
The Ant and the Sluggard.

Ever watched the Ant or the Bee? Ever wondered what draws the need for search? The hunger to survive and be relevant in its community! Same it is with the human race. What attracts the Bee? Is it the color of the flower or the aroma or the taste of the flower? What attracts the Ant to anything? Is it the fact that it is programmed to just be relevant? I don't know the true attraction that ants have to things as when i watch them i see that they go after anything and everything! Of course every insect like the bee has sensors but the ant seems to be in-discriminative.

Never boast about anything for it breeds envy in the heart of Man! A lot of people do not know why they loose things or people and worst even themselves when they boast! Everyone wants to have the best! People who have a predisposition to want what others have or are made to wish what one has develop envy or jealousy, the very emotions of coveting! What ever it is that one has one doesn't need to hide it but dangling it in front of others in order to have self relevance in the eyes of others become targets! Be always aware that the act of coveting is triggered by boasters and those who pass compliments about things or towards people that are not theirs!

No one who wants to keep anyone before they are in their lives puts them up as an exhibit. People are not things! Telling a friend that you love someone else triggers curiosity and may draw their attention towards what they may have not noticed before! Very few people are happy with their lives because they didn't make a conscious choice! By focusing someone's attention towards someone you admire will trigger jealousy within you should the other person go after what you fixated him or her on! The act of coveting is as a result of people wanting what others want, would one be at fault for fixating the other? Sometimes to wake up people who take what they have for granted a good form of coveting can be employed. Humble and meek people are seldom noticed, best and longest kept things are simple! Do not protect things, protect people regardless of if you love them or not!

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