
It is a career and a life long dream.

Kal Ho Naa Ho - Pretty Woman Video | Shahrukh, Saif, Preity
Тайные знаки. Обречённые на бессмертие.
Johnny Cash - Train Of Love.
Sting - All This Time
Theme Indiana Jones the Raiders of the Lost Ark
When persuading a youth to follow a path towards their career it helps to ask them what image and direction they hold in their minds rather than forcing into an institution only because that's the only option. I refused to enter UNIBEN because of one, the force with which my peers father thought that he should make the decision for me. And today I don't regret as what I later saw my mates/ages go through with cults and fraudulent methods in education wasn't where I saw myself being in. Sometimes when an option is presented as the only choice it helps a youth to reject such proposals even if one is under the mercy of adults. As a youth I always had my level head and did not need an institution that is out of order to set me on a path that suits them rather than me. I follow convictions that serves my calling not instructions of adults who themselves are unhappy where they are. Call me all sorts of names, deprive me of anything but my life is my responsibility.

Nigerian parents have an oppressive method in parenting and I wasn't brought up by a father who subjected his kids to a life that was his. Daddy although a wonderful doctor would have studied politics/economics as he was always focused on uplifting the community but because there were limited options for kids from rural areas he was given a scholarship to read medicine. Today he is back in the environment where his heart was when young, does it really help a person when a system dictates a path only for the person to spend his life to waste and back to where he always wanted to be? For this basic reason daddy never forced me and Osas to follow his notion of a profession, he was always there in every capacity and took the grunt of his headless friends. Yes I said it, they may be his palls but I hold a reserve to the ignorance most of them poses when it comes to our family destiny.

In the world of the unknown the sign of a grave box is a sign of a surrendered heart to following the noise of the crafty, who wouldn't do what they say but leading others into a trap. In Africa I distaste the society because it is made of liars and deceitful persons. My grand father helped as he could, he would have done more but he was limited by the ignorance of people who were around him.

Dave Chappelle & Chris Rock Stand Up's Compilation [HD]
Wynton Kelly - Blue Moon
Simply Red - So Not Over You
Civil service for some is a job, for some it is a career, a life long dream to help and support, it isn't done only in conventional ways, there are indirect ways in fulfilling ones call.

For those who a call is a job, to fulfil tasks is a drag, they invent ways to not do anything beurocrats "pen pushers", for those who it is a career they invent jobs, propose solutions without being asked or pushed to implement.

If I were to be labeled a comedian I guess everyone will laugh at my idiosyncrasy but since I am a serious person none of my jokes are taken lightly. I say this to all, I am dead serious and honest and for those who laugh and cry over what I post, be rest assured I am not in my career for a ride in the park.󾰀󾌩😎😈

When a black guy starts dating a white woman the black women start getting offensive, measuring themselves by trying to bring her down. The reality I have seen is regardless of colour women with poor mentality tend to get wicked towards their men, in some cases it's justified as the men provoke such attitude towards them. A man that seeks to make a woman pregnant in other to keep her is in for a shocker of his life.

To sit and ask where the husband is while you succeeded in joining to erode the family is treason.

If black women can't date white men it's because of the cultural differences which doesn't revolve around finance but the nesting lazy mentality that both black and white poses.

Артур Конан Дойл / Arthur Conan Doyle. Гении и злодеи.
Westlife-That's where you find love!
ABBA - "Lay All Your Love On Me" [High Definition]
Guilty By Association - PITBULL
The mindset of a Scorpio is that of an investigator or surgeon both specialties demand a developed or gifted intuitive scent. Having to have traveled and lived in a variety of cultures in combination with arts gives an array of skills that aren't often developed sitting in class.

