
The coming of age.

A person that needs stimulation to act is a man that can be manipulated, same it is with those who are greedy.

Looks like in the primitive male brain stimulation is found as unattractive in a woman hence guys like to be with dumblonds. The easier it is to trick a woman the more lasting a marriage, my question is what if the dum blond is just silently cleaver.

My dad once said a family that thinks only of what to put in the stomach never leaves the table." He always spoke in volumes in a word.

The crash of illusion; perception of control. When people surrender their will to a few the few that can't handle it result in brutal ways in governing others; those who chose to create illusions such as the religious and political tyrants.

The worlds Order didn't start today or yesterday it started from the day the bible was assembled.

Going by the genesis those who put a divide between men set it in such a way as to patronise their carnal instincts. By separating duties due to the demands of the time they didn't envision the turmoil it brought to the world of men.

The truth is, who ever choses a path bears the cross, those who chose to think that men are superior chose to put themselves in situations that leaves them to their own demise.

The coming of age represents maturity, who chooses to grow and succeed succeeds but not without trials, the tribulations of the heart are those moments of doubt created by those who use deceit as a method to derail who blindly believes.

What has been put together let no man put asunder is the ultimate universal law present in everyone's life. The forbidden apple represents persons who go to  lengths by hurting a nation or person for their own gain.

If men are so annexed at keeping dominion then they should work for it, let their backs break under the rules they have created. Women shut your legs, distance yourselves, a silent war no man can handle and let's watch the events display themselves.

If people need something to believe in look around, see what has been made from the start of the universe, feel the power within, chose a path and follow through, write your own story, forget the past and see by whose laws you have been leading your life. I have never lost faith in myself just disappointed that those who claimed to believe didn't have a life within themselves while imposing it on me.

Some would ask what makes a person take another's life for granted, they were given the impression that they owned the life of another.

Has making servants of people and prostitutes of women served mankind on the long run?

To have a compassionate heart in the world of men is considered weak so they create a monster.

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