
Be calm, trick or treat?

A few days ago I was chatting with a friend and the discussion went into what costume did one wear
on halloween. My daughter said "I was a fairy witch", he laughed and said "is there such a thing like a fairy witch"? And then he asked me what was I, I said I was myself, he burst into laughter and added "the only day Alsu can be who she is! A witch. I laughed too because he always thought of me as a Bitch!

A fairy God mother is depicted in fairy tales as one who comes to make people's dreams come through but what they don't know is that sometimes to make things or their wishes come true also takes a level of being a Bitch as some people don't know how to get out of their own way! Sometimes a disguise is required to get things done! I make my choice on when it is appropriate to be a Bitch or a Mother! A slap sometimes gets kids into order! The difference between a God Mother and a Witch is that one does the right thing while the other does wicked things! One gives through sacrificing herself while the other sacrifices others!

Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly!

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