On a social level I have always been embracing, on the side of technology I pick what I liked, at the time general studies was good enough but with the issues I faced socially and personally pushed me towards the choice I made in not continuing with a static institution and for that I was labeled as unworthy by marks given in class, that didn't bother me, I chose to understand life first before picking up a direction, as I went through life I had seen that regardless of professions persons took they weren't happy, in return made others around them unhappy, In the Russian system at then to have a career was almost impossible except through politics, in that to find a job to sustain a livelihood was difficult as the average employer presumed that without a paper a person is a no body, it proved hard to get jobs and constantly having to face interviews with persons in companies who would either higher me because I was a pretty face to attract clients, or clearly on interviews would ask for gratis. i had seen that even if a girl had a certificate she still is treated same.

In Africa where men are dubious the only view they hold about women is that of self pleasing acts. Well I did decide to stay home and live on the allowance that my dad would send at the time, which developed resilience and when given a job would implement to the fullest despite my little educational background, I would leave jobs where I felt compromised or where I couldn't give what I thought was demanded of me.

In retrospect I have no issue with men viewing me as a pretty face however should they try to force themselves as authority I abandon what ever it is even if it may compromise my ability to sustain the minimum, what aided me is the communal and social disposition gotten while living in Russia. The general studies in arts and home economics supported being able to survive on a minimum, which translated into my ability to develop and grow my business with what the rest of the world measures as impossible.

Deductive reasoning as well as understanding of behaviour allows me to implement projects without much effort, my downfall is my honesty, I m incapable of lying even if I see loopholes where I take advantage of time.

For me to support people selflessly isn't an issue, I know what it is not to have anything and to struggle in a society like Nigeria where a girl has to sell herself to look good i chose a different route, I dated guys I liked and never asked for a penny, my dad and brother are there for that. When at the time they couldn't I walked with what I had, there comes my pride where I wouldn't allow a guy put me down because I had nothing else to offer but my presence.

I stayed in the marriage because I had a son and struggled for years not wanting to separate father and son, I saw the pain in my fathers eyes when he lost us for a brief moment in time but there came a time where I saw that the person next to me took advantage and abused the loyalty I gave. For that reason I left and never returning back. I took my time, now he can have it all back.

Pitbull - Rain Over Me ft. Marc Anthony
I am the eldest child in the family and for that reason I am responsible for my siblings, I may be hard and harsh now but then I was soft and took my strides. Love isn't about sitting and waiting, looking and watching how people mess with family but a decision to keep my head down while giving them a reason to keep moving regardless of how painful it may be. It is the plight of those who choose to be there for the young.

Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull
I am able to hold my piece as a woman I am not forced to be in a career but as a mum I have no choice when my kids need to be pushed my knowledge even if I don't get to be all that I can will pass on to them which is why I am not worried about my image. My family and kids will carry on now or later all I do is prepare. What I have in stock will be left for them, I am responsible for bringing up hopefully well rounded individuals with emotional stability at heart.

Pitbull - Give Me Everything ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer
The physical activity in dancing allows me to release the emotional pressures I had undergone, it focuses my attention to what is important, and for those who thought it was a method for finding dates missed out on seeing who I really was an am. I don't mind bursting people's bubbles, and wouldn't live my life according to their notion of life.

Chris Brown - Turn Up the Music
Those who are used to comforts tend to be manipulated by advantage takers, should you not fight back they will own your life.

Jennifer Lopez - Dance Again ft. Pitbull
At every point in the lives of those who are aiming at something in their lives they are faced with people who question their dignity and in return that leads to a form of violence, at youth we are a susceptible to manipulation by those who think that those who are young should wait, fight back or they will take your birthright or hide and wait.

Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love ft. Pitbull
Regardless of my past heart aches I don't transfer the bitterness to the other, I am just as passionate about my self as always. I don't punish those who are have nothing to do with my past even if certain things remind me of them. That's not how to sustain a relationship. I dance with all my might.

Jennifer Lopez - Live It Up ft. Pitbull
What I do has a lot to do with who I am not often fuelled by who others are or do, even if I can kick someone's ass for another.

I don't enjoy bursting others illusions except they desire to be ignorant of who and what I stand for. I come to give and should I be taken for a ride I give back, the hard part is that people don't understand the gravity of their actions, even my enemies know that I protect them even if I teach them a lesson or two.

