
Fight A good Fight of Faith!

Dont fight religion, fight those who choose to covet it. I am just as ignorant as many but with every step i seek the true meaning through evaluating my and others experiences. Extremists
are not bad they just ignorant to the other side of the truth. At some point you will be a hero and on the other you will be the bad guy. The boundaries will define who is who, just dont be rigid to accept another view point.

Fight for the Muslim Girls just as you would for the Christian, they are kids and people. Take away the strength of a woman and you men will be weak. Take away one religion and yours will be weak cos there will be no objectivity. Don't be passive, if your heart dosnt agree say you dont agree and bring out the objective truth to things.

Fight back lies with the truth. If you dont believe you can then it wouldnt happen. The truth of life is that liberties must be earned but one has the freedom to extricate themselves from what isnt true. Yes in our minds it sometimes gets skewed because we become arrogant to presume that we are all. Power is good but it corrupts the mind that seeks control. 

There is only one truth a right to live and bear the consequences of our actions. If you realise that you have been living in someone's set of values that has incapacitated you, denounce yourself from it, even if you will have to eat grass.

Those that dont fight have adopted and adapted and are led as sheep for slaughter. If you dont fight back things will continue to be as they are. An eye for an eye. Islam in some aspect should teach people how to fight back not to attack. If you are afraid to die you will loose your life. I understand radicals to what they may mean, not those who seek to oppress but those who fight for the liberties of others as their own cos the boomerang effect always happens. Real radicals fight for freedom not subjection of minds to mediocre values that on the long run destroy everything good.

Whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I am a radical in the sense that If i fight for others kids mine are hopefully automatically safe. As an adult i already have lived a life, i have seen it all possible, my kids are yet to see, so i must fight for their future in safety and prosperity. 

Fight a peaceful fight, cold war tactics. Obtain and extricate yourselves from mental slavery and your body will be free. Those who are hungry for power are blind anyway and the true kids will always see looholes to save their lives for another day. Wars were never won by the best generals, they were won by free minded individuals with a good cause.

I wonder "if there were no natural resources, would people fight for people against created gods?"

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