
Learning the alphabets.

In the midst of chaos ones ability to silence the world within gives the ability to concentrate, rather than telling everyone to shut up. It is impossible to silence the world outside without a sword.

I have a method of management called justice, I give people the chance to do and say what they want to say and from there I make the decisions of what to act upon. In my mind nothing is useless, all I do is connect the dots be it now or later; what I mean in example, i assume/imagine I am building a wall and all tools are in disarray, I simply use my senses to place what I see first then match it with what I hear then align it with how I need it at a given time and then do the reshuffling when possible.

To the outside world I may look unruly/unorganised but I am making the map of my time line. The only people that have a problem with me or my technique are those who seek control, that's when I start my battles. With or without anyone barging into my space I still go on doing what I do. That's my personal world and only those who are willing to ask questions rather than making accusatory statements get a welcome.

I seldom loose my temper (mostly when I am strained), the only people who had seen it is my brother and husband, simply because they are those I treasure "worry" about, now it's just one person I worry about, well worried on a personal level, his ass is now married 󾌩 but I keep a tigers eye on him, I am sure he is laughing now.

At this point in my life I simply walk away, when I see there is no point in discuss, I let them make mistakes through me making a fool of myself, that's the only way I seek to support, it's what I call being my brothers keeper. To have practiced marshal arts as a youth, it gave me a sense of momentum, allows me to respect time which translates to directing activities in the channels they need to go. I practice what is called Shaolin and KongFu  in my mind every day.

Patterns of behaviour gives out a person, it doesn't even matter who the person is, it's how they do what they do. In order to remain invincible one must always change the methods used in achieving a goal. Same it is in the bedroom, by the way it gets boring doing one and the same thing or a specifically allocated space.

Unfortunately men have put themselves in that box by presuming that a woman who knows how to work with her body is promiscuous; the reality of it is that a woman who dances, who sings, who practices some form of martial art at home or a chosen place always knows when and how to move her body. The only way people enjoy intimacy is when none of the parties are inhibited and this is because of insecurities and inadequacies they had acquired by bullies or unfair reprimands by parents.

Those who think about themselves only often see obstacles, they face many trials as they presume it's all about them. When quotes are made it is often a reflection of events, how someone overcomes the differences in mind or matter. In truth to achieve spiritual heights one has to put oneself in the mind of a victim and then design ways to overcoming the fear of the unknown. What's often unknown is the individual that stares at one in the mirror. Being able to speak to oneself "ie the practice of prayer" allows one to see things clearer, in perspectives, as that is the process of purification/rebirth if I should put it that way.

The tone translation of the word Samurai coming from the Russian dialect sounds as "creating one's own paradise"

Sama stroyou cvoyo mestio na zemle. Grounded, martial arts roots those who practice it into a simple lifestyle as it is often based on surviving. Physical hardships tests, its often a component of training leaders.

An insecure person will always use below the belt punchlines such as making criticism on physical attributes that a person has no control on, or picking on someone's social status based on hierarchy they have no choice on at a given time or educational background, meanwhile put them in another environment they choke.

Really? Leather all the way, love rings, hate dresses, definitely my nails and afro. Power walking has always been my way, determined look.

About the facts of those who accuse someone of bring up the past.
1. If you hurt someone, dismissing it only fuels the pain.
2. People who choose to run from what they do often accuse the person or mistake as irrelevant.
3. To say what someone else experiences in direct contact with you is irrelevant is paramount to being called selfish so why be surprised when a payback results?

The word sorry is used sometimes in expression of regret or to keep someone safe.

Will Smith code of conduct;
Appreciation, direction, purpose, loyalty, commitment.

All these 5 named ways are interchangeable and depends on circumstances as well as individual choice in application to people.

Those who are guilty and wouldn't admit often try to either sabotage by proving that he or she had a reason to act in de-speak-able ways. Ie making deliberate attempts in shutting the victim of their acts to silence. To heal is to speak up about where it hurts.

If the only reason parents get nasty at children for having fun that they missed or are missing out on then a child has the right to dismiss such a person as a parent. Making kids pay for the frustration in life is no parenting at all and renders children to becoming enemies with their parents.

