
Don't look at the jar, but at what's inside it!

I am merging a number of idioms and scriptures to bring about some sense into why some loose or gain in investments they make!

1.Don't look at the jar, but at what's inside it.
2. Don't buy a cat in the sack.
3. Better is one bird in the hand than two in the bush.

The above would mean: "Something you have for certain now is of more value than something better you may get, especially if you risk losing what you have in order to get it." Good advice but may not be right on the long run if one is aware that the amount of money in ones possession gets depleted through expenses just as knowledge "information/experience" can become outdated.

In contrast to the above mentioned idioms a passage from the bible comes to mind " it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."! I herby proceed to deduce the following:

A man who has nothing to loose will always have something to gain! a "poor" man thinks ie will give the little he has for a promice of a better tomorrow and even if he looses it he has gained knowledge which he can later use "reinvest" to get back what was lost!

The "rich" hold on to what they have and would not part with it for fear of a loss therefor could be penny wise pound foolish! A rich man always thinks of risks which is fine but risks do not apply to thought alone but also to actions! Not knowing the terrain of a proposed investment deal is senseless but it is also senseless to put in money and not be a part of the process of implementation! Those who are rich have often become lazy and it is to that laziness they loose! They may get their returns in coins if the investee has honour but will not get the knowledge hence loosing even more than they invested! The banking industry is loosing out of good investments as they are more concerned with counting mislay margins rather than profits!

To pass through the eye of a needle implies that one puts an effort in what ever one invests themselves in! To pass through the eye also implies the ability to see new ideas or have an imagination! When one is focused on counting pennies one doesn't get to have pounds! My worry also to those who have a wild imagination and not earthly is that they may be tricked into buying a cat in the sack because they look at the jar, but not at what's inside it.

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