
You only get to know.

I am about to turn nasty; how can a guy who has a sister and a mother that can't lift their asses, have a hard time getting in their cars, bitch about others kids. have a problem with a big mixed and wonderful lady who is whipping his ass into shape?

Then expect no backlash of same for a release! Clearly, I didn't realise how my personality brings out insecurities in most black women. Those who can't handle it should fly a kite.

The worst thing that can ever happen to a black woman is to be europeanised, they take it to such an extreme that it obliterates any form of sanity.

Imagine them trying to educate a mixed girl about etiquette when they can't even knit or embroider.

My mother who is white eats african food and with hand yet hadn't lost her supposed European standards of living, I can't believe I exchanged one for an even worse image for a mother. Bite me but it's horrific that in protest I had to indulge myself to extra therapeutical meditation.

Inshi Allah what's going on with women? Don't they know what's an appropriate behaviour in another woman's house? Have they been so starved of affection from their own husbands that they need to cause hell in their kids homes?

I guess most forget that I had decent grandmothers and untie who thought me otherwise. Blasted hell, do they not have fathers and brothers?

The pressure of pain can get so high that even to run mad seems obsine. Contain the energy within and release it through arts.

Girls who are paraded by their mothers are often manipulated and sold off, if only they knew that innately the mothers are looking for ways to rid themselves of of taking care of them as that had become a burden. Fathers who fight their son inlaw are looking to drag their daughters out of the wedlock the mother got her in.

Materialistic mothers do this even if they pretend to care. Materialistic women often interfere in their sons lives, one got out, the other got in and ran.

When a guy gives the same gift to his wife as is on his mistress it's time to blow the roof.

When a man calls his mistress angel the wife turns into the devil.

Removing history is just as bad as blinding a nation, no matter how revolutionary something may sound it's useful as even a seemingly friendly sentence can trigger an act. Hiding things only further creates interest, well maybe the mysterious is enticing to me.

At the time in creation of USSR to raise a continent as huge as Russia demanded some level of sacrifice in terms of removing romanticism in extreme however the best films today I have in my collection are the most romantic in my view, romanticism can be frantic.

What Russians consider romantic to the rest of the world is cold, what the English consider deep to the Americans is shallow go figure what cultures consider useful or melodical.

Only people can succeed at messing with a planet that was created harmonically. I am sure everyone was expecting some tunes with flow, ha I said before your expectations make me a failure.

When people's lives are shattered it's ridiculous to ask for harmony. In my world it's a transitional bridge; after every storm there is always silence. Shock them when it's boring, the world today is full of emotional people doing things contrary to what the masses desire, it creates fireworks in their heads.

I am not finding it surprising that from the 70,s to the 90's there was a global call to changing how we live and consume energies of the world as well as rejuvenating ones senses to active duty.

Some people attribute the wish to break free to be specific to a place how about someone who violently/abusively occupies someone's life?

Dah ah aren't many tired of the mundane view on life? If ya'll are looking for sleazy stuff please subscribe to those who do so, by the way I don't see anything as sleazy just not a style I would pursue constantly. Buying shoes and making it into what runs your life are 2 different things, especially for a mum who runs a business even if it sometimes looks like a joke to some.

When I speak I speak in whispers then when those who pretend to be deaf close their eyes to their ways I give them thunder and lighting, ever wondered why the skies in South Africa have the loudest thunders?

The atrocities committed to Africans and by Africans is overwhelming the earth.

Who is innocent? Those who were sent off to slaughter, subjected to loneliness, manipulated in believing?

If those who want to stay clean at others expense then let's go bad.

If love is a projection of someone's self loathing on another then why call it love?

What is good? What is bad? Who is ugly? I guess it's quite obvious the differentiation to which words of man answers to.

What's in the act of giving thanks to the Lord? Is it to pacifying him not to deal with us according to the ways man has shown it treats its neighbour?

