
I don't write about what I can't imagine!!!

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
— Sylvia Plath

I don't write about what I can't imagine myself do and currently doing! Writers write about their experiences and CEO's execute what's in their heads! My heart is open and mind is free!

I was asked a question why am I public about anything and everything! Well how else can I keep track of my mind and deeds? I can anything and everything, no one told me I can't, neither can I be stopped! My heart leads me to where I can imagine despite not knowing what I would meet!

I was given a dream I can't let it down! My word is my bond, I owe to Life to see it through how ever short lived! My kids or anyone who feels it can carry on from where I stopped!

 I am a very hard but not a difficult person to live with, elementary was not meant for me! I dont treat life like its a ride in the park! I don't mess with people's lives and will not allow anyone mess with mine simply cos others depend on me. I have kids that need looking after, and a dream that is bigger than me I think sometimes but I never asked why me or what if in moments of darkness! At 18 I was given a vision.

People like me are best left alone or followed, neither do I force anyone! Free will! I cant help it to take leadership when i see the generals are fearful! Be what will be but I am sure walking my path and wait for no one. I dont aim to stand at the mountain top alone but while climbing should i see the team following is in danger and there is no time to pacify the leader into leadership i will take the lead! I don't ask questions I check my mates!

My Africa is my dream, in every little way I can I will give of myself to who needs my brain, and heart, should that cost me friendships and marriages and even family so be it. I dont need strings that will pull dreams down! I do hurt cos I had to let go of a loved one! It wasn't my choice! I have HIM to answer to, for giving the experiences that built my heart to be what it is! He will soon show me why I had to meet people I met and will still meet! He tests me with little things and should I fail at them he will not give me greater things! He gives great things to great people! My brother is one and I follow! If my junior did, mine is a harder path as the eldest! It's my birth right, I carry my cross with humility! Life don't care if you a girl or a boy!

I am scary to most men! Ie even when I smile I am intimidating. I don't hide how I feel or see things! So far I believe I haven't made a mistake cos I sleep in peace and no one has come for blames nor hold me to ransom that I owe and never gave back, frustrated they may be but no blame! They can acuse me of being hard and tough about things and thats about how much one can accuse me of!

I was born a soul before I was told by the world I was a woman! My father and Mother named me according to the faith and courage they held towards the future! Only for the bigoted world to tell them they weren't to be! I and my bro were born and with that came the blessings and trials! Our parents won even if they didn't hold! They are together in us.

My men in the family are not sheeps cos I and the women ain't a wolves! Men should recognise the power of women when they see it! I believe this is why women are held responsible for the outcome of their family welfare cos truly behind strong men there are strong women! What strings you keep is what makes you weak! I can be overwhelming cos I am independent to boot and daring even to my family!

My space is made for those who fear life and take care of the living!
I doubt if everyone is ordained to have a nest but every must live according to their calling, that I believe is a nest!

I am some one who when put under control will loose control! Free thinking people don't wear their emotions on their sleeve! They may be sensitive but seldom emotional. I don't think I was made for an ordinary life, i never had a chance to even know what ordinary is from birth and through youth and very few african men can live with that! I dont think like many women and my foot goes where my heart calls! I pay my price with a simile and will carry no baggage longer than necessary! I have the audacity to fly cos I was told I can! My generation and the next need me, and same it is with you!

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