
I flaunt it cos I gat it.

Kim flunt it when you gat it. Blasted hell those who don't like hearing or seeing rawness or explicit text; which in reference includes any idea that is unfamiliar will always evoke timidity in unfulfilled persons.

Those worried about my image should be worried about their brain.

There are 2 types of hypocrites those who have done all the shit in the world then turn around to run around pretending they didn't and those who are afraid to even think of anything outside the box, both are equally dangerous.

An apocalypse signifies the crash and clash of the faiths of believers; The bereaved
shall find their faith renewed not shattered, as it is written in the bibles impression of time.

Everyone over a certain period of life find themselves at the point when they are grasping for air, some many times over and to them it seems like there is no end to it. The people that often go through these phases are those who refuse to remove barriers imposed by others and made it theirs.

Adopting the beliefs of others as a given becomes horrifying when an opposing fact or thought is brought.

Who said that there is no God? Who said that there are no Angels or Demons? Joy and Fear is present within everyone but who fights those thoughts for benefit before it starts leading their paths? Today most know that love is either an illusion or war, people are beginning to redefine what had been placed as an absolute. Survival is forcing everyone to rethink their ways as what was isn't working "bringing fruit" anymore.

What was once last becomes first and what was first becomes last. Do people see farther or further into the future? Do they dig in their past or are they digging in someone else's past? Those who mind other and themselves almost never miss the points of transformation.

What seemed impossible yesterday, today is a reality because someone persisted regardless of the odds. It scares me to think that the least of believers are those who once had faith or are they trying to keep their equilibrium at the expense of others lives? To be immortalised is to fall from grace. Is love divine?

For people who reach the pinnacle of their lives 2 things happen, either they become hateful/regretful or they become healers. A pinnacle in ones life can happen at anytime, be it at youth or old age and more often best if when one is young as the shock is easier to absorb, should this happen at an older age resentment and self loathing becomes the order of the day. Looking back, analysing the present or being able to see the future in a glimpse. The hard part about handling the scope becomes a heavy task many aren't prepared for.

Some find it rather horrific that they had spent their lives aimlessly pursuing preset beliefs of others rather than harkening to the voice within. This constant battles of man with himself for being misled is painful. Those who hold on and don't to life often go through that turmoil.

The book of John is but a warning to everyone what may happen should men not change their ways of governance only as usual it's disguised as we all know the scriptures are both incomplete as well as very simplistic in its nature as when it was written people's lives were basic on an earthly basis. To speak of heavenly Helms seemed ridiculous/impractical at that time.

Someone is going to be salivating tonight with the honey layered cake in the making.

I wonder if justice has been served. I suppose the people of Iraq can attest to how their life is now just as those in Afghanistan.

I wonder what men think when looting and lying to their people results in in return for an economy, national or global in return.

This is the very meaning of "curiosity killed the cat."
Most men find it hard to digest the fact that they need to be shown how to woo and be with women so the option is either you leave them in their ignorance or do whatever comes to mind.
There is no doubt in my mind having songs that has lyrics on what to do would help the prunes since sex scenes feel more embarrassing to those, everyone has their preferences which is why porn also exists and on a variety of levels from soft to hard.
When the energy is high or low the choices are abound.

There are 2 types of hypocrites those who have done all the shit in the world then turn around to run around pretending they didn't and those who are afraid to even think of anything outside the box, both are equally dangerous.

An apocalypse signifies the crash and clash of the faiths of believers; The bereaved
shall find their faith renewed not shattered, as it is written in the bibles impression of time.

Everyone over a certain period of life find themselves at the point when they are grasping for air, some many times over and to them it seems like there is no end to it. The people that often go through these phases are those who refuse to remove barriers imposed by others and made it theirs.

Adopting the beliefs of others as a given becomes horrifying when an opposing fact or thought is brought.

Who said that there is no God? Who said that there are no Angels or Demons? Joy and Fear is present within everyone but who fights those thoughts for benefit before it starts leading their paths? Today most know that love is either an illusion or war, people are beginning to redefine what had been placed as an absolute. Survival is forcing everyone to rethink their ways as what was isn't working "bringing fruit" anymore.

What was once last becomes first and what was first becomes last. Do people see farther or further into the future? Do they dig in their past or are they digging in someone else's past? Those who mind other and themselves almost never miss the points of transformation.

What seemed impossible yesterday, today is a reality because someone persisted regardless of the odds. It scares me to think that the least of believers are those who once had faith or are they trying to keep their equilibrium at the expense of others lives? To be immortalised is to fall from grace. Is love divine?

For people who reach the pinnacle of their lives 2 things happen, either they become hateful/regretful or they become healers. A pinnacle in ones life can happen at anytime, be it at youth or old age and more often best if when one is young as the shock is easier to absorb, should this happen at an older age resentment and self loathing becomes the order of the day. Looking back, analysing the present or being able to see the future in a glimpse. The hard part about handling the scope becomes a heavy task many aren't prepared for.

Some find it rather horrific that they had spent their lives aimlessly pursuing preset beliefs of others rather than harkening to the voice within. This constant battles of man with himself for being misled is painful. Those who hold on and don't to life often go through that turmoil.

The book of John is but a warning to everyone what may happen should men not change their ways of governance only as usual it's disguised as we all know the scriptures are both incomplete as well as very simplistic in its nature as when it was written people's lives were basic on an earthly basis. To speak of heavenly Helms seemed ridiculous/impractical at that time.

Someone is going to be salivating tonight with the honey layered cake in the making.

I wonder if justice has been served. I suppose the people of Iraq can attest to how their life is now just as those in Afghanistan.

I wonder what men think when looting and lying to their people results in in return for an economy, national or global in return.

If there is something I learnt by being amidst my Muslim family is that debts and faith given by a friend should be repaid as soon as a return is made. My Muslim friends in Nigeria are honest and true as friends, I am not too sure that it has to do with the faith in Islam but their personalities.

I have been blessed to know good people for friends who don't paint pictures of who they aren't. The discipline that Islam puts on a person when followed has a great way of elevating faith in life.

I am always amidst multinational people and strongly know that being educated in the ways of life edifies the soul rather than subjecting a human being to the value of nothing, and I do know that when someone is pushed to the wall there is no way back. When people try to shut someone down what happens is the retaliation is often deadly. Self restraint is applicable on both sides not who seems to try and subject someone to an order they themselves don't follow.

Men who use brutality in disciplining people always end up in same predicaments.

Hussain in the tongs dialect translates to "he who is slain" and on the other side "who said". We all have to mind the manner in which we treat people.

Those who know languages know how to understand cultures.

Only people with bad self image project on others their insecurities, someone could be slim yet the vile that comes out of them is over-whelming.

Till you start appreciating yourself as well as someone having seen a worth in you will the eyes start sparkling again. Sometimes if not most times family members do the damage as well.

I'm whacking on the honey cake right now sad can't send it to my bro, ah o forgot he is married/arrived and Sarah does a mean one too. Sarah make one with some sand so it cringes his teeth, that Mr sweet tooth hasn't stopped stacking his fridge with sweets and chocolate. DhL is really taking their time on adding services for family members who are far. In Russia that's easy.

When people don't listen it's either a slap or walk away but not without setting in motion the deep seated desire to prove themselves right.

You can't handle the truth. The process in managing knowledge to most is difficult.

There are certain visions that one has in a flash that is impossible to relay in words no matter how eloquent someone maybe.

People that see visions are always in a state of trance, there are physical manifestations that are unexplainable.

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