
Open buffet of Latin thoughts 2.

Improbe Neptunum accusat, qui iterum naufragiam facit.
English equivalent: He complains wrongfully at the sea that suffer shipwreck twice.
Meaning: Don't do the same thing again and expect different results.
  • Same attitude brings same results regardless of circumstance! If one realised that responses to situations guide in solving problems they would be less antagonistic! Circumstances don't change, attitudes do! Life is life, the outlook toward it determines the difference. Two people could be doing the same task but produce different results.
In dubio, abstine.
Translation: When in doubt, abstain.
English equivalent: When in doubt, leave it out.
Meaning: "If you are unsure what to do, it is best to do nothing at all."
  • To do nothing is also an action! To be unsure is a state of mind often having to do with fearing the worst! What if regardless of an action one tries wouldn't that remove the doubt? They say "fortune favours the bold" in this case could mean "what ever the result it is a result and move from there forward to rectify or live with the outcome"! Knowledge is always to be gained and that is a positive thing!
In dubio pro reo.
Translation: "When in doubt, in favour of the accused".
  • I am not a lawyer but in life circumstances one does fall in situations when one is put in the position to defend someone! Guilty before proven innocent or innocent before proven guilty? Just because someone is accused does not mean they are guilty neither is there smoke without fire! Protecting the rights of an individual is a must ie at first instance remove the accused from the accuser! Then ask both parties on separate grounds what happened. Often the accuser wants to air their grievance while the other wants to clear the air! In time the matter may die down if the case is about misunderstanding each other! If facts are presented and the other is unable to present their own to contradict the fact then a solution "justice" to mending the situation can be suggested! In a case where the accuser has already passed his judgement with physical assault then the accuser becomes liable for the damages done and could pay a double price for not asking help from a third party! Thou shall not judge ie do not carry out actions without an intermediary or a witness who can bring sanity to emotions! Always have evidence to back up a claim!
In iudicando criminosa est celeritas.
Translation: Hasty judgments are criminal.
English equivalent: Hasty judgment leads to repentance.
Meaning: A quick evaluation is a terrible evaluation.
  • Nothing is as it looks but as seen!
In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas
Translation: "In necessary things unity, in doubtful things liberty, in all things charity"
  • If it's necessary accept/do/collaborate, if in doubt explore avenues, in all be open minded!
In nullum avarus bonus est, in se pessimus.
English equivalent: The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself.
Translation: No one should be the judge in his own trial.
English equivalent: No one can be the judge in his own case.
  • The pessimist is good to none and worse to self! Now I can understand the deeper or simpler translation for thou shall not covet! Thou shall not be a pessimist as it yields nothing, except a projection of pessimism is a tactic to sway someone of a path. When someone gives you a NO ask why, when someone gives you a YES it either means you brought good reason to act or again ask why one approves! There are wise asses who would say a yes just to test on you to see if a task works! Honestly I shall say trust no one for 2 reasons, there are wicked people even within family and there are those who don't know! Always take care but don't be careful!
  • To demand judgement without evidence is futile - an empty/unsubstantial plight will receive no attention but more scorn!
In risu agnoscitur fatuus.
English equivalent: A fool is ever laughing.
  • An honourable person always finds pleasure even amidst turmoil! Every step is success to him/her! There is always insight to be gained even if it may bring pain!
In vino veritas.
Translation: There is truth in vine.
English equivalent: In wine there is truth.
Meaning: Alcohol consumed removes the inhibition against telling the truth that occasionally one would like to keep secret.
  • Don't know about being inhibited in telling the truth or being honest in my case but wine sure helps get a flow! When one is induced with some relaxant be it a natural state of mind or induced through substance it sure helps the groove! I am always in a state of high for I soar above all things earthly! I sure love my glass of wine or a pint of beer or a double shot! My tequila doesn't hang warm dangling in the wind! :) Happy feet!
Inimicum quamvis humilem docti est metuere.
Idiomatic and literal translation: There is no little enemy.
Literal translation: The wise man must fear a humble enemy.
  • Don't take anyone for granted! Should you do so you will make everyone you meet your enemy and sometimes those who know those you know! Me against the world has made more friends and my foes keep a respectful distance! I am not too sure I have foes except those who have no courage to say to may face how they think of themselves! I always hold a fuck you finger to those who want to tell me how to live my life yet haven't helped but create more stress!
  • I don't like kiss asses except In he bedroom :)! There there are no inhibitions! How to know a man that doesn't like you or himself? The walls have ears! :) plaster my body with the ego trip there! Show me what you gat or get lost! Sex isn't sexy! :)
Innumeras curas secum adferunt liberi.
