridge of Light
FROZEN - Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney
Chemistry at some point in its beginnings was considered wizardry, people at the time didn't know much about the blend of chemicals as well as function of physics "mind psychology, biology, mathematics "calculous", let alone the study of languages and tongs. In combination of all these usually magic "that which people can't comprehend" often creates a phobia in people.

I laugh because man would likely play with a gun than figure out what makes a gun. By the way all sciences are dangerous in the hands of the ignorant "those who don't know how to use things or clearly those who have anterior motives in the use of knowledge".

There are some people that hide their fear in saying that's reality, they are trapped, I ask those people what do they do to get them out. Sitting and talking about real events that gets people out of the dark are those beautiful lies that keeps the spirit up.

What gets people trapped are those who put them there or in a situation where they can't seem to find a way out. Any idea any move is a move so long as it helps someone see a step in a direction be it impossible at the time. What yesterday was impossible today is very real including wars and disasters. When people are warned they seldom heed and then start blaming other had I known. Same it is with marriage, they say happy ever after yet same people erode it.

My son today would have been in a worse fate if I had followed the notions of his father and his imbeciles for friends.

The disastrous part about changing someone is that they become the exact opposite of the person you once met. I never took upon myself to change people, my leaving makes them realise who they lost.

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball 
The Bible's Buried Secrets
Transformers Dark of the Moon: The Album - Monster by Paramore
Those who never experienced "longing" can never recognise what a young heart feels. Brats that were always pampered always think that care is an illusion, until they loose it.

The only time conditions start surfacing in relationships is when one or another starts dishing out terms and conditions, you must be this way or that way, well how about what they should and shouldn't be? Tell me who you want to be and I will help you get there, that's the kind of person I am with friends.

Handle the consequences. Expectations are placed on self, that's my meaning of change.
Those who never experienced "longing" can never recognise what a young heart feels. Brats that were always pampered always think that care is an illusion, until they loose it.

Even the concept of a one God with people will become a problem as they think that God will do everything for them. The idols are representations of functions within a society, it's like the cross that reminds Christians of the journeys quest, what they have had to sacrifice. For all it is there are those who wear their pants inside out as a way of believing in luck. The problem with things is that if it gets missing what happens?

Same it is with those who don't want to make commitments to self and another. Do men feel week committing that subjection of women gives them a notion that she will always be there? What if you are just sleeping next to a body but the mind isn't there? A woman that is silent is deadly.

Lil Kim ft. Lil Cease - Crush On You
Lil Kim feat. Mr. Cheeks - The Jump Off
YHW - WHY - Reason for treason/change. I am who I am, Character - If you decide.

Busta Rhymes - #TWERKIT (Explicit) ft. Nicki Minaj
Ludacris - My Chick Bad Remix ft. Diamond, Trina, Eve
Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg
The problem with people is in making decisions. Inhibited - Fear to discover the world within and others. People make up an image and even when in the face of life it isn't working wouldn't change. Tough luck then since to listen to the wind of change is a problem. Habit enslaves people. Ones ability to transform demands cutting off the umbilical cord, separating issues from beliefs.

Every story has a message/purpose, either to teach someone a lesson or a realisation of a situation. I spent my time reading fairy tales when young.

Behavorial analysis of persons in situations lead to understanding the motives/reasons on actions taken.

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Rebirth
Jesus Of Nazareth (Full Movie)
18 Insipirational Soundtracks
As I mentioned before, the Old Testament holds stories of people while the new statement stands for character development. The journeys of all characters in the Old Testament is same as those characters displayed in the new, only transformed with new names and views to life and living. Unfortunately the only time people seem to put efforts into changing is when at old age, yet time passes them by. Those who understand the situations of the characters in the old will be able to see knowledge in the new.

Considering that persons are afraid of change the need to understand why lay in the Old Testament while in the new it expands. Mary Mother is same Easter and Ruth but transformed, hidden from the prying eyes of greedy men and envious women, it is a story about a mother who was emancipated but the society at then couldn't accept a woman being the head and in her sted the son took her place and for her sake he went on the journey, persons did not understand where his knowledge came from, which is why he was perceived as a radical hence crucified, he was tested and tried by the wicked who wanted to bring him down, yet failed so they sought to ambush since they couldn't sabotage him.

Loads of things were removed from the bible showing nothing of a woman's journey except that of being mothers, wives, daughters, prostitutes; depicted by the good/wise persons of Rome who assembled the bible.