Usher - She Came to Give It to You ft. Nicki Minaj
Creators never lack, as they produce the more ideas flow. Powers of persuasion is in the hands of open minded, it doesn't mean being loose its in letting others free to do. Restrictions are inhibitors.

Jennifer Lopez - Papi
There is no doubt I am my daddy's daughter, but he doesn't control my life, he supports from a distance and in same respect I give to him even if I have to piss him off on occasions, when we don't talk for a long time it doesn't mean he isn't there, when I call he arrives, what he does for me is be with my kids the way he was there for me. I don't hold absolutes which is why I listen and in other times rebel.

Beyoncé - Run the World (Girls)
I don't hold ambitions to run the physical world my internal world is in order and only I decide how I behave. I can spin a guy but for the care I have for my father I chose not to. When I've had it then I become the opposite of what he once knew. I can be a black and a white girl at the drop of a hat, that's the strength of a mixed cultured girl.

Diane Lane Bio | Life and Career | Filmography | Documentary Video
Ray Charles - I've Got A Woman
Women are often compromised by the possessive nature of men who are afraid that their image would be marred in front of their friends, that possessiveness pushes the exact manifestation of their fears. A person is a person regardless of their sex and if someone will they would, it would help men to know that men and women were equally created if not then one will have a distinct difference in mind. If God created man in his image what makes men think women are dull except they let the negative emotions rule their inner world and that reflects in action.

Céline Dion - On ne change pas (Official Music Video - Version #2)
Diana Ross - It's My House
Ray for all was a blind man who had a wife who stood by him even if she could do and undo without him knowing. He was a randy dandy and his blindness didn't stop him from being a rolling hat, then into drugs and subsequently having kids on the outside. He is a great singer and composer regardless of his misdemeanour, in the world of men infidelity is permissible, women also make their choices in same regard and there are those who have made the choice to stay put not necessarily for the sake of the man or family but for self.

In regards to the infidelity that many may perceive me to be offended by, I clearly state that that isn't the reason it's the neglect and loneliness I was subjected to for sake of not bringing in disease and disorder into my home.

My marriage was broken after the birth of my son and over when attacked by his mother and sister.

Fantasia - Lose to Win
Эффект Нострадамуса. "Тайны семи печатей"
Ялла - Учкудук
ялла - чайхана
The end of the world has nothing to do directly with the physical world but of darkness in the world within. People have also called upon themselves the wrath of their actions, polluting the earth and polluting ones mind is relatively an equal act of all. Cleansing demands that people stop for moments and revise their actions towards people and the eco/environment.

Those who set propagandas against other nations who perpetuate negativity in hidden acts as a method to control global thoughts towards violence often seek justification for acts which people on a day today basis can't prove until it's too late.

Nature has a way of cleansing, people who are placed in leadership positions don't need to apply that much effort as nature is now fighting back for the violence perpetrated over centuries which includes economic crises.

Tyrannical rules have succeeded in galvanising violence in places within Africa and the Middle East thanks to the U.S. Russia and The UK who senselessly pursue their agenda in the Middle East for example. The west african regions are breeding terror through poverty have a look at Sierra Leon, Liberia and Congo, Uganda and Ruanda's events, the evidence is there, should things not be done starting from now it will get worse while west Africa will be plunged into war the effects are already rearing its head in the north and Naija delta States.

Boys that hold pain from their fathers acts of abandonment and social afflictions tend to become violent such boys usually take out their frustrations on the society regardless of if they are placed in leadership positions or not. Fathers who are scornful and absent in their children's lives seldom realise what that does to them, women who give birth to children against the will of their partners are likely to subject their children to neglect.

Ignored societies have the same effects. Often times wars are promoted by such people which includes women in the ranks who have lost or are manipulated into supporting such movements. Governments have also taken boys on the streets into such wars, it is a reason colonial warlords were sent in the past.

Chris Tucker LIVE 2015 - Netflix special Comedy Show 2015 HD 720p
When people try to manipulate their way out of the lies they spread they often start talking more than they should, in that moment you let them loose.

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