
Don't let the right hand know what the left hand did!

Perpetual motion vs friction - Love me or hate me. Some will and some wouldn't at least don't stand in the middle trying to make everyone love you, neither should you put yourself in situations that would bring scorn!

Loving you always, wouldn't happen because people need options so you can make a choice! If you stand out you will create enemies and will have friends! Some of those who you consider your friends will be your enemies and your enemies will become friends!

Friends: Those who objectively oppose your beliefs will point out to you outrightly the faults with it and never make it about you but the actions you are about to take that don't work for your good! Real friends work behind your back without you knowing! Those are not often the silent nor the loud ones, they are the active participants directly and indirectly! You don't have to see them act but you can see the results in time! Don't let the right hand know what the left hand did! It takes away the magic!

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