To have confidence isn't about knowing it all it's about the will to see oneself through or any endeavour one handles. I have always had confidence and that infuriates people who always sought to keep me under their shadow. As a kid my responsibilities kept me grounded and no one enforced them on me, in fact no one ever could as I never slowed it after the age of 12, grew big enough to ward away assaults of adults and mates alike. As a mixed kid I was always barged on as unfortunately for me at that time I was one of a kind physically and in return that developed my will to fight back for my space and mind.

Never really cared for what anyone had as I knew I can and will do all I put my mind to. To give respect is to acknowledge the use of any given thing. Respectful for what was given but my honour was to who I cherished regardless of if they deserved it or not. Being this way allowed me to be less edgy about what people did to me, how ever should they step the boundaries of harming anyone smaller or perceiveably less in status I became vicious. I love bullies to the core.

Nearly drowned twice and was saved by friends which is why I feel safe on the streets as the backstreet boys cared more for they know what's it like to gasp for air as a youth.

Developed a mindset in blocking verbal attacks from those who projected envy; a reflection of distrust due to guilt.

More on the stance of first crushes, I smile. Ya'll missed out on goooooood baaaaad passion. Let me not blow my horn here but I had the times of their life.󾌩

I don't play tricks with people I hate, upfront full frontal.

I hate moving places but love traveling for 2 weeks at a time like 3 times a year. My family and friends, places I get my serenity from. My family, classmates and friends are all over world between Russia, Belgium, Nigeria. Hate y'all 󾌩

I don't like cutting of strings but I do so with people who choose to hurt for no reason that brings no benefit or destroys life.

I have moments when I am soft but when I see someone taking advantage I simply bolt out.

I owe no loyalty to people who lie. I lie in return by omitting intentions, it's a boomerang effect where one can't give leads to questions that were never asked.

Those who demand loyalty should be prepared to give in return, not necessarily in kind.

Those who ask to be taken back usually find themselves shut outside the gates of heaven. 󾌩Where was your brain when you were saying all that you were saying? Guys don't listen.

Why should I tell anyone what I am thinking, can't they feel it? Guys who look for patronage get a big boner from me.

Someone was saying all my way na shakara today he is weeping, I learnt from the best how to deal with bad behaviour. In the dog house.

See ya'll later this hot mama needs to do some magic in the boardroom.

Thou shall not serve any other gods but me. I am a jealous God "implying that directives ought to be outlined and agreed upon in the counsel" for wherewith there is more than 2 I am in their midst.

Don't ask me what to do tell me what you want, and i'll guide the footsteps of thy people.

The father the son and the Holy Ghost; head, shoulders, knees and toes; would mean the thoughts that set the foundations of ones path. Being in one body of Christ "union of souls connecting at thanksgiving.

Those who contemplate upon the faith of a person are bound to be distracted by their own creed. Azonto

To have the spirit of unforgiveness is to put a person or oneself in a state of suppressed emotions. When issues are bottled up the container of such force implodes within itself, which is why certain illnesses result, in cases of heart attacks, or developing stress related rash in places on the body. These are but a few examples ask doctors where does cancer originate from? Where does violence breed itself from?

Tampering with the temperament of people is to evoke a force that is uncontrollable and only someone who makes a mental decision to refocus their heart through activities or sport of any kind succeeds at turning events around that could have turned into violence.

In the practices of marshal arts meditation has dual direction, that of the body and mind.

Dating tips: men want submissive women? Lie, they like it, let everything go to blazes.

Going into a date with the intention of getting a fuck may or may not work. Phone calls can sort out the flirt as voice is what usually predetermines the connection, then the flow in the conversation happens. People are most shy face to face so usually that breaks the barrier.

Girls have been preprogrammed by the social order into being dismissive towards advances. Mothers plights and fathers scornful manners culture girls to being aggressive, nature as given that as a maternal instinct and nurture enforced it, so faint hearts wouldn't win fair ladies. A fair lady has wits about her, as to be fair demands a certain level of character.

Guys either exhibit aggressive or possessive streaks so dealing with that is paramount. To say that men and women don't possess personalities would be to level everyone to the image of an animal.

What's the intent behind being approached by guys especially the young? I think we all know, needless to mention that hormone rules at a certain age predominantly, adults already know better as they have been there or done that.

Age determines only the factor of being able to sustain a family not a relationship. There are 50 year olds that behave like a 25 year old would so age is but a number in terms of getting a date connection into a relationship. There is no doubt that experienced in life people know how to turn around arguments into a productive conversation.

It's easy to approach people, the question is what tactics are employed in bringing people together?