I guess the realisation of what's hidden and unseen by man has always been my understanding, some would say Alsu is forever drawn towards where she shouldn't be, well no one feels what I experienced.

To an extent I understand the plight of guys in a violent world they had created, but what's there for a girl who is 6 to be thrown a stone at for no reason, to be targeted because she is pretty, who goes to work only to find rogues in her bedroom because her brother got famous and then scorned by a guy you give your all then ask not to react?

I feel sorry for anyone at this point to ask sanity of me.

Those who want to say that the violence exist only outside in the black community should ask me that question.

Possessiveness is weak, lame ass tactics in justifying affection.

To have gone back to school in the bid to find some redemption in the faith that I may have been wrong yet to realise one was right all along.

To have experienced how the educational institution I looked for help in assisting my boy only to be humiliated as a parent and pressured to put him on sedatives to make their job easier by women who have healthy kids was the last straw to have tolerance.

Then you meet guys who target you because you are a name to be used to promote themselves and think they can get away with underhanded manners? Ah they must be kidding.

For an active mind such as Pushkin with african genetics what pissed him off the most is the prejudices the society held towards his origins and only his nanny gave h sanity. After she was gone he lost direction especially when randy twerps chased his wife. To the aesthetic standards of Europeans he was considered ugly and his wife sure felt uneasy and picked on for having him for a wife.

Loads of coating is placed on history of persons and only a person who can relate to the experience would give a perspective.

To understand a writer and why they write what they do it helps to see what was going on on personal and sociocultural aspects surrounding them.

In making a piece on someone well known I consider it rather inartful to squeeze a life in 1hr, at max a 3 hr feature, bio profiles into film is either best as a documentary or give it its due timing. Films about people aren't to be made for commercial purposes and often watched by people of artistic or cultural interests.

Or should it be done in standard time lines then prior and after complementary pieces can follow.

Practice in the call centre helps in verbal address in public speaking as one understands intentions without seeing the facial expressions. That's what I got from working at Strabag for the first 3 months. Had the best boss who put me through all of the departments within in administration, commercial projects management as well as logistics. He always corrected my inglish :)

Sure had fun trading and harassing suppliers at the quarry when they called for reports ๓พŒฉ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜‡

Germans are meticulous and groovy, sure that beer brew works wink wink.๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๓พŒช

I sure picked up German slangs especially when answering my phone, by the way "shice" also falls in here and there.

Let me be a tad honest as usual, when it comes to employers making a crucial error in today's business terrain; I'd rather hire someone whose hoped from job to job every 6 months than swine who stayed 25 years in one company or even worse in one department reason being that entrepreneurship requires experience with people for the large part of it, while specialised focused persons have been cultured in one direction which is why those who are specialists find it hard to shift with change. I have seen it happen in my family and in many others through the breakup of Russia, this does not say that someone who has been in one direction for a long time isn't resourceful but needs time in restructuring the mindset to seeing perspectives and how to blend them.

People should understand that what one calls magic in the world of science it's called energy. Any thing that one attaches relevance to works on the psych of a person. It's what people in the therapeutic world do in hypnosis. There is no doubt that there are people who have strong energy levels and know how to channel it.

Yes my force is strong and my family has it too.

There are those who call upon themselves wrath, those who judge people who have served and treated them well call upon themselves their own judgement. There are those who wonder why certain things are happening to them they should check who they have wronged.

Has anyone ever asked themselves why Heiti had suffered such catastrophes and still can't raise their economy? The practice of black magic is a curse upon any nation for the most part the undeveloped world is still practising it and those who patronise such act tend to end badly.

A spoken word is an active word hence it is said that it doesn't go forth without accomplishing the intent with which it was spoken. Those who unjustly curse people tend to suffer and nothing happens to whom it was directed at.

