
Why are Christians bothering her who is an Atheist?

Someone asked a question "Why are Christians bothering her who is an Atheist. That can't she live for herself"? The Christian world is aggressive about how they try to win souls and sometimes totally unethical in their approach and also with a lot of ignorance as to who is like Christ! Being a Christian don't make you Christlike, often it's those you never imitate that live according to his word!

There is a difference in the mindset of living for yourself and living in knowledge that something created you to be special! There is a grand design of someone in your life, i suppose this is what the christians should be trying to convey in their quest to save should who seem not to live a life of good standards! If an Atheists life meets the standard of a good life, who are the supposed christians to try take them of their path? Lets remember a few facts; Christianity as a religion was presumably cultured to help the poor, sick and week hearted to believe there is someone who watches over them.  I think one should recognise it when they see it! As much as our thoughts and deeds set our paths there is also some magic to the world we are living in! It's up to who wants what!

You can live for yourself but that could become a lonely place at some point when you realise everyone that you have drawn towards you live for themselves! Some caution should apply to anything one follows cos our thoughts create our realities!

A lot of believers in any type of religious paths at some point in my view loose objectivity to the purpose of their chosen religion when their dreams, wishes don't seem to come through and what dealing with the fear of the unknown is! We want security, that's a basic for any human being but when your way don't work for you, you need to check your belief system, modify it add others points to make a whole that works for you and how you put your feet to work!

I look at the variety of religions as business industries in example! The financial industry may say its all about the Benjamin's, yes it is and that's for them. The consulting industry also has its motto and same with the rest! The question for me is what do you choose to believe in and does it work for you?!

Personally I was blessed to grow up in a multicultural and religious background and saw how religion was not the problem in our family but the personalities that were in the mix! Everyone was too strong and it made us weak at some point. Now It is the best thing that could have happened! We are family even if we are all in different corners of the earth! We go out and bring into one pot. We live to miss each other and come twice a year to see each other! Family don't mean you have to be under one roof! In fact those who are under one roof don't behave like family, often they can't wait to leave! Familiarity breeds contempt! You have to go and miss each other, the bond is to be built while you are kids! For me siblings are family, not daddy or mommy so it's the same I see in religions! Take a pick on what you want and rife with it!

Not every Christian or Buddhist or Atheist or Muslim will succeed at finding happiness only cos they practiced religiously what their religious leaders say! For instance I could be an Atheist but I love people naturally and I will believe in them cos I believe in me and I will be regarded by some christians as someone who behaves like Christ! People have this predefined assumptions they have built that often misleads them!

A girl could live in the ghetto but she doesn't allow the Ghetto affect her and there is a Prince who lives and grew in opulence yet his heart is dark! Not everyone is affected by their environment! Not everyone who reads the bible is a Christian! By their deeds ye shall know them! Religious practices are a routine that sets social discipline in which one hopes to find oneself and help them find transformational knowledge "spirituality". I see all as one body working towards the common good! Don't disturb people, do your thing and in example you would lead! They will come round when they get tired! Haven't you seen how 2 will read the same passage and see 2 different things? Experiences of life differ and the paths thereof.

All roads lead to Rome and in my view my job is to tell my story and find my key to the gate! Don't let anyone but yourself take you off your path! You always have a choice, there is always time to turn around and I took the road less traveled and it made the difference in my life!

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