Theory of pragmatism - those who think and feel usually don't take anything or anyone for granted. Assuming that someone will be there for ever rubs everything of having any worth today.

Isn't it wonderful to see how hard working people are usually insulted? They work yet the lazy complain, so stop working and let them have their way.

What's the domino effect when walls come crumbling? When 2 elephants fights the grass suffers. Titans must fight for everyone to learn, that's the reason one is often punished for all. Do we need more heroes "Herod"?

When bad attitude is patronised by parents, when bad attitude is tolerated from parents usually tyrannical behaviours are bread.

The plight of children that are born in any home where parents isolate them from the public ie outward experiences of life for the notion that they are being good parents. Women that are called names such as wayward may sound derogatory however the truth is any child that seeks to understand what life is about for themselves without following the creeds of their guardians are often scorned as that is the usual method people with bad parental skills or a desire to possess use.

Those who fear their parents are often called good those who don't are often cursed, the sad thing is everyone is always given a chance at leading their lives, who is able becomes caned and who was caned becomes able, either way everyone learns their lessons and hopefully not at a greater cost.
Parable/story of the prodigal son.

The downside to being in power ie the decision maker is that if at the moment one isn't vigilant about what is being said regardless of who it came from one can be misled in taking actions that later mares the entire effort. It isn't that one can't trust the persons relaying a message it's the source and evidence that could be misjudged for answers as the only solution. Leaders who possess the ability to lead must discern as well as be willing to do a follow up. Follow up isn't about policing but polishing up the rough works, however there are just some mistakes that leaders shouldn't make, such as killing people for illusions someone sold.

Yesterday I made a statement that says John the Baptist was beheaded because he failed at the task given to spread the news of the coming of the messiah as an illusion to get the gentiles into the Christian faith, the truth is that there are 2 main reasons to explore, what persons would rather believe is the easiest ie the first theory we all know, the second however is what we in today's time know happens, often spy's have been killed, and people have been blackmailed.

In the case of Samson being sent Delilah by men who sought to rub him of his strength for fear of his strength only solidifies my understanding of why Herods wife demanded the head of the baptist. Going by the story of Joseph we also see that his refusal to please the wife of his master got him into prison. so what's there to say in trusting people in general? Small talk is often used by those who fear and hence they lie with common ways.

It is said the road to life isn't crooked but straight and narrow but only a few choose to walk it. Everyone lays their bed and should be prepared to bear.

The most important and dangerous aspects in the human lifecycle is marriage and career choices, either should be considered as vital to the state, implying the state of heart and mind a person is at the point of choice. Taking the surname of another puts the person to be tried and tempted by the spirit that revolves around the history paths of the 4 fathers. Each family exchanges one for the other which is why one needs to be wise. This isn't said to put a divide to the choice of partner as we all have family traits that pass on from generation to generation and there are those within that can change the vibes.

There is no question as to why the Jews keep records of their family tree, the sad part is that Africans don't keep records or kept what wasn't destroyed, which makes them the Gentiles "lost" as they can't trace most times the cause of events that keep reoccurring. What makes war such a horrific event is the looting of cultural artefacts that allow people to measure themselves against it which gives each generation a focal point to retrace events to finding solutions to their present and hopefully project/forget the future.

We have the habit of not questioning the beliefs our elders hold. What is tradition? What is culture? I said before that in Africa the youth are shunned for asking questions by elders who are wicked to their own. I beg to ask where do we grow from there as people if the attitude is to keep quiet and watch through the corner of the eye, yet failing to raise ones head against treachery.

I once said that girls don't want to be lied to we need an admission to a mistake. A guy said, "really?", I thought it was the other way round.

The thing is this; if one is abusive and then gets caught then any kind of apology is no apology at all. In dating situations, that leads to a direct breakup as it shows no one cared. When it comes to marriage people usually stay but live in separate rooms as the guilt and shame doesn't allow for intimacy, some can live like that and end up having affairs some can't and they leave.

For someone like me it's best to part and find a way in managing with the pressure of handling matters alone as that look in the eyes never return. It's easier to forgive when dating but in marriage it's detrimental for a healthy environment to exist. Usually those who have been in a marriage before can live with transgressions but not someone who is there the first time. The world within is shattered.