Translation: Children bring with them countless cares.
English equivalent: Children are uncertain comforts but certain cares.
Meaning: "Children are bound to cause their parents anxiety, and may or may not also bring them joy."
  • I don't like children or adults who want to play yet cry when they get bruised! For those who wish to be clean read books, for those who want to know get onto the street! Cares are either mental or physical and one sure can handle both! Parents either scare their kids to sitting still or  set them free to exploring! Those that don't like people often use bullying as a method of control! A bird must fly or it will be a sitting duck for predators or the parents could become pray! Alien or predators which one one is breeding we all find out in the end! I am a peaceful Alien but with the capability of becoming a predator! Mama raised a hell raiser and papa thought me not to be an idiot and my father shows me when to be what!
Intemperans adulescentia effetum corpus tradit senectuti.
English equivalent: They who would be young when they are old must be old when they are young.
  • To have stories at old age one needs to be an explorer in youth! I know I will have a lot more to guide my kids when they are of age and tell my stories to my grand kids, I wish my body would still be as strong then as my mind is now!
Inter gladium et iugulum.
English equivalent: Don't go between the tree and the bark.
Meaning: Do not interfere when two parts are having an argument.
  • If the fight didn't start when you were there then it's too late to say what if! Watin consern blind man with Nepa! In translation means a blind man does not need light!
Interdum stultus bene loquitur.'
English equivalent: ”A fool may give a wise man counsel.”
  • An honest answer exposes a con! Fools teach the wise to be more cunning!
  • If a wise man approaches a fool he/she may switch sides! 
Ira furor brevis est.
Translation: "Anger is brief insanity"
Meaning: If you are mad, count to twenty.
  • I did that and the other didn't expect the result! Leaving is best when there is no change! When hostility is projected to withdraw is what they tell you! Where there is love there is unity! No one leaves an environment that is kind!
Iter per praecepta longum, per exempla, breve et efficax.
English equivalent: Example is better than precept.
"Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition."
  • The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Heaven helps man who helps self! If the division of labour has been engraved in the minds by society, why should women or men expect help from each other? Who loves gives, the rest is up to the mind! If one can't help at least don't disturb!
  • If one is not there during hard times they will not be able to enjoy when success comes! Ie one can't control what one didn't start!
Iucundum est narrare sua male
English equivalent: A problem shared is a problem halved.
  • To air is forgiveness! To forget is to cause more grief, one is likely to repeat the same mistakes.
"Latet enim veritas, sed nihil pretiosius veritate"
Translation: "Truth is hidden, but nothing is more beautiful than the truth”
  • To seek the truth is to find truth! Ask why and when, how, what will be open, the who however may be hidden! Very few come out to say I did it for fear of scorn!
Lumen soli mutuum das.
Translation: You are lending light to the sun.
Note: Said of persons who affect to explain what is perfectly clear and intelligible.
  • To confirm a fact adds credit to truth!
Macte animo! Generose puer sic itur ad astra!
Translation: "Be strong, young man! Through this way one gets to the stars."
  • Generosity has its own rewards but not always in gratitude!
Mala herba cito crescit
Translation: "Weeds grow fast.”
English equivalent: Shame take him that shame thinketh.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
  • 1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 
  • Anger vs Envy! Anger is stupidity. If one should place it right it would be "the transfer of judgement on another for not being able to take it out on who or what may be the cause of failure or stress"; Anger; a mind that seeks to put blame on an unsuspected person! i.e. A "childish person" that is angry fights and may not have envy, he/she may have been provoked!
  • Envy on the other hand is the mother of malice, a premeditated act! Envious people are not stupid they are evil minded, to claim that envious people are stupid is to render oneself to their justice! For one to be evil one needs to be wise enough to devise ways in harming someone! Envy is a negative desire, a form of control for something that wasn't earned by them, like  a wish to take credit for the efforts of others. Negative or positive desires brews for a length of time. Envious people are seldom caught but their deeds affect those who were their targets! Hence they are called the wise! Someone who is doing well is often envied, so to protect oneself one needs to either get body guards or pretend till the coast is clear!
  • Within family members envy is almost a fertile breeding ground by parents who do not share affection equally! My way to eradicate envy happening within family is a principle "what you can't do for all don't do for one" same it is with staff members. Be the shepherd and have a dog to keep the wolf away!
  • "what may be a saving grace for some daft parents, is if one or all of their kids can hardly be bothered if attention is shown, the kids may have independent streaks to their nature! Note that the word daft was used deliberately to evoke in daft parents what the root of envy is! An insult to ones dignity causes envy! Some reading this would say "what/who does she think she is!"; now that is an attitude of an envious mind.
