
African Quotes on Unity and Community

Unity is strength, division is weakness. ~ Swahili proverb
  • There is no argument that Unity is strength but in the case of dealing with the African level of poverty separating issues needs to be done!
  • Tribalism is a form of segregation! Civil rights doesn't exist ie we have cultural practices without justice! Everyone is a pray and a predator at same time! We take advantage of ourselves by taking advantage of the other! No principles but principalities! Supposedly wise with all our fables and wise crackings yet preaching with empty hearts "without honour"! It is so easy to lure us into temptation because of our greed " the lack of will to rise to the occasions that the present presents! We are same as we were 400years ago! Yes we have cultural values but we have low social values and honestly I don't want to name them! Honesty between family and social members is none existent! Can an African child tell his or her parents that he or she wants to study anything other than law or medicine or engineering? How many fight for their own right to choose a spouse and make it with out the support of the family? Can your child play music and be a musician without being dogged? Status is greed when not earned and sustained!
  • I once sat in a discuss with an elder lady with a number of other people at a gathering who said that her children owe her their life, I nearly choked, I couldn't believe that she was trying to convince me of the rightfulness of that idea! I can't believe that my son who I gave birth to as a symbol of faith and joy would now become a slave to me because I suffered to give him everything! The only conclusion that a person siting between us could come up with is that I have the mindset of the Eastern European! And I thank God for that as a fact but the truth is, not every eastern european thinks the way i do. The poverty and greed level there has also created monsters out of parents. I fought for my freedom and liberties and know how hurtful it is for a soul to be denied its identity as a child, as a woman and as a person because of prejudicial minds within the societies i grew in! How can the elders in my Africa subject their own children to soul enslavement? And she is a woman saying this! Id rather be a man and if men believe in that too then I give up! Female and male thinking isn't human thinking! When are we going to rise above carnality? Poverty is questionable because there are supposedly white trash that  don't do that to their kids! Most of the kids who are today celebrities came and come from poor financial backgrounds but were not impoverished by it! If we seriously want to talk about Unity we need to clear our minds against what we think a worthy profession is! God speaks to his people through Arts, Music and the sciences! How can the sciences be better than Arts when the core of any profession today is art in one form or the other?! I'd rather be a free "beggar" than a rich slave!

Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. ~ Bondei proverb
  • When siblings fight a stranger inherits the home!
It takes a village to raise a child. ~ African proverb
  • Leaders are bread within its people and so do tyrants!
Where there are many, nothing goes wrong. ~ Swahili proverb
  • I doubt that! Too many spices can spoil a good soup! Few is sometimes more efficient! Have a look at the Scandinavian countries as an example!
Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper. ~ Tanzanian proverb
  • Ants scout in pairs but gather harvest In droves!
A single bracelet does not jingle. ~ Congolese proverb
  • But may be classy! Sometimes being a rebel brings justice to the society!
If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~ African proverb
  • Justice not revenge brings satisfaction! What's the point in throwing fits after a fight?
  • Healing is a better word for learning in cases of relationships.
  • Regretting is self revenge! If something were to happen when it was happening it would have happened right?

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