
Ice Age!

Was just watching Ice Age with my kids and wondered how is it that 2 possums could convince a mammoth that she is a possum? Obviously they didn't give her the opportunity to see herself reflection, made her so busy attending to them that she totally got wrapped in their world!

We have people like that in our society, who so have so much trust for what they are told cos of how they were brought up! When you are continuously told or tell yourself you are a particular way you become it! This happens when constantly air is blown up their asses or they have been mentally suppressed to not think out of the box that they can't seem to open their eyes to smell the roses! They have been given a make belief and on occasion the agents have made sure they created some evidence or covert the truth to fit their needs! Their personal intuition have been so murdered that they no longer listen to what the quiet voice says within! Everyone around them is succeeding but they cant seem to rise! Haven't we ever heard of the word zombie? Figuratively speaking witches always use trolls to protect themselves!

Sometimes also it isn't even anyone doing anything but they themselves have so brainwashed themselves to believe in a particular thing that even when it isn't there they still see it as they want to see it! Anyone who opposes their ideas is an enemy, cos it causes them pain to accept that they have been living a lie, they dont view it as someone who just has their own set of experiences and can show proof that they worked it out!

The funny thing is, that even with vivid evidence they will still not accept the truth or a word you say! If you happen to be near such the best way is to remove yourself from that environment! Should you be in partnership of any kind with such play the possum game! Leave everything behind and just move! Everything earned in truth even if lost can be brought back and second time we all know its easier cos you have gone through that path!

Playing possum: Apparent death, colloquially known as playing dead or playing possum, is a behavior observed in a wide range of animals which take on the appearance of being dead to an observer. This form of animal deception can be either an involuntary reflex action as in tonic immobility or an adaptive behavior as in thanatosis. Apparent death can be used as a defense mechanism or as a form of aggressive mimicry.

I find a lot of fun watching these cartoons or reading fairy tales! In every film i take out life's lessons! and as much as i motivate you to believe in the good, i ask you to be vigilant! You know how they say our persecutors are our builders? to me Cinderella wouldn't have kept her prince shouldn't she have been used by the wicked step mother and brats for step sisters demands made her virtuous! And there is always a guardian angel that makes things happen even if you don't know!

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