  • On another level there are siblings that make a target of themselves by being obnoxious towards each other or to a sibling as a method of self relevance! The story of Joseph comes in handy to show the root cause of bad parenting skills! You would recognise them by the simple ways they address the other! It's amazing how everyone is blaming the brothers but totally ignore the parent who was the cause of envy shown towards Joseph! I think his father was selfish as well as ignorant to have put his child in a position where his own brothers would do that to him! All turned out well in the end and thanks to our All seeing and Loving Father!
  • In my social or private family if one of my kids or friends is wording words in a tactless manner, I eradicate it by admonishing the tactless child or person in front of everyone and later drawing them aside to explain further! By confronting the agressor one cools others emotions and by drawing the agressor aside one instils understanding into the individual to see self and what their actions will bring in future should they not stop it! Laziness also creates envy, the idle mind is the devils workshop!
  • Those who envy first try to undermine the person and if that doesn't work then they seek to undermine their efforts to grow. First they attack the mind and if that doesn't work proceed to the other aspects that are important! Ie by lying and condemning that which is good! Ie the act of coveting! And remember those who smile at you are not always friends! One may think one is admired, it could be the case but if one is being flattered for no apparent gain to the other then that is a lip server! No one ever commends anyone for anything except there is a gain to be had! Those who have gained without ones knowledge usually don't voice it and proceed smiling to themselves for getting a free be! Only farts come free! As it is said "Have no fear for I am that I am is beside you" take thy staff and a rod and walk towards your goals!
  • Do not underestimate anyone on your path and enemies will not surface!
  • Real Friends don't ask if one needs help, they are already ready and prepared for the moment! Who can find a virtuous man? Their price is more than rubies! If only one knew the truth behind the wise who assembled the bible and placed the word Woman instead of "Person".
Mali principii malus finis.
Translation: Bad beginnings lead to bad results.
English equivalent: A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
Meaning: "It is as impossible that a system radically erroneous, once commenced, should end well, as it is that a mathematical problem, commenced wrong, should come out right."
  • Not all that starts well ends well, sometimes bad things happen as you go along! What sometimes keeps people hoping that there will be a change is that beginning! That's why they say first impressions matter most but one can't live in misery for 5 years because of 3 months of bliss! One can forgive and then turn into the punching bag! As it was quoted in the film "For coloured Girls" "I did you like I did you because I thought you could take it" if you don't say, no one will know, if you don't move they will think its ok! Some don't realise until it's too late, they are either dead or gone! Watch those "angels" eyes. A wink in one eye saves nine black eyes! Don't be a patch Adam! It starts with Adam and ends with Eve, who was the serpent?

A wrong beginning makes a bad ending,
how ever some magic,
may change the course of themes.
if advanced maths was an accurate science,
probabilities would not exist,
in simple terms 1 + 1 is sure 2,
but it could have been named three.
When x is an unknown,
then 2x could be 16,
go figure what life can bring,
to turn a pauper into a king.
Life is poetry and some things can not be foreseen.
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest.
Translation: "It is a bad plan that cannot be changed (A plan that cannot be changed is a
  • Plans change and in some cases should change! Plans should be flexible to change. Man proposes God disposes! Events along the way are indicators of pro or con change!
Malo nodo malus quaerendus cuneus.
English equivalent: Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.
Meaning: "Drastic action is called for – and justified – when you find yourself in a particularly difficult situation."
  • Stick to your guns and fire them blasting on all cylinders! Another way of driving the message clear "Any attempt!!!!!!!!! Scream till your voice reaches heaven! Its justified when it is a matter of life and death" the devil should be afraid to try mess with souls! Oh some people are ignorant of the force behind survival! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Peace must come down to earth even if war must be waged to rid this earth from evil, and if it means my death so be it! I may not be made of steel but my flesh has been stripped of my bones and my heart bleeds for what is to come!
Malum quidem nullum esse sine aliquo bono.
Translation: "There is, to be sure, no evil without something good.”
English equivalent: Every cloud has its silver lining.
  • Some evil needs to exist for good to be noticed!
Manus manum lavat
Translation: "One hand washes the other.”
  • someone else needs the help and in return yours too could be solved! No one is without need!
Mater artium necessitas.
Translation: "Necessity is the mother of invention" (Apuleius)
  • Every problem has a solution! Some may need to be ignored to be solved! Ignorance is bliss in solving some problems! A child that has been spoilt with attention can be cured with the lack of it!
Maxima debetur puero reverentia
Translation: "One owes the greatest possible care for the child" (Juvenal)
  • Some mistake care to be attention! Pacifying a child could render one to become a slave! Mother hens hatch snakes!

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