
If we believe we will see!

I would make this reference to how we treat people that we presume are not fit at start and then all of a sudden they spring up from nowhere! It's not that it hasn't been there all this while its just that something needed to trigger it, some form of injustice into faith in themselves!
When they say our enemies make us stronger this is true sometimes, some people need to be hurt cos they in slumber! Some need to be told that they are no good for them to rise!

There are those kids that when you tell them they no good they break and some kids who when you give a foundation will rise! I am of those you don't do anything for cos I am a self starter! I make an oasis out of a slum! My motivation have always been for others! I don't ask for help I call for collaboration!

I was one of those kids who my English teacher in Russia called a couch potato, when she saw me 10 years latter she said "Alsu is this you?!" If only she knew that being assertive has never been my problem. It's that I never cared when someone said anything overly positive or negative just to trigger an effort for me to do something! You say yes and I would think of a way, you say no and that wall is coming down! If the crap outweighs the good i will turn it to manure and if good outweighs the bad I roll with it! Haven't failed in handling anything even amidst obstacles!

There was something they didnt see that was very obvious I think to who was interested to know or see! "Couch Potatoes" are those who are self absorbed that they don't even realise when they miss their step!

I did what was needed not cos someone wanted! I don't have to have an interest for me to do something and deliver it, just tell me what is important to you and it is at your door, don't ask me how but I will get to the bottom of things. I would be very stubborn when I feel a sense of manipulation, never liked it when people thought that that is a method for getting what they wanted from me or anyone. Can't be straight, then bugger off!

Something drastic happened to me at age 4 and a few other things. An intense experience triggered a gift, i see dreams before they happen, my intuition is sharp and that helped me deal with issues effectively and efficiently! I saw a boy killed by another! Badly bitten and all that happened was the guy got away with it cos immediately he was flown out of the country! The boy was an african boy who was serving them at their home and the parents were expatriates! I was 4 and from that day every event in my life was never forgotten! I think that messed with me and I was too young to express the fear and hurt for the other! Maybe that's why I became buck!

I understand more when one calls for responsibility and commitment! Self centred needy people dont get too far with me! Often times I would see what they didn't see, they themselves never believed in what they were saying or what they wanted to do! If they were greedy and wouldnt turn away, i would push them exactly were they wanted to be. I am wicked to selfish and greedy people! No harm but go since you dont listen! I would hear their tone of voice, their body language, some even say things that are totally contrary to what they are doing!

In the instance of my English teacher when we walked in the class i would see how bored she was with her subject, in my mind i would say why bother. Or she will be fine but in the next subject will give something she wasn't interested in! The teachers that I loved most were that of Math and Russian Literature! I didn't show them that I loved the subjects but I loved them as people! They were personalities! The math teacher was strong and brave a Scorpio like me. I looked for everything to identify-myself with her and the Literature teacher was passionate. not necessarily about her subject but her herself. So much peace came from them! I have had the luck to meet great women who showed faith by being who they are, not what they were!

I often frowned at when my A grade classmates would be followed by others just so they would get tips on exams! Sometimes I would tell them not too get too over their heads and remember why they followed! I think the event at age 4 sure made me care more for people than what they had! It's what keeps me going regardless of if they had anything! No human values? You are as good as an animal to me!

The personalities that affected me today and which i emulated made me feel that being different was cool and I never had a second thought at being different from others. I just always went my own way! It sure made the difference! I was peaceful but complicated, and turn difficult when I see something was amiss. We have tricksters for people who would make others their lab rabbit and it was clear to me from the start and if sometimes too late to turn away, I'd chop my head off than continue the journey!

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