
Хороша́ дочь! In Russian thoughts!

В чужо́й монасты́рь со свои́м уста́вом не хо́дят. When in Rome, do as Romans do.
Literal: Nobody goes to another monastery with one's own charter.
  • This could be a disaster for the Romans as the society wasn't known for its saintly behaviours! It created more havoc that the rulers couldn't handle any more! When someone comes to offer a better solution to an epidemic best to listen as Sodom and Gomorrah could be very near!
Зарека́лася лиса́ кур не ворова́ть. The leopard cannot change his spots.
 Literal: Vixen resolved not to steal chicken.
  • Do not dangle a carrot before a hungry rabbit!
Е́сли бы да кабы́ да во рту росли́ грибы́. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts; If ifs and ands were pots and pans, then we would need no tinkers.
  • Life dishes dishes and the cooks are never found wanting!
Заста́вь дурака́ Бо́гу моли́ться -- он лоб расшибёт. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.
 Literal: Make a fool to pray to God, he will hurt his forehead.
  • For those who don't have feelings one can only pray for!
До Бо́га высоко́, до Царя́ далеко́.
  • What should one do to bring God and King to sit on one table to listen to one? Drastic times for drastic measures! Doing the ordinary does not draw attention!
За́дним умо́м всяк кре́пок. Hindsight is 20/20.
Literal: Everyone is strong of the hindmind.
  • Oh I have met loads of cowards and wise asses and I have seen their end!
Закон суров, но это закон. 
The law is hard but it is the law!
  • A law that is hard isn't a law. Laws deal with general issues not with specific situations. Go to court if you seek justice, but one may not find it there! Множество людей, но нет совести! Loads of people but little conscience. An advice is not made for everyone it's tailored to size!
Куда́ ни кинь, всю́ду клин. Damned if you do, damned if you don't
Literal: Whichever way you turn, the wedge is everywhere.
  • Whatcha gona do to survive is up to ya!
Когда рак на горе свистнет. When pigs begin to fly.
Literal: When the crawfish whistles on the mountain.
  • Who whistles knows, who whispers shows!
Молоде́ц про́тив ове́ц, а про́тив молодца́ -- и сам овца́. Brave before a lamb, but a lamb before the brave.
Literal: He is brave when fighting against sheep, and when fighting against a brave man he's a sheep himself.
  • Definition of a coward! A man without principles can not standup for anyone.
На то и щу́ка в мо́ре, что́бы кара́сь не дрема́л. 
Literal: The pike in the sea is there to make the crucian to stay alert.
  • Those who irritate you keep you awake!
Не бо́ги горшки́ обжига́ют. It is not the gods who burn our pots.
Literal: It's not gods who make pots.
  • Eat what you cook and dish!
Не рой друго́му я́му, сам в неё попадёшь.
Curses like chickens come home to roost.
Literal: Don't dig a pit for somebody to fall into, or you will end up in it yourself.
  • Hug others and you give yourself a hug.
Не спра́шивай ста́рого, спра́шивай быва́лого. 
Ask not the old, but the old-timer.
Literal: Don't ask the old one, ask the experienced one.
  • Age is but a number.
Пло́х тот солда́т, кото́рый не мечта́ет стать генера́лом. 
Literal: A soldier who doesn't want to become a general is a bad one.
  • Even if you don't get to be a general at least you will become a captain/officer which is actually a better position than being a pen pusher in peaceful times! Generals who invent wars should be the first at the front lines.
Хороша́ дочь А́ннушка, ко́ли хва́лит мать и ба́бушка. 
Literal: Daughter Annuska is good, if praised by her mother and granny.
  • A woman that is praised by her mother is waited to be married off! Those whom the family wants to keep is not paraded in the square! A girl that wants to marry is all dolled up! She who chases the wind does not want to be tied down!
Хороша́ Ма́ша, да не на́ша. 
Literal: Masha is good, but she's not ours.
  • Listen to the neighbours on who is a good person and that's your wife or husband! For neighbours would not stick their heads for a neighbour they do not know!
Це́рковь бли́зко, да идти́ скли́зко, каба́к далеко́, да идти́ легко́.   
Literal: Church is close, but the road is slippery, pub is far, but the road is easy.
  • For most to drink off their sorrows is better than to be told that they are guilty!

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