I know where to apply my ego. :)

I would equate the lives of my grandfathers to the play of Shakespeare King Lear, reason being that they had loads of daughters between them, in the stance of my Tatar grandfather he had all girls. He spoilt hem rotten although the first born Anna was close to grandma, who took from her the maternal instincts, while of grandmas sisters she took the ability in being fair, although it was detrimental to her personal happiness from time to time.

Her marrying younger men left her in a space where she was constantly having to deal with infidelities, inconsistent behaviours and on occasion battery for trying to get him attend to what seemed important at the time relating to family; he loaded on her the care for the farm they had, he may have been a good father but that left him as a lousy partner. He lost his way when the dominant figure in his life "mother" died in an accident, she took charge of the home and kids and in that she found interim joy.

As an auntie she was my soul, for a girl who didn't have anything in common with her mother it was a saving grace to have someone who wasn't manipulative, quite objective from the standpoint of family and her private life thought me a lesson. Of course the lives of my grandmother and her sisters gave an even better insite to what a woman's life can be should she choose to burry herself in family chores while forgetting that there is a life and what it takes to make things work.

It's tiring to be constantly reassuring men that their insecurities about themselves has nothing to do with you, to men with insecurities who stand to assume that what they do is what women do, I result in making their worst nightmare into reality, yes I am mean to bulsitters which includes women.

It is no doubt to me that most men suffer from egomania and to have witnessed that in my own life led me to knowing what to do and what not in order to keep sanity from within and from without.

Meryl Streep knows how to mind her business, Celine Dion knows how to work her business. I do not pry into the lives of other women except they decide to make my life their personal game in displaying their insecurities. It is complicated, here eat, pray, love meets with Erin Brokovich, I certainly develop a thick skin to the ignorance of insecure persons.

I wished she was as strong as me, I hurt loosing her so early and not knowing what to do when it came to being a woman who didn't realise early enough when to kick the bucket of social conduct that serves only selfish people.

When I watch the ABBA videos and listening to the lyrics, the red head reminds me of Anna while the blond is my birth mother image, Bonney M is daddy.

The plight of the women in my family is that they were mothers, wives but never women, the era they were born in was that of war and no transition, unless someone breaks the mould. Men aren't born independent they are made independent by the strong and through the strength of their hardworking mothers, that's my dads mother as well, in the process a girl that is reared by such women become hard working wives and with that sexuality goes out of the window.

Hard working women are only appreciated when men are collectively ambitious, the other side of vainly ambitious men is that they tend to choose or make out of a well cultured woman a bimbo, I guess the latter was my portion but he made a huge take in trying to culture me to look like his mother and sister even if he loathed them for not fighting back for their independence and made men in their family pay a heavy price by interfering with their wives and livelihood. Negatively inclined women tend to break families rather than bringing them together, they forever blame the wives and others for not having the affections they so vehemently themselves broke.

He made a huge blunder in introducing me to them without knowing who I am. Girls don't take it to be an honour to be taken to the mothers and sisters by a man who has no respect for himself, they will make you the bearer of his sins. A guy that takes every girl he dates to his mother is bound to run when he realises they had no trust in him by attacking you instead of facing him; a loose boy does not bring joy to his mother as it shows off her inability to caution him.

On a general scale boys who are afraid of their mothers often allow their mothers become the wives in their matrimonial home, in return the wife either becomes mute or turns around to becoming the villain.

As a rule men who are fathers and have supposedly lived in the matrimonial home for the sake of keeping social proprietary keeps a blind eye even if he is suffering the effects of seeing his kids in disarray ie all being apart as well as divorced, I ask such fathers are they really men? If a woman has succeeded in dividing everyone isn't it an indication to throw her out or get a grip on the kids? Or is it that he is equally guilty for not having a bond with the kids?

Fathers who are used as scarecrows to their children by the wife as a method of discipline or order is only getting himself up for a major fight in later years, who's to blame? Of course it's the daughter in law as usual with those who exposed their shame; for either keeping silent or using the opportunity to keeping the sons who are already married, but when one tries to bring them to talk she is called names, as it showed how bad they are at managing their family, off on the mother and sister inlaw.

