
The Huns - sassy or nasty?

What brutality does it take to free people of of their own laziness? Peace be still - Atilah, The Huns barbaric tactics; fight terror with terror, who's blood was being shared/shed?

Hunting skills.
Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew. Ever wondered why Jesus told Simon, Peter and Andrew to drop the trade of fishing and follow him? Who casts the net yet seemed to catch no fish?

He said to them, "Come, and you will see." So they came and saw where He was staying; and they stayed with Him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.

Madonna - Material Girl [Official Music Video]
What does it take to bring 2 brothers to see each other? Make yourself the enemy as a wife, trigger the ignorance of the party who puts a thorn between them, it's now left to both to take it further afterwards.

Families that want to stay apart will always find reasons to, sometimes to wage war with a family member brings them together but not without some sacrifice.

Nelson Mandela destroys Ted Koppel Part 1Part of the human rights movement revolves around showing appreciation for who an opposing party is, sitting and driving the ideology that one government is bad and the other is squeaky clean just because they make eloquently choreographed speeches does not bring solutions to unemployment or rights.

Regardless of how educated a people may be if they are lazy it's all to nought, neither are brutal or manipulative ways a solution as it makes people dull/lost and then angry.

Dr. Alban feat. Leila K - Hello Africa
The black South Africans may have political power but what has and will make any economy weak is the unwillingness to push themselves on a personal level. Leaders can sound nice all they want but if traditions are taking advantage of a people on personal grounds there will be no way forward.

Foreigners are lured in to do the jobs that the citizens see as beneath them, then ignorant attacks "xenophobia" starts. Osas went through that in Russia so what's there to say about South Africa?

Celine Dion - I Remember L.A. (Unofficial Music Video) When government supports policies and legal institutions that separates family then why ask why divorce happens? By putting a family under trial you are setting them against each other, as well as leading the wife to revolt.

What helps a wife to remain loyal is in continuing the job of her husband and keeping the kids healthy. Compromising her for the sake of winning over power does not serve for longevity of a nations image and in return loosing strength. A woman that has lost everything is willing to die even if there is something to live for. Men can be compromised and broken but not a mother, sister even if she has to murder her self as a woman.

Kiss You All Over - No Mercy
Maybe it suits the african woman to have a dull life but count me out. Winnie should have torn his black ass because the men in SA are dull as they don't know what a woman's strength can be. Pardon but that's a mixed girls way.

Men should think twice before messing with the coloureds, we can be deadly. Nations are showing us how to behave in return for the mercies served. Isn't South Africa tired of the crime rate and abuse?

Madonna - Frozen (Official Music Video)
No one likes the brutal Dutch style but going down on a guy for a blowjob everyone enjoys it. No pain no gain. I am in same country as Mrs Winnie Mandela and honestly the pain in the people's youth eyes is unbearable.

The coloured are loosing out because their anger isn't channeled, same effect as with the blacks on another extreme. Famine in the hearts of leaders leads to famine in the land, heart ache in the souls of leaders leads to earthquakes, sorry but people don't know whom they are holding prisoner. Father forgive them. What to do to help them? They are likely to coach others should they will it. The vast experience needs to be balanced by understanding what they had been through. They don't like pity

Interesting can a black lawyer win over an office clerk? Ever wonder why apartheid went so bad even if that wasn't the intention at start? It's very easy to fool a leader who reads what others have written. How about walking the walk of people one chose to rule or lead?

"Invictus" - Official Trailer [HD]
Then the government was defensive now they are offensive.

Today I am forced by the legal system to put my kids who are Russian, British and Nigerian citizens to take Asylum and without that being told they are considered undesirable even if all bills, and honour has been given to the country.

The South African embassy in Nigeria took advantage of a mother by ignoring to attend dutifully to the rules under medical aid my son needed at the time.

The Frost Interview - Desmond Tutu: Not going quietly
The crooked Nigerian image is taking advantage of me, so let's fight. I will not go quietly.

Countries that lack ideas use beuro-crasy as a method for earning money. Instead of openly asking for help they form policies that take advantage of their own economic growth.

I have the noisiest white neighbours who would put out their trash on the street yet looking into my clean compound, boys in their house who send their girlfriend to tell me that putting a dog on a chain is animal rights abuse and showering me with abuses of not having a South African accent. Can the deftness on the side of poor mentality whites continue cos I am enjoying the battles, it's become a joy.

The economy is not resist it's prejudicial. Unreformed educational system, those who think they hold the economy in their hands are resellers of solutions provided from other countries I am not talking about retail manufacturers or automobile.

Trend makers are innovators but if inventions are taken as a threat then why ask for transformation? Apartheid has driven the various race groups against each other, behind the smile there is fear, illiteracy "wrong information or inadequate efforts to prove what's useful for today and not" and on the side of the whites superiority complex. Coloureds are just not interested in being in between the fight they didn't cause but had paid the price.

There is no nation that likes trend shifters or changers as those who are making a living like their habits, however sooner or later evidence such as violent outbursts become indications of crises.

Business's that depend on foreign markets buying products from them should not become arrogant to presume that their racial or ethnic dominance in the past gives them a pass card to other nations.

Kirk Franklin - Smile Music Video featuring Steve Harvey
If there are people who choose to partner with me sit and try to dictate how I should look and what I should say then why ask why entrepreneurship is dying in people?

