
African Quotes on Patience!

Patience should mean minding ones business! Being good at something rather than everything! Not many people can multitask and be good at it!

Patience is the key which solves all problems. ~ Sudanese proverb
  • Thinking ahead and implementing on time prevents and solves problems!
Hurry, hurry has no blessings. ~ Swahili proverb
  • Impatience has its benefits it ends bullshit continuing! In a continent like Africa or the undeveloped worlds misunderstanding the word patience for waiting has led to stagnation that catching up may cause another set of issues! Rome may not have been built in one day but having no will for growth is a disaster! Rome is a symbol of knowledge or skill it sure can't be developed in one day!
To run is not necessarily to arrive. ~ Swahili proverb
  • To crawl is to pack all the dirt from the world! Being the dumping ground for the rest isn't pride!
Patience can cook a stone. ~ African proverb
  • My Africans can drive one crazy!
  • Stones are used for cooking not in cooking! Misplaced priorities hinder progress! My enthusiasm diminishes in trying to do the impossible.
A patient man will eat ripe fruit. ~ African proverb
  • There are more vitamins in green fruits, ripe fruits may be sweet but have more sugar which may not be good for diabetics! I doubt a patient man will ever see a ripe fruit to eat or sell! A worm may beat one to the punch!
At the bottom of patience one finds heaven. ~ African proverb
  • Where are we today with patience moving orientation? Collaborate don't wait.
A patient person never misses a thing. ~ Swahili proverb
  • A meticulous person never misses anything but can loose a lot to procrastination!
Patience puts a crown on the head. ~ Ugandan proverb
  • A well built business lasts longer!
Patience attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far. ~ Swahili proverb
  • At a chosen craft time passes fast and closer to success!
Always being in a hurry does not prevent death, neither does going slowly prevent living. ~ Ibo proverb
  • He who seeks to keep his life will loose it; who hides from life does not find knowledge, he who seeks to loose his life finds it; he who leaves the comforts of the parents home or old ways grows in knowledge!
However long the night, the dawn will break. ~ African proverb
  • What's yours will be yours! Sooner or later everything comes together!

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