Sad but in my family my father and brother will get a whooping of their lives if I see them managing their affairs as cowards.

When men make the success of their spouses personal it's time to know that you are with someone who isn't interested in family.

Love hurts as it is fused with truth that people can't take, care binds as everyone enjoys being comforted.

Every sentence in the bible holds meanings, in the act of Eve offering the apple to Adam it is said he refused.

What it speaks is that in the instance where a woman offers herself to a guy he looses interest, should a lady use indirect methods in enticing a guy he usually notices. Guys are usually drawn by their own desire for fun and a direct approach towards them holds/evokes little to no affection.

If men need to be played with to lure them then who is to blame for the tactics used over the years by women to arouse interest. Blaming women for being harlots only points a finger on men for being gullible.

I smiled, he approached, I danced he followed, I face my work, he calls for a date. Where in these actions can one stand to blame a girl for being available or showing affections?

Your desire draws you, your fears force you to act in despeakable ways, your guys get curious who puts a guy to sleep in broad day light, and same guys instead of saying cool it tell tales of the girl being of low upbringing, yet he doesn't see the envy.

I have been through this when young, guys who envy a guy for having the time of his life, instead of letting it be, they pick on the girl, then when he brakes up with her, in return start chasing her. I mean how daft can guys be when they boast to their supposed friends who later instigate the breakup, who is the serpent in relationships? Is it the guy in denial that he doesn't have friends or the friends who are envious?

I am asking what's paradise if all we see is hell?

Ever wondered why scientists are fighting religion and vice versa?

The complexity of the earth is just as mystical as the minds of man. Those who look for salvation are also those who seek for trouble. In studying physics in terms of matter they need to be aware that there are those who seek to use it.

In terms of the mind it should be noticed that there are those who seek to manipulate to gain the illusion of order. As much as medicine brings relief there are those who have used it in hurting people.

What should be kept as national secrets? Certainly that which people seek to use in hurting others who are ignorant. Ignorance hurts persons who seem to think everyone must know or feel what they feel.

So many women are begging to be freed from the cage once created by their ancestors.

It is a cage because it serves the selfish needs of man. Men are wandering away from the matrimonial home forced upon them by their fathers and mothers who didn't educate them on what it takes to be loyal, caring and strong.

If the only thing that people believe in is money "physical representation of talent" instead of creating something out of their talent then how will glory abound the earth?

At this point it would seem as divorced men don't stand a chance at getting a second chance, well for those girls who desire to walk in my shoes, make sure you aren't being used as a healing tool and then chunked off in ignorance.

Men that have been and got burnt tend to be uncaring of what they put the other through and their family tend to approve of their behaviour at the expense of ones life.

Maybe his first wife was bad but what has that got to do with someone who came in the name of the Lord he called in despair?

People think that Our Creator doesn't hear their voice, what your parents drive you into Our Father sends a helper, yet when even that is taken for granted he pulls his favour away.

In retrospect in the Ten Commandments of Moses he may have outlined the basic rules of conduct but it wasn't explained hence the people went about their old ways, he may have came down angry on the people he was entrusted to lead but in those times there wasn't much in terms of knowledge available to lift up their spirits, he was just as much misunderstood which is why he left to Mount Sinai.

They say you only get to know who a person is when the parents pass away, well I'd rather have my father know who I am while he is alive.

I remember how my little cousin Sasha cried when watching Lion King 1 at Simba loosing her father, she is just as much a Scorpio as I am only softer but none the less a very deep person, her softness comes from Anna.

Remembering how I smoked Osas socks in the bucket because he got used to leaving it after training. Osas was spoilt by dad and mother running after him always, those socks lay there for a week and the stench wouldn't wash off, from then on he took care of himself. Yes as a sis I had to whoop his butt in ways so as to not be blamed for his mischievous nature, well Alsu has had to learn to be smart over the years.

