
Through the third eye.

The point of this story is about fusion of the mind and matter. Science has created buckets of wheels if you look at what a car is which further builds bikers ie bicycle with an engine.
Can a girl fall in love with whom she hasn't been with? Can a guy fall in love with a girl he hasn't seen/known? Power of words vs/with power of thought?
Gladys Knight - I Don't Want To Know  Temptation is an invitation to act not without effort, don't know what you mean by crime unless someone gets hurt.
Doing something one wouldn't have done normally may only be seen as a crime by those who wouldn't dare or what causes someone else their life or livelihood.
I doubt if any leader goes into independence without the consult of his ministers. In starting growth of any nation the problems that irise is first security in eventuality that the greedy may want to take what they didn't labour for, however what's there to protect when there is perceivably nothing? 
Missy Elliott - Gossip Folks
Agreements with alliances are often drawn but then who will honour an agreement? Is it those who pay or those who ensure that plans are executed?
In building people they out to will it and then training takes place, forcing people to agree with a point of view is breaking the principle of free will as what grows and thrives depends on free energy flow, similar to that of thoughts.
Ciara - Gimmie Dat 
Standards that exist which takes advantage of people's lives are no standards to be upheld, formation of ethics is built over the years and aren't to be taken as a given just because someone said so.
Ethics has two sides, is one endorsing it up on someone without helping or should one expect standards of self?
By selling Alaska I think Russia got rid of the eventuality of Northern American desire to branch out into Russia. Some mistakes can save lives.
What girl wouldn't love a guy who know what he wants? What guy wouldn't love who responds? Only insecure people punch holes in what's obvious or what they are envious of.
Сказки Пушкина - Сказка о мертвой царевне и о семи богатырях
Anyone who sits and looks for praises is bound to deceive oneself or be deceived. Women who think beauty is about how their body features are are bound to trade themselves short, same applies to men who measure their relevance based on how many they've slept with, there are girls that can do in a day 10 while men seldom know how to wipe themselves clean. 
Christina Aguilera - Express (Burlesque) 
There is no joke when it is said hidden treasure, what is that? A guy who chooses a wife for a bimbo is setting himself up for a surprise.
There is a reason people keep animals at home it isn't about physical security alone. Animals know how to scenes or I would say nature uses them to warn when something is amis. Few people know how to Judge character or hidden agenda of other people, which is why in Africa for the most part cats are hated as most times they protect the owner same it is with dogs.
Sometimes men need not be directed,
Sometimes setting heat beneath them
Helps in making a commitment.
When they tend to be afraid,
When to advise they do not heed.
In the old days a father gets to know what's the character of his daughters by what they see possible in the world. Fathers and sons tend to measure their efforts based on the ideas that their women give them.
Those who don't trust women often never listen. It had been that women were the first to trade. it amazes me to realise where did the notion of subjecting women to be locked up in homes came from.
Russia has never been known to keep their women docile regardless of the poverty level that was. Most countries that have harsh weather have had to develop a communal orientation to keeping the family strong.
Кот Леопольд "На дороге дурак"
Undeveloped nations tend to subject women such as Japan, India and Africa. The U.S. That is fighting for women's rights have the highest count on domestic abuse.
Russian men had lost it over the period of communism due to alcohol but was never based on the mindset.

Tina Turner - Steamy Windows
Something I don't understand is when guys that rush tell stories later that they want to take it slow. You overwhelm someone with your crave then back out because you find your own-self drowning in the lies and you want to run? Haba my dad didn't bring up a fool, you like to jump in an out and wouldn't get caught?
I am a straight forward person from start and when the games begin I play hard to get, who likes to play should be ready to finish the game of hide and seek.
The Pink Panther in "Pink, Plunk, Plink" 
Who knows, I will loose to win.
With the rich culture of China known through the practice of marshal arts as well as it's philosophers it's horrific to think what it took to discipline an already overly disciplined nation or is the truth dark?
The Bloody History of China - CIA Cold War Documentary on a Communist Empire
There is no question that through out history all over the world it takes some bloody acts to unite clans that are at logs heads with each other. For persons like Mao to succeed it took the support of what we all know exists in the underworld, one man having such power? Unprecedented rule? Nationalistic movements are the most bloodiest of movements ever known.
Bruce Lee being murdered by those who felt he was sharing the knowledge of an ancient craft no one wanted to release to the world? It's still under question as to the truth behind anything that went on in history.
Next - Too Close  I haven't met one unruly Chinese person, their life is no much different from that of the culture of Russia, ie hard working as to feed an almost 2 billion native population can't be easy. Is it a systematic ethnic cleansing? Well I wouldn't be surprised given what we all know politicians do when they are out of ideas on how to grow to the next level.
Asia is known for its long history of brutal wars of clans and the practice of marshal arts is no different in its crave for release as the western warlords are known for.
Christina Aguilera- Car Wash (feat. Missy Elliott)  When speakers of history or those who take upon themselves to place judgement on a nations representative by focusing on just the presiding lead officer of a party it triggers an instant draw showing a revolt that may not exist same was spoken about Husain and the next thing we know what happens next.
Amazing to see that China and Korea isn't bothered about the world yet the world is bothered about them, are busy body people seeking for trouble or a piece of the pie?
Look to what a country is succeeding at, let them critique themselves and be busy sorting themselves out cos picking on another country yet your own drawers are pulled revealing the ugly crack is laughable.

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