If dictating terms of technical or techniques of expression in mind and matter is restricted to what is likeable/appropriate by a certain group then know you are dealing with a possessive set of people. Beggars can't be dictators.

Indestructable Mushu
There is no difference either in Nigeria with the Mixed kids, after they see what their mothers have had to go through the natural disdain is there and please don't lie I wonder what the Naija Wives association is doing beyond just complaining.

BEE is a financial system not an economic union hence it can't empower.
Do Nigerians need empowerment or they need an honest platform for support?
Africa is a trade zone for the rest of the world why will anything change?

Russia went through the hiccups of reform after the fall of communism which created dependant/lazy/crafty people because to survive as a human being and retain dignity in an human oppressive environment only demands a revolt and not just to towards government but the internal family traditions.

Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind HD
I don't want an apology I demand that my children be not humiliated and their mother treated as scum because she has a weak husband.
As a business person I feel sorry for those who set policies that takes advantage of them because of territorial display of ignorance.

Blacks are complaining that whites are not sharing, look at the simple topics that I push forward and I am attacked for thinking out of the box, other nations other than Nigerians are asking questions filtering through the info I give but what are my Edo people doing? They are telling me to behave and no intellectual contributions. That's the average black mans way.

What's the meaning of complacency? in comparing what drives transformation. White man de craze but de grow, black man de bow and de complain say dem no allow dem do.

If your own fears and bias stops you from reaching out and developing then don't blame those who are doing what they liberated themselves from.

No one likes pen pushers the ink always leaks in the pocket for lack of its use.

Entrepreneurship can not exist in minds that are not allowed or wouldn't look outside the box.

Imagine the insecurities men who can't live next to a woman who has a brain because he grew up in a system and family of oppressive parents.

How can a guy who marries a girl who was born in one of the most culturally vast nation like Russia, grew up there with professors for ancestors and still think he showed her the world? Is it because I dropped out of manipulative educational systems that you think I am an illiterate?

I guess that's the average British mentality of colonialists. Peter you Neva see life.

Mothers who patronise their boys often don't know how to be with women outside of seeing her as a trophy or a maid.

If my Father can't intimidate me is it a man that will? If he trained me to be who I am what other man can see a daughter groomed as a helper?

By the way who was made and for what out of Adams rib? When a guy projects timidity what becomes of the helpers effort? What results to the meek?

I ask again how can a man that claims to have learnt himself to play a base be known for his talent yet can't hold a woman and make her his?

Having parents who curb the will and talent of their child made him weak. To dictate isn't parenting. Yes some may question why my dad lettinghis children free even if we quarrelled, the foundations he gave were foundations of a father who cared.

To change a child's calling is to sabotage their destiny. Children do not belong to parents but to our Father who crated us all.

To change a child's calling is to sabotage their destiny. Children do not belong to parents but to our Father who crated us all.

Engineering specialties breeds rigid mindsets, ever know why the partners for resellers aren't partners? Craig and David are in for a heat wave.

They were born by mothers who are nesters. No adventures beyond the 4 walls then looking for women who will carry their burden.

Annett architecture maybe a creative profession but it's only your release, your display of attitude should be on the stage maybe there you will find a suitor who understands the cancerian's moody streak.

Osas is a cancerian just like Annette so I know how to trigger irritations. I am a deliberate serial defensive attacker. Your big ass is bored and lonely, unfortunately peter doesn't want to offend your sensibilities which is why he has made you docile.

It would help people to admit that ignoring their zodiac signs affects the fulfilment of their destiny.

By the way I know that the evil side of the Scorpio is rearing its head, guess who rattled me out of my hole? The Leo's tricky style, like to play with girls hearts? Carry the results too.

Annett; A sister inlaw who passes a message through her brother that she is a strict mother with the intent to warn me that there will be war is calling for the sabotage of her brothers life, to add your mother to the game and think there will be no retaliation? You lost Andrew to the same stupidity, shouldn't that have thought you a lesson to be mindful to the second marriage that was ruined for the same reason as the first?

Spirit - Here I Am
A sister inlaw that is welcomed to the home of her brother, cooks for the family and confronts her brother so he may not grow arrogant to presume that as head he should care for the hands that cook the meals he eats.

He who retreats with tears lives to fight another day. Unresolved injuries; an injured bear is more deadly, best let sleeping or take no prisoners.

To stand with your mother at the door and threaten with police the wife for the strife peter has with his family just shows how much love she really has for the men in their family; Annette.

Romeo And Juliet (1996) - All Are Punished
A girl that is a handbag for her mother is a weapon against the boys in the family for what her husband put her through. Mama Fisher never knew love as a girl neither as a woman, she turned out to be manipulative towards her children and thought them same. Sorry but my family may war each other but we don't kill each other nor hurt the kids of wives who hold our brothers strong and safe.

Say Say Say by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson
Sarah thank you for being with an ass that I know my brother can be. Call me when you need my help to deal with him😀😜.

A totem is same as the zodiac signs, it's woven prayers that guide but to be protected by it's demands living a life of faith.

Сергей Филиппов, "Карнавальная ночь"
What drives me? The memory of my son in the incubator, the torture I went through in the hands of peter and his family while I had a helpless child. It's good to beat down a mother who has no other duty but to save her child.

Having to care for his partners bed and fed, later same sit to scorn me to my face for not having a smile towards a man who they don't know.

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