
A sense of self.

The Bloody History of China - CIA Cold War Documentary on a Communist Empire_Full Length Film (1967)

I haven't met one unruly Chinese person, their life is no much different from that of the culture of Russia, ie hard working as to feed an almost 2 billion native population can't be easy. Is it a systematic ethnic cleansing? Well I wouldn't be surprised given what we all know politicians do when they are out of ideas on how to grow to the next level.
Asia is known for its long history of brutal wars of clans and the practice of marshal arts is no different in its crave for release as the western warlords are known for.
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  • Edede Aziegbe likes this.
  • Edede Aziegbe I met some chinese cab drivers. They pretended to know our destination and later pretended not to know after take off. Then they pretended it they could not understand any english but when it came to being paid for not taking us to our destination, they wrote numbers in english language.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie See a nation like China who are basically traders like Naija they have learnt how to block unnecessary discuss. If people who travel there are interested in having any form of commitments on a business level then the bulshit as Africans we exhibit should turn into proper discuss. Asia for a long time has been rubbed off its identity by foreign invaders and business people so they know when to talk and when not to.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie For the large part Africans have been labeled as crooks and the attitude 
    Haddaway - What Is Love (Music Video)
    there fore is reflected. Asians have principles and are prepared to die and kill equally which is why they are just as harsh to their own as they are towards foreigners.
  • Edede Aziegbe Well put but not all Nigerians that travel to China go there for trade. I am here for executive education. You are right about the general impression and assumptions made about Africans but to generalize it that way in all instances may be an error in judgement. The newer generation chinese are more ethical than the older generation (in my assement of their shared values). I stand to be corrected though.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie Let me give you a perspective I suffer here because of the notoriety 
    [HD]Tangled - I've Got A Dream
    NIGERIA coupled with the perception of the coloureds which is well proven towards me so I have the inclination to believe it is same all over the world. Yet to see anyone responding to me differently from what the large contingent thinks of itself.
  • Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie I am not disputing I am stating that I have come across more decent elders than the young.

Instead of sharing guns on the streets to youth as the west does why not put them to fight combats with fists, men seem to be brave when it comes to using sticks and stones but to get their knuckles dented they all of a sudden become smart.

Whitney Houston & Brandy - IMPOSSIBLE / IT'S POSSIBLE (from "Cinderella," 1997) When speakers of history or those who take upon themselves to place judgement on a nations representative by focusing on just the presiding lead officer of a party it triggers an instant draw showing a revolt that may not exist same was spoken about Husain and the next thing we know what happens next.

Amazing to see that China and Korea isn't bothered about the world yet the world is bothered about them, are busy body people seeking for trouble or a piece of the pie?

Look to what a country is succeeding at, let them critique themselves and be busy sorting themselves out cos picking on another country yet your own drawers are pulled revealing the ugly crack is laughable.

It's amazing how one person can create so much euphoria of of people's insecurities that a whole nation perishes. Where are the dreams of the people? Be slaves or becoming enslaved by their on laziness?

Nikita Khrushchov: the kremlin's bloody buffoon - Searching for the Truth

It is presumed that the average Russian man is a bafoon "lapat" ie easily fooled yet when the players get arrogant, all hell breaks loose. I have learnt the lesson for being trusting, what's left to do? Walk away but there are those who wouldn't want a silent transition so you give them the dance of their life.

Has anyone ever looked closely to the reason why the bear is the symbol of the Russians? Does it ever come to mind why it was a wrong move for hitler/hurler to have tried his luck?
What is the reaction of a wounded bear?

Whitney Houston - Queen Of The Night
The myth surrounding mermaids; in Africa they call her "Mame Wota" meaning the queen of the deep seas, some have turned her to be of a scary image, however the practical understanding of the persona is that of a woman who knows a lot and not limited to any exhibition of deeds.

In mythology the God of the sea is called Triton in translation means "he who would/try" tries/tests anyone who dares; know what power the element of water holds? Waves, tides, pressure, uncontrollable, inflexible, transformational in terms of the process of recycling abilities from rain to steam to air to any form required in order to breed new life which imply's in needed moment. Capable of obliterating the old to renew. Fishermen are drawn to mysticism however they tend to be simplistic about life hence when informed run away. Do you know who I am?
Quite complex hm?

A man that puts up paintings on the wall should be prepared for the trials of his own heart. Does the pray become a victim of his own ignorance? People should be mindful of the traps they set for others as usually they set themselves up for a tribunal. Principals of Natural Justice

Administrative Law
Looking at this clip my question is; where in the world would a mother have the chance as an emergency solution to help her child with imbecilious bodies who hide behind their seats yet brings no solution to the child?

You are protecting your country yet you take advantage of a child's rights. Interesting what happened to Sodom and Ghomorah?

Interesting to see what happens to people who judge someone they don't know. Are they calling upon themselves a curse?

Кино - Кукушка When it is said "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. People don't read between the lines they only want to see what they want to see.

What is judgement? Is it prejudice? What is justice? Is it condemnation?
What is law? Is it the ability to give due reason?

If the reason of men are flawed due to feelings of inadequacy how clear can a case be? It is said vengeance is mine, sometimes letting someone go is a better justice in time; taking up arms against a person is injustice, let it be, for Mother Mary comes to me.

The wonderful thing about men with lousy partners is that they fool each other. They condemn each other's efforts which includes the dialogues they hold between each other about their women. Interesting what would David do in slaying Goliath? Where was Ruth at the time? Was she serving and running after the household supporting her husband? How did the partners look at her? A maid?

I am sure we all love barbecue or should I call it brii? It's nice to eat what is served by a dutiful heart, how about being thankful for being cared for yet slandered behind her back, cowards usually eat and then scorn.

