
Open buffet of Latin thoughts!

Aliquis in omnibus est nullus in singulis.
Translation: Someone in all, is nothing in one.
English equivalent: Jack of all trades, master of none; Jack of all trades begs bread on Sundays.
"Somebody who has a very wide range of abilities or skills usually does not excel at any of them."
  • Sometimes people like to identify you with one thing in particular as a reference but it isn't a restriction on what you can be!
Auctoritas non veritas facit legem
Translation: Authority, not truth, makes law.
  • Those who are first usually dictate the pace, except some rookie takes over the race.
Audaces fortuna iuvat.
Translation: Fortune favors the brave.
English equivalent: Fortune favours the bold.
"Those who act boldly or courageously are most likely to succeed."
  • Act as though it were impossible to fail. Acting implied that one puts a foot forward towards what one thinks! Say what you mean and mean what you say would be appropriate to define this quote!
Audentes fortuna juvat.
Translation: Fortune favors the bold.
Translation: Hear, see, be silent, if you wish to live (in peace).
English equivalent: Rather see than hear.
  • I would believe the quote here "see and be silent" would apply to say "mind your own business"! One can be vocal on matters that apply to them or what affects them in reference with a third party! It would be rather disastrous if the quote see and be silent is taken literarily towards life just to have peace, as one or someone could die in silence anyway. If speaking up saves ones life make sure what you hear and what you want others to see aligns to bring a solution! No one believes crocodiles with tears!
Basio saepe volam, cui plagam diligo solam.
English equivalent: Many kiss the hand they wish cut off.
  • Those who are feared are often patronised; mind the pride it may be ego speaking!
Brevis oratio penetrat coelos; Longa potatio evacuat scyphos.
English equivalent: Short prayers reach heaven.
  • Short directives are easily implemented but it always depends on who is giving and taking the instruction! There are people who are short sighted just as there are those who are long sighted. Myopia is not just a medical term for eye problems but also applies to individuals who due to inexperience as well as insecurities/emotional deficiencies such as ego see only what lay before them!
  • Those who are long sighted often can connect the dots using their imagination! To foresee is the ability to connect two or multiple of seemingly distinct information gotten from all seances available to man! To foretell is the ability to produce knowledge out of what has been foreseen. The skill of feedback is tricky to those who maybe distracted by certain circumstances or tools not available at their disposal! In Feedback a creative skill is necessary as ones ability to project differs from the others ability to assimilate! Experiences separate people just as it may bring people together! Dialogue does the binding! Is one able to translate an event into the language of the other?
Caaus honoretur, puer ad documenta cidetur.
English equivalent: Gray hairs are honourable.
  • Experience and the ability to pass it on gives name to age! Grey mass is a muscle, it does nothing if not exercised!
Cave ab homine unius libri.
English equivalent: Fear the man of one book.
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
English equivalents: In for a penny, in for a pound; Virtue which parleys is near a surrender.
  • Those who don't read can not communicate. Reading would not just mean actually reading a book but also analysis of an environment ie understanding events! Maybe they are not interested, unless it affects them! We tend to get angry at people who we consider uncaring of others plights! In experience I have also learnt the bitter truth to not giving a hoot about what is going on with others as I forgot about myself! Ignoring is also a way of revenge on an environment or people who once ignored not realising that what affected you also affects them!
Citius venit malum quam revertitur.
English equivalent: Misfortune comes on horseback and goes away on foot.
  • Misfortune is quick to come and slow to leave! Fortune is slow to come and quick to leave! We all would love it if it was the other way around but be mindful that to sustain ones equilibrium one must constantly be watchful of turning points in life! Life is a circle and to be on point one needs to be on and in time! Any information that one connects with must be noted not necessarily absorbed as there will always be a use for it in time!
Cito maturum cito putridum.
English equivalent: Early ripe, early rotten.
  • Going into the biology of mind and matter I would presume that easy come is easy go! Be before time and leave after time! When I am invited to a party of be it a friend or a stranger I prefer to help lay the table, enjoy the party by serving and grooving as well as help clean up later! What does that do for me? A lot of things that I wouldn't tell :) find out for yourself the treasures of honour! It is my honour to serve for service!
Cogitationes posteriores sunt saniores.
English equivalent: Second thoughts are best.
  • Not necessarily but in reference; first thoughts lay the foundation to future works, edited version of first thoughts maybe the better but not the best; they are more mechanical rather than instinctive!
Consilio, quod respuitur, nullum subest auxilium.
English equivalent: He that will not be counseled cannot be helped.
  • If one asks for help they can, helping someone without their permission is considered unsolicited advice! A lot of things may go wrong if the counsellor lacks the skills of persuasion! Who wants to help never gives up, an individual may need to see his own version of events plaid out first! A Counsellors duty is to be there regardless of anything as smoothing the rough edges is part of the job! When someone forces an individual to do as they say they are rendering themselves responsible and liable for the individual as well as the outcome! Counsellors should remember that their duty is not to make an individual dependent but independent in thought and in deed on the long run! A counsellor is a waiter who is aware of the menu and the job is delivered on order by the client so long as the chef doesn't have to change his mode operandi except the restaurant serves on order as the client wishes it to be! An open buffet of choices would be ideal to avoid attitudes arising! Everything is possible in thought but many things are possible indeed! The Counselors job is to open the heart "inspire" for the mind to see!
