
A little bomb if it isn't a lie!

The world in my eyes has totally missed some very important lessons that happen everyday. I asked 2 questions yesterday! A little bomb if it isn't a lie! Correct me if i am wrong.

1. Does a guy respect a lady because she comes from a good home or cos he loves her?
2. What will make a woman be loyal to her man? What makes her stay?

It isnt a question to parents that a home must be a good home for your kids to achieve their potential. however that potential for growth can be seriously compromised should there be a misplaced value system. We have to accept at some point that the value and growth of our kids isnt in how much riches you have amassed but the attitude to life with which you bring them up. Some rich homes are not wealthy. Wealth is in the disposition with which you see life and treat the living.

A friend of mine said: The hard truth remains that most men respect their wives because of her family background, her educational background, her worth in the society.

In my opinion now is that, i will hide my daughter, just as my father hid me until i was able to handle myself and the world. If the reason I should give the best of everything to my kids so someone treats them well, then my efforts will be in vain! It's like throwing your pearls to pigs and dogs! I am sorry to use this quote to describe Gold diggers, i dont believe it is fair to label people that way but we sure have in our society people who have skewed value for what ever they didnt earn. I believe this is why women are to be protected from men who have no fear for life. Look at me now with the fame of my brother all I am worth to a man is access to him! Some will say yeah to hell and have him to yourself, thats exactly what i did. Look in our society what is going on with women whose brothers and fathers are rich! It's a curse on a woman when she comes not or isn't brought up to be humble! Not oppressed but humble!

If a gal needs to come from a rich home to have advantage over every other girl then her life will be full of misery. Man is carnal and seeks to take naturally what he likes but what exactly does he like in her? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but what does he behold in his heart? If money is all he wants he will go after what glitters. If it is life he will seek a partner. And those who go after women who are totally equipped are gold digging men! Hide your daughters but in a smart way. If you are wealthy send her/them forth to the world looking very ordinary or best even to the ends of the world where no one knows you and let her marry there. Keep your enemies closer and your friends far, i think applies more to your kids than the external social family. I walked raz when i was a youth and i got to know who is who by how they treated me when they saw no value for me. Someone told me the other day 'keep people who treated you well when you were most venerable'

I have seen a woman who was supposedly brought up in a good home but her attitude to people and her family brought her to her knees. Where now she fights to break her own family home for bringing her up to have an attitude towards the world! Most girls whose fathers are rich and well known have an attitude that stinks to high heavens cos she thinks daddy will bring to the table the man! A girl from a humble home knows what worth is! She don't take people and what they have earned with sweat for granted! A woman stays with a man who treats her well and a man treats a woman well when he loves her, regardless of the home she comes from. A man will turn against everyone for a woman he loves and she stays loyal cos of what he has had to sacrifice. A man of plenty friends leads to doom. A woman gathers the flock under one roof, a virtual woman does not throw her seeds, she plants.

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