Would be wonderful to see how Easter replaces Ruth in confronting the partners at the table questioning their alleged agreement on being partners. And the dialogue goes as such

Easter: are we partners?

Craig David in astonishment projects arrogance by saying "No, you work for us".

Spice Girls - Too Much Easter is quiet as she sees whom she is dealing with. That's the beginning of the never ending war between 2 nations. Who will win?

Men who claimed to be best men sworn to uphold family honour yet have no respect for themselves, who have girls and supposed loving wifes yet can look at you and vile resonates in their eyes, leading their friends to doom and wouldn't turn around yet ask for blessings?

Men can stop women from achieving their goals but can't stop a dream that doesn't belong to them.

If I were to have been reared in a home of oppressive men it would be easy to submit in wiping a lazy mans ass and suck up to his friends. All have been punned and all punished in the Measure by who created us all.

When the Dutch, French, English send the scum of their earth to colonise the world it would help the greedy and bloodthirsty black Africans Chiefs a hand at dealing with the lazy.

When a woman has lost everything dear to her even death is welcomed.

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A man that cheats and lies will never know when the wife is gone.

The african continent is full of vile from the pastors down to the people, ever wonder why it's so easy to take advantage of people?

Pastors who are afraid to tell themselves the truth can never speak honestly to the people.

Those who are waiting to be made a decision for are bound to become slaves.

Molestors are paraded in the senate yet gay people are hunted. Wonders shall never end.

Do those who own house maids not realise that by dogging them in return they hurt your children?

Tomorrow tell me that people don't need adequate education and there will be more instances of Aluu. Do the rich think that their kids are protected? Check again what resulted in the instance of the Romanovs. When leaders think they are invincible there is always a blind side.

Ever wonder why the coloured are violent or perceived to be? The violence is in the facts of the atrocities committed by the supposed wise whose kids are now paying the price.

Dead Poet's Society Robin Williams Speech Seize The Day Artists, journalists are hunted down by those who choose to hide the atrocities committed by corporations and militarism who think that only they have the right to life.
Look at Naija delta.

Alsu Ekinadose Odemwingie
September 8 at 3:06pm
Molestors are paraded in the senate yet gay people are hunted. Wonders shall never end.
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At every point in someone's life they have to fight the cause of theirs or others plight, the sad thing is that those who are behind the scenes get away with messing with people's lives.

Vangelis - Theme from Antarctica
A lady I knew once said "be smart don't start a fight because you will be accused as the trouble maker", I kept quiet did as she said but the perpetrator wouldn't rest as he wanted to exhibit relevance for he thought he was right all along. I don't mind to be vilified.

Man de beg when chicken don cross road.
Man way wan pin woman down forget say she get pikin for back.

Man way wise no de forget say old age de reach.
Amazing is the circle of life; women are weak when young, then wicked when old.

I presume that what the English consider an eloquently spoken speech is edited off its profanity and finger pointing at names, well my middle finger to those who can't face the consequences of their actions, what does it take to transform a society or oneself without loosing dignity?
Like I care.

Those who pray for a craft to seas its existence are in for a surprise with me, there are over 6 billion lives on this planet and generations over.

So long as people who like to hide from history exist there will always be those to remind the next what may happen, should they not choose to forget, knowledge is always renewed, extinction of a people is only avoided when people continue to search.
Мультфильм Волшебная птица

My daughter just came in to show me that she had lost her milk tooth, so I ask her what would she do with it, she says she will put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy to give her in exchange a penny. I'd rather buy her a gift than give her the impression that an undeserved event yields a pay. Should I make her pay or hold myself responsible for the tales told over centuries?

It is hard to break children's illusions but it's best not to patronise ignorance. I guess the church now is held liable for the perpetuated truthful lies.

When young dad would always ask me what do I need money for, I am happy he never patronised me going after spending as that developed my imagination and gave me a sense of self.

Michael Jackson - Jam
The first 1000£ daddy gave to me as usual was a test to see what I would do with it. I was 16, knowing my dad and his methods of coaching me I split it into half; on one half I bought clothes, on the other I enrolled myself into computer literacy classes where 3d max studio and windows applications were thought, that was the start of my IT and Media practice, at the time in 1996-7 was when software was becoming wide spread in Russia, I guess some investments in self come in handy at a later stage in ones life. Today nothing seems hard to imagine nor in organising my future.

Excel helped in budgeting my salary, while power point my projects at the time and it layed the foundation of understanding software use. I am not a hardware person even if I carry the Thor's hammer.

Endearingly we call Osas Asisyai which in the sound language means assisting while he calls me Abu, when he plays he is like an antelope fast and in time with the battles has become furious 😜 we change and exchange characters from time to time.
Золотая антилопа

Aslovs vcegda polno, c nimi nado barotsya palkami, Ato na sheu syadut.
Yes I am blunt which is why people consider me rude yet their lives depend on what I say and do. This may sound arrogant but it's a fact. Every word I drop fuels creativity in others hearts and minds even if it's given free, it comes back in folds.

Those who are creative people live by their soul, in the world of capitalists its obscene to presume that just as you all are feeding of of me I am fuelled more, so let us not deceive each other about what we do and how I chose to do what I do.

Wisdom is in the application of knowledge to circumstances; to save a bird from a snake may mean to give.

Виктор Цой - Кончится лето
When people rub you off your dreams you have the right to take it back. Principle of forgiveness.
Nations or cultures that demand absolute supremacy should live up to the standards they propagate.

Sometimes I am afraid to look around because of what I am made to look at distracted by what I may find in the human heart.

My illusions fade away replaced by visions unseen to mans views of the world they built, yet hidden from imagination. Sad to see that artists who never sugarcoat their messages were lunched, ever wonder why the subtexts are coded? When you tell people to collaborate they scorn you.

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