For girls who marry as second wives they become a rebound so it looks like the objective advice here would be think twice before you leap. Looks like the divorced have less opportunities now with this statement, however should you find an opportunity to heal yourself before leaping again then the sun shines again.

I presume the guys that think they avoided being divorced by having wondered from girls to girls shouldn't delude themselves as the backlash of having numerous partners is equal to being married only there there were no obligations towards family or society and in real the past relationships still have an impact on how they view relationships and even their  current partners, so rebounds work on either side be one bethrowed or not.

There are guys who are still comparing their current partners or wives to other girlfriends they had in the past as well as to their mothers and sisters and that is paramount to what is called scorn.

If guys don't like to be measured to others standards or weaknesses what makes it permissible for women? Is it the fact that girls show no real reaction to that? Try comparing a married woman to another and the effects start the fight for personal identity which is where the us becomes a me and you.

Experience in dating allows anyone to know how to negotiate without hurting someone. The lack of knowledge that boys have about women forced them on the journey of learning about themselves through others.

Older women are accused of as being cradle snatchers yet older men seem to thrive in that area, isn't that a bit far fetching? What happens to the older people in relationships with younger people is that sooner or latter they start missing the perceived companionship they had with their mates as they feel they had been baby sitting a child into adulthood while missing the sense of partnership. Usually older women suffer with this, on the side of men it is known that women grow faster and should they go looking for their mates end up realising that they had been bonded at youth and now regret to have missed that opportunity.

Should any of the older people be married they struggle between the past and the present which puts the younger spouse in a limbo, should the younger person not know how to manage the situation what happens is they become depressed and soon loose their ability to function ie becoming emotional.

At this point it's best to focus on working and making attempts to pull out of that phase of self distraction.

Haddassa knows how to deal with wicked people. To trigger the lessons she took her birth name back by that turning what was wrong to what is good "what should be done in extreme circumstances". Terminologies of words lay in combination of experience and decisions that results". Which is why to understand the language of thongs is hard for those who don't venture out of their comfort zones. It is both experience and a divine/definitive order from above, but in order to do what was needed to be done. She decides to be just as bad as the wicked and let everyone have it. To be wise is to be prepared for battle, armed with skills in human nature and knowing how to deal in crafts "home economics translates to life skills". She isn't traditional but understands culture.

In the scripts of the bible a lot of knowledge can be derived without even needing to go to school, reading and writing isn't just what it is in terms of learning the alphabets but in watching and discerning right from bad. Man proposes God disposes, ever wonder to ask why?

Say something out of the box "whatchamacallit" and watch the ignorance flow, those who think that life is one way often oppose any new ideas or methods.

My question is this; why if we have different faces that ideas and methods can't be different? Doesn't the earth possess different seasons and makes people find solutions to survive in all seasons? When I said the hotter the weather the duller the people many felt insulted, well if the sun shines every day same way why should the methods for surviving change? Africans don't see a reason to change their lives, yet when gone to foreign lands can't seem to feel at home when they return.

Slavery was a method to shift dormant cultures and traditions from old to new, what will force people in the underdeveloped world to change? Even the white man needs to open their eyes as the events in economic crises is an indication that something's are amiss.

To be or not to be that's always the question in everyone's mind. Making decisions about personal lifestyles is difficult for those who want to be married. This or that? What ties people together is what keeps people together. Chemistry the art of fusing ideas and designing methods applicable to environmental factors around both a personality and people.

To be or not to be, that's always the question in everyone's mind. Making decisions about personal lifestyles is difficult for those who want to be married. This or that? What ties people together is what keeps people together. Chemistry, the art of fusing ideas and designing methods applicable to environmental factors around both a people and personality.

Marriage is but the beginning of a life. To seek it one must be ready to put one's neck in its defence, sometimes to lose is to win, sometimes to fight is to do right.

When a girl comes in all that she is yet what's underneath is chunked off as irrelevant then know you are with someone who made a choice to use you as a trophy.

To dunk, dribble and drag isn't easy. Managing the effects of being a director isn't for the weak hearted nor for the strong willed. Grace and Honour is earned on the battle field.
Why if one doesn't prepare should one hope to succeed? Why does sitting and waiting profits no one?
Basketball, football, rugby in action.

Ever wonder why men like to keep women barefoot and pregnant? The effect is that it boomerangs back as the crave for dominance only evokes resistance. Women maybe blind but aren't daft nor are we animals to be treated as tools for self gratis.

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