
Words with effects.

A parent that doesn't know the voice nor the character of his children is easily deceived.

Parents who patronise one over the other is bound to loose both.

It is said in the Quran that should a man desire to marry many wives he should be prepared to treat and honour all equally, but if that is not possible marry only one and even there it's demanded to treat her well.

Women who marry for the wrong reasons tend to turn bitter and in the process choose sides as a method of solace. The child that calls out to the affection is often patronised however even that child is deceived as to the motive of the affection. Same it is with wives; men aren't able to treat people equally as that is a difficult task. As a rule most men are one sided and multitasking affects their judgement of character.

More often in relation to fathers with their children bitter feuds with their spouses puts a thorn between children. A child that chooses their own path is always frowned upon and considered unruly. It is desired of a child to stick to their parents, the eldest are often subjected to such while the younger ones are often left to choose their own paths.

Havnt we noticed in Africa that most eldest kids never leave the homes of their parents and seldom grow? To the eldest there is an attached responsibility to pull the rest up before thinking of self, but that in return destroys a family legacy.

The eldest who pull out often do because they had been insulted, the eldest always bears the grunt of the parents pressure. Best to have only one child for such a parent than cause strife.

Women have had to develop and adhere to a code of conduct as most men have disregard of any kind of conduct. I am yet to see a man who when rules are laid wouldn't find a way to brake them when the interest is high, same applies to women, as a rule women are scared of scorn but should she be treated unjustly develops a disregard for any rules. How someone treats someone determines the flow of progress same it is with countries and nations.

Traditional and cultural values of a person or nation is tangled in the desire to be safe and sound.

Saying that religion determines the character of a person in my opinion is absurd same applies to nations who chose a dominant religious direction.

Collective beliefs/practices of a people shows what a nation is all about, those who represent their countries outside often lead the way strangers perceive a country.

A temperament of a person is cultured through the conduct of a family.

I remember having said that religion didn't make me to be kind, people that surround a person and nations that surround a nation determine the way they chose to conduct themselves, very few people turn around bad events into positive outcomes; It takes a strength of character for events not to result in disastrous outcomes.

There is a wonderful thing that happens to those who lie in contrast to those who are honest in their labour, regardless of the wage made to the greedy no matter how much they have it is not enough, and there  are those who are joyful in the little made.

Joys multiplies and grows fat in return overflows to others.

Fighting the shadows of disappear is the hardest plight of siblings, rivalry that was sown by parents and traditional values which separates family members.

If men treat women as commodity why shouldn't they pay the price for causing strife?

Those who loose connection with their spouses tend to wander back and forth.

Women who are in the hands of uncaring men are always ugly.

Women who don't mind their business are often rude.

I've often wondered why most Christian movies are simplistic is it the fear of being ridiculed for adding meanings that resonates from the essence in the scriptures? If pastors are made to elaborate during the sermons why not in actual productions. It serves no one being simplistic about things that have remained or wish to be eternal.

Gospel demands depth, not recitation of overridden words with no effects.

A spoken word is alive and alive because of the hurt or healing with which the energy it translates. You can bless someone but it becomes a curse or healing, what's in the mind of the person when they author the words? Some people wonder why to an apparent insult someone laughs but to a kind word one vexes? A lot has to do with the relationship between the parties interacting and should someone harbour hate in their heart even a sweet word can bring strife.

How we respond to each other also reveals what had transpired or what may lead someone to act.

Those who care have a hard time with crap served at them, it may take time but eventually things surface.

Protect your dreams for there are those who desire them. The interpretation of dreams seen while asleep have a variety of explanations and the knowledge of them is in the hands of the seers. Ideas are direct visions some may be blurred some quite vivid, the heart that behold it knows it's source.

I can understand sometimes why Israel goes to war, it's hard to diplomatically get rid of leaches.

There are people that are lazy one can deal with that but with nuisance, who regardless of the help will curse you that you haven't done anything nor enough. To those who get favour without effort they usually make a mess of even a little step.

Diplomacy entails explaining reasons and showing ways out or in those who don't want are usually left behind.

Those who choose to play games get played. Law of attraction we will upon ourselves what we strive for.

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