Considering that astrology was how people orientated themselves and their destiny then, numerology, as well as names differentiation, thats the way Herod sought to find who will lead a revolt, Mary mother changed his name to Paul hence he was hidden from the wrath, unfortunately kids were murdered while Mary was all the time in Jerusalem.

Remember that Christianity didn't come to exist until the death of Christ.

The significance of the three wise men is that of zodiac signs, in translation meant he was to come and transform views held. When people pray for saviours/solutions  they should mind with what state of their hearts when making prayers.

As usual persons who come to help others seldom present themselves as kings, they look and walk amidst people and help, they don't sit and parade themselves as that is dangerous until the coming of age.

Religious people should stop depicting those who are demon possessed as behaving like mad men which in retrospect are people who behave wicked. Healing them through discuss which is therapy.

How basic can a character projection be in films of the old? Too simplistic in my view. Those who loose their mind lose it due to circumstances "to have seen or participated in unjust war through bloodshed" or veneral diseases as well as karma "torment of conscience" after hurting the innocent.

Christ possessed healing powers in speech, among his followers he also had those who knew herbal and basic medical knowledge/skills.

Tales are depictions of conclusive acts, most of them seldom show reasons only words of those who act in decisive ways, hence believing in them can prove futile, should one have experience one is able to decipher the messages.

Go and sell all you have and give it to the poor means share the knowledge you have. People can only fly as high as the limits they set, in saying no to this and no to that sooner or later you will have to break those walls. Setting limitations to what people cannot do does not allow for flow of opportunities. There are a variety of methods for doing the same thing/achieving goals and those who prove to have efficient and effective ways in doing always make returns,  except someone is deliberately messing with progress in order to have control ie monopolists are egomaniacs, sooner or later they realise that they can no longer sustain such control as they spread themselves thin and lose grip of what's to come in future. My rivers overflow as I have no restrictions nor placed any on anyone.

The other side to having no order is that people tend to have poor judgement of what is appropriate and not in the moment so to guide is better than to restrict. Unfortunately bad rulers don't know how to manage/guide/lead people and their emotions, there is a tendency to be labeled as complaisant.

Governments that don't have women in its ranks tend to become oppressive and regresses an economy.

Sabbath in other form is a gathering for meetings not just religious, should people meet only once a week or should there be space within a day for briefings it is considered that the senate is responsible for briefing people on developments and progress but if all they do is play games then what's the result.?

To anoint someone can be painful often times its a method of triggering response in reps who are asleep. I guess caesar got stabbed for doing that without tact.

What does it take to keep people attentive, focused, as sheep tend to wander, a rod and a bark, if everyone is sheepish for fear of loosing their fleeting image what's to become of a nation? Sure insults don't work, so a sarcastic way makes for the court jester. Love to be the clown. It's amazing how a comedian will say the same thing a politician wouldn't yet loved. People people people when will the tripping stop?

Can someone ever achieve their destiny surrounded by vultures and cowards? They shall eat and dine with you, yet deny you the light of day, taking you through only to be hanged for their deeds.

Guilt, envy, sloth ...the seven sins vs the seven virtues. Defence mechanisms of the crafty minds. I never judged/cursed people I left them to their own minds/demise. What's the point talking to elders that don't care for themselves, who wouldn't listen to what their words mean to the youth, who forsake a person because of her age and what was on their minds.

A child born from an oppressive womb is bound to oppress others except she makes a deliberate effort not to repeat the sins of her 4fathers.

To presume that all women are weak, brainless because your mother was sabotages your efforts in creating a new life and only repeats the same events.

To presume that your father is strong and brave is to presume that all men are strong and brave, until reality kicks in that all men are not equal to the task, to each his own portion of will and faith.

It is important for children to know who their parents are, not tales told by lookers who pry on souls. I know my father there for he knows me, I know my mother therefore she fears me. Protect thy heart for from it comes the wellspring of thy life, separate yourself from taking in opinions of others about people, let the experience with them tell you the truth.

In helping persons who fall into family problems I often ask them about their parents marital and childhood experiences as it is said every generations lives to correct or repeat the unsolved mysteries of their 4fathers "ancestral hick ups". Someone In the family either pays the price or breaks the mould.

In blending with a community forgive and forget the past, present, refrain from foreseeing the future let the people decide their own path but be there to guide should they request. To withhold the truth of times is to lead people astray, it brings strife as the root cause of events displaying themselves lay in their past blinding them from the future.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverb 17:17

There is nothing like laying back when you saw your sibling in turmoil, there are those who go to the forefront and those who fight from behind and there are friends who fight side by side.

