
House on fire.

Sisqo - Thong Song
A monkey or any other animal type characteristic is an attribute of a personality who is either facing a situation or being triggered into acting in certain way. Based on this understanding of mine I deduce who is sitting or staring back at me. When someone is being questioned for certain acts I simply indicate what triggers that behaviour either from my perspective or from a situation.
Being called names doesn't affect me regardless of the colour skin it is resonating from. There are equally daft white, black and coloured people, trust I've been there.
Boogie Wonderland - Happy Feet
Daddy never minded us having cats, he even loved one Moceka but he hit the roof when he saw how we would react to when neighbours poisoned ours and from then on we would sneak to get one.
In film making character descriptors are often taken from animal behaviour characteristics when it comes to detective movies at least that's what I look at when I act.
Horoscope signs are leads to look at when forming a persona although usually scripts are often a combination of what one experiences in factual instances as well as imaginary.
I and Osas burnt daddy's closet, I am sure he loved the idea of changing his wardrobe.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ
The moral of this story is that most times those who come to enjoy as friends are seldom there when in hard times.
For those who want to be considered as friends be there in deed and joy.
A variety of effects happen with people of different backgrounds. Those who have lived through minimum wage either become generous or become selfish, same it is with those who have lived or fallen from opulence. People either remember or try to run away from the memories that lead them to where they are or they sideline those who even visually remind them of where they come from.
Stupid Lasts Forever
Sometimes teachers get upset because they don't see one pursuing the same values and interests that they had been indoctrinated into believing it's true. As a kid I always questioned every word that came out of anyone who seemed to think they are my guardians whether imposed or not. Not because I did t trust them but because I instinctively didn't trust what I couldn't implement or imagine.
It's with the same critical eye I look to any documentary or future films on persons who are deemed leaders or tyrants. I ask the same criticism of myself by others and I chose for myself what to listen to or act upon.
For those who don't understand my posts in certain sentences be aware that I am multicultural and multilingual which is why I may come across as an enigma. I like being mysterious as that allows me not to become the target for ignorant hearts.
Will Smith - Wild Wild West ft. Kool Mo Dee, Dru Hill It cost me a great deal of heart ache to become who I am in the face of systematic governments who try to culture me into their type, I always walked alone even amidst people who loved me.
To be perceived as the odd one out of the pack never made me feel bad, I enjoyed standing out even if I hid in the shadows of those who claimed to have dominion over my life.
The Da Vinci Code: The True Story - Documentary
DaVinci code - the divine code of life
When scriptures are translated from language to language it looses its essence as those who translate it often see through their own eyes rather than a number of other factors which isn't recorded that happens around persons or situations.
To be able to see perspectives one ought to travel, feel through experiences and even at then the knowledge isn't complete as there are not enough words to describe emotions or visions.

The Life of Buddha - Documentary
Da Lao Lama - I would presume that this is the right way for pronouncing which in my sense represent getting rid of the sheep within.
Whereas the Christian Faith makes lambs of persons for their gratis Buddhism when practised enabled me to harness the spiritual understanding of purpose.
If anyone bothers to look into the quotes made by the wise men of Asia one would see the persuasive messages in defining oneself rather than allowing the world define you. Imaging and imagery has a broad understanding of the world, in reference to the bible scripture it is written that God told Adam to name every creature and natures fruits to their likeness; Genesis 2:19, so for all it is I can name an apple a peach and blue being black so long as it satisfies me or what can be proven to be true.
The only confrontation I may find myself in doing that is persons who don't like change or who think that changing things that have been seen as seen for centuries should remain the same but does that change the fact that in my mind black maybe blue?
Unleash The Dragon
This I make in reference to the ways we label disabled to be useful yet we don't see that our inability to utilise what ever it is we find ourselves with is what makes it useless, hence you see one person being able to make something out of nothing. Where for certain men a pound is not enough a cent is huge in the hand of the willing; perspective on this thought can be taken again from the scriptures in the bible referencing the dialogues Christ had with the disciples/due-couples on "the needle of the eye" Mathew 19-24, as well as a story about the woman who gave all she had in the scent to the church" Mark 12- 44.
Temptations and trials are separated into 2 areas the mind and the body in reference to a person not without considering the desire to acquire/pursue knowledge of oneself and the world be it people or hard matter.
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Most of the time what's emphasised by religious practitioners regardless of what paths taken Christian, Islam, or Buddhism people are focused/sunned for the bodily desires and none is referenced towards eradicating ignorance of self and the world of purpose.
Would someone who is busy think of sex on a constant basis? It would serve for the preachers not to separate couples from being with each other, the tension that a person goes through when being constantly dogged about what's natural is pushing a person to think of it even more. A single person may be free to do as they please because there is no commitment to someone but how about commitment to self realisation which also includes sex.
How Will History Remember You? (The Emperors Club) My confidence as a woman isn't just from knowing or experiencing a lot but the fact that I am not inhibiting myself in the bedroom neither am I inhibiting my partner. Shame is an ingrained mental state forced by parents who don't know how to guide a child at the coming of age. I have been through so much mind bugging that being free with myself is a joy.
If going by the story of Buddha's beginnings he went into seclusion because he lost taste for the life he lived in opulence as well as the shock of what he saw going on outside his parental home. For someone to be considered a leader they out to at some point in their lives travel in the shoes of their people, and an even harder time than ever.

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