I have always been accused of being a fool for dealing with people who were much bigger than me, which implied those who wanted dominion over our lives. Osas remember the dark stairways you didn't want to cross alone? Zaika petushok, trusishka a lacet na rajon lubit.

Osas and I fought a lot as kids most times I was 3 times taller and bigger yet he liked to look for my trouble, till today he still wants to grow an inch taller, dem no fit buy 18moths for market o! By the way the surname Odemwingie means daring and sharing, which in times may look as insanity to those who make takes at trying who they don't know.

The tales of our family is well known in our village, grandpa wasn't a woos. Atas.

By the way those who don't know Julio Iglesias history I would note that he was a football player but broke his leg and couldn't play yet found his passion on stage.

It would help parents to know that after a career is over another starts and an even bigger one at that. My love to all.

It is said in the bible proverb 5:18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.

"do not forget the wife of your youth". Does it mean a variety of things? What is youth? Who is a wife? Who is reaching out?

Loads of guys make the mistake in being regretful in the choices once made, those who tend to go back to their former crushes always end up loosing focus. End all past relationship ties before moving on to the next.

Only those who feel ugly about themselves can make you look ugly. To laugh at someone's background or looks only invites same outlook.

Fathers that are fair to their kids give them equal tasks and through its results will know who is capable of what and who needs help in what.

In making choices of wives for sons in the old days it was a custom to see what crafts they were capable of as that signified the value of a maiden. Should a wife be chosen just for looks then a family usually lost virtue.

So much for what people are seen as today where men prefer to make maids of maidens. Where are all the virtues held in traditions? obliterated culture in a person forsake of will.

When a girl sends a present to the mother of her groom it is a sign of affection, when a girl helps the father about requests he needs it is a sign of respect and in return brings honour to her family, should she meet ungrateful hearts she turns into a toad.

On fist date with the family members a lady dressed casually as not to evoke jealousy of the women in the house, let them show themselves off, should they look down on you continue till they present a full blown arrogance.

There is always competition between sister inlaws that turns ugly if neither of them has a sense of self, the maiden that doesn't hide often becomes a target.

Since guys like to play with fire let's see if they can handle the heat ๓พŒฉ๐Ÿ˜Ž

It's amazing how adults think that fairy tales are written for kids, so much knowledge is lost in the process, where are our wise tortoise tales made into life view?

Haven't some men who are capable of doing anything realised why those around them are given women as a distraction from duty? Often as a tactic in distracting them from disturbing those who plan to do what's ugly.

Those who don't know think they are loved, yeah a direct sabotage of efforts. Ever wondered why Africa is in the state it is? Ever wonder why most african sportsmen end up not performing?

Worst policy to ever have within a nation of foreigners not being able to buy land yet the citizens doing nothing with it. To regulate isn't to dictate.

In 1998 when I came back to Nigeria I spoke to a Russian mother who couldn't buy a land even though she had been married and bore 4 kids, suffered with the husband from scratch and he even had the audacity to throw her out of the country, she couldn't see her kids for many years while he remarried and the kids went through hell under the stepmother.

What does it take to develop discipline? Simple interest in what one is doing, if Stalin had had entrepreneurial and business acumen then it wouldn't have been so bloody and harsh.

I look at Apartheid and even capitalism and see very little difference as 9/11 only showed underhanded methods military persons hide behind politicians, I may not have facts in technicalities but the result is obvious downfall of the global economy.

It is wrong for any politician or the party he represents to presume that people don't have dreams and if people don't adequately project their desires it would be a trial and error process to getting things done. Is 8years enough for a party to implement agreed plans? It depends on the level of education and skill as well as resources. Looks like the English method of parliamentary structure is practical but then how will I know.

Men who don't believe the tears of their wives implies the mother was a lier. How men react to their wives reveals what they know about the women in their family.

When people believe in a person and give them the overall decision making they are indirectly culturing a tyrant not a leader.

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