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Emad Sayyah - Good Morning Belly (Instrumental)
Self confidence "deliberate mistakes" tends to bring in others arrogance. Presuming that someone takes actions in ignorance tends to bring confidence in others.

Nature has an order but even that changes with influence. Academicians should realise that rigidity only exists in matter and even that under pressure changes its components. Diamond may remain a diamond but is it rough or polished that people find it?

Asking of students to produce pieces without experience results in rough propositions however the answers received should be further explored as in them we find answers or solutions for tomorrow, just because something isn't applicable for today does not make a person useless.

Eldest sisters are often guardians they aren't prim nor proper as all the mistakes are made on them, the positive side to it is that that strength "experience" is often called upon when times are hard.

The second sisters are often self absorbed as they get more attention and often are rude, intrusive if spoilt with attention, this can also result in negligence towards manners presuming that the eldest is there to do the job for the parents.

The youngest sister is often a complete brat as that is treated with too much attention, same it is with families where there are only brothers or parental refusal to attend to family matters.

In Africa for the most part parents dump the duties on the first born latter hoping to gain control find out they had lost their first born to the pressures of running the home alone. Should parents attend to their duties requesting the contribution from all then issues are often reduced in turn.

My Anna played handball at youth, she was great at it. Quite a force to recon.

Men's Handball 
Women's Handball 
[HD] Serena Williams vs Li Na
Beautiful points and powerful smashes 
A classmate of mine Irina Skorohodova and I went for tennis classes while in Almalik. Still best of mates.

People presume that one ought to stay in one position all the time, yet do not understand that having a brief experience gives transferable skills.

Tennis taught me the act of giving focus and feedback, marking and attack.

Sept. 9 - Women's Basketball Workout
Tulsa Women's Basketball Individual Drills
In basketball watching the ball is considered bad play. Eyes always focused on where one is heading, in the process intuitive skills develop.

Russia win Gold in the Women's Team event | Synchronised Swimming | Baku 2015 European Games
Women's Water Polo - Spain vs Holland
In swimming one learns navigational skills, water is a strong element which relaxes as well as tones the muscles. Diving is a peculiar skill, dive wrongly and one can have a neck injury so care and attention is developed along side flexibility.

Badminton teaches tricks in passing and smashing and using body language.

If the golfer says you get to know a person in one round of play, I guess with a girl like me only a glance is enough let alone having a talk at dinner󾌩😎 if I wish to be with a guy it's a choice not because they are smooth. Grew up with stouchingly loyal and strong women and that has also been our down fall, in that retrospect to those who I stand by I can just as easily drop off.

ЯЛЛА - Чинуши
Ballroom dance is very competitive, for a girl with having to battle for her identity all youth to turn stone cold is easy, Its my a choice to be gentle, if that's a weakness for guys then the other girl springs up. The body posture and a high head demeanour is as a result of dancing not because I m arrogant but proud, hate slouchers.

Boys that can't handle girls on the dance floor can't get a grip on things before they happen. Girls now how to move their hips. Hips don't lie, honest to boot.

Алсу сандугач (тат. Соловей)
Алсу - Олы Юлнын Тузаны (Пыль большой дороги)
I spend my time and life competing with myself anyone who takes that personal is bound to miss out on fun and adventure. Spending time in nature, watching change and transformation within societies is a joy, can't spend my life on small talk when issues need to be solved. I guess the reason is I have seen how bickering distracts people from noticing when change is at hand.

Ancient Knowledge
© Alsou Tatar Dance
Алсу - Эткей
Guys who spend their time on small talk are usually looking for ways to turn themselves on while leaving the woman empty. Guys who have been rejected, often loose confidence when around women, in return they start developing a cunning mindset rather than a decisive approach. If a guy looks at women as a means of pleasure they usually find it hard to connect and miss the moments when to approach.

Crimean Tatar song: "Yağma Yağmur" - Alie 
Qazan Tatars - Volga Bulgars (Tugan yak / Native land) - Tatar song
Women have been thought that flirting is about denying access, however Asian women know what hide and seek is. That black vail over the face leaving the eyes is often the game, watch the eyes, watch the hips, I laugh I have a generalisimus walk seldom can anyone know, so what's the play?

Amazing Mongolian Song;POWER FOR THE SOUL
Tatar women weren't brought up to be ruled "controlled" genetically we are not predispositioned to be subjected, we instinctively know when what is appropriate, men who get it wrong with us are the crude type, we are worior women, the genetics of Persia.

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