Consuetudinis magna vis est
English equivalent: Old habits die hard.
  • Character traits may be the topic of discuss here but even that changes! If the influencers don't change habits don't! Considering that the world is the same every where (people are people with same varying emotions and things are things in limited access) why the need to change? If one can't find something here then look for where it is available there!
  • People tend to stick to what works for them, if an alternative is presented then why not? A habit is an addiction. An addictive personality can only switch from one into another! Some to loose weight start smoking, when that is off sport or bulimia can become the next option and both can also be detrimental! Addictive personalities always need AA support to hopefully learn what balance is!
Contritium praecedit superbia.
English equivalent: Pride comes before fall.
  • To think of oneself as endless can be dangerous, don't spread yourself thin! Those who proclaim themselves Hero's should be prepared for trials! I would presume see and be quiet could fit in if one wants to remain in the shadows and have peace in achieving one goal at a time! There are always those who are threatened by strengths and disturbed by weaknesses so to hide isn't really possible! To fuse in the saying "a sheep in wolves clothing or a wolf in sheep's clothing" could mean when you are strong hide under being meek and when weak hide your flaws! The world would only appreciate it when they are ready or needing! Do the home work on yourself and present it when they are ready!
Cor boni concilii statue tecum non est enim tibi aliud pluris illo.
English equivalent: Though thou hast ever so many counsellors, yet do not forsake the counsel of thy own soul.
  • The second opinion that is more important is your own; a will to heal or to act! No doctor can help if the patient doesn't will it to happen! Advice is a method but not the only option! Two heads are better than one! I hate to have 3 people in one bed it confuses objectives! Every doctor has his or her own way even if their knowledge is guided by the a principle of conduct; Thou shall not harm any living soul!
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
Translation: The greater the degeneration of the republic, the more of its laws.
  • WAW, now I can understand the Immigration laws, they are there to protect outsiders or am I having this backwards? :)
"Credula est spes improba.
English equivalent: He that lives on hope will die fasting.
"Do not pin all your hopes on something you may not attain, because you could end up with nothing."
  • If thou belivest thou acheivest! Hope is a thought of opportunity!
Crede quod habes, et habes.
English equivalent: Fake it till you make it.
  • Once you fake it you become it. Let's hope one is entertaining oneself for the pleasure of the moment!
Cui caput dolet, omnia membra languent.
English equivalent: When the head is sick, the whole body is sick.
English equivalentː Every fool is pleased with his own folly!
  • I'd rather be a fool for my dreams than an idiot that lives in others illusions!
Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare. —
Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one.
English equivalent: He wrongfully blames the sea who suffers shipwreck twice.
  • Does one blame the waves for causing a shipwreck? Regardless of the sheep's strength can one hope that the storm at see wouldn't swallow it? Being mislead is different from having no other option! Once bitten twice shy could lead to the same end! If the nature of a person does not change it really doesn't matter what direction one takes! The tide is still same! Character flaws lead to the same issues!
Curae canitiem inducunt.
English equivalent: Fretting cares make grey hairs.
  • Better to have grey hairs than none at all! The root of worries lay in our prejudices! I am mixed and traveled so I am less worried about colour, shape or size, it doesn't prevent me from connecting! Culture is none existent in terms of superficial attributes, the underlaying core of my judgement is behaviour of an individual; are they pro life? Yes I worry about my kids that's about all the root of my worries and if it gives me grey hair then I am happy to have lived long enough to be there when it matters most to them! If I didn't have them I will find others to worry about, that's my nature and nurture added a tad more! I am a worrier warrior, i wear pink glasses and I dye my greys blue to hide it! :)
Custode et cura natura potentior omni.
English equivalent: Nature is beyond all teaching.
  • Nurture is now teaching nature how to survive! Nature was harsh to man now man is harsh with nature! When smart people argue with a fool they turn out to be idiots! When 2 fools argue they learn from each other!
De gustibus non est disputandum.
Translation: There is no disputing about tastes.
English equivalent: There is no accounting for taste.
  • Do as you wish and others will react!
De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum.
Translation: "There's no arguing about tastes and colours."
  • There will always be an opposition to what you believe!
Deus quem punire vult dementat.
English equivalent: Whom God will destroy, he first make mad.
  • He does same with who he lifts up! Everyone deems them crazy!
Diem vesper commendat.
Translation: Celebrate the day when it is evening.
Meaning: Don't celebrate untill you are 100 % sure there is a reason to do so.; Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
  • Reflect on actions and tomorrow rectify if need be!
Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem.
English equivalent: True love never grows old.
  • Love grows cold when starved!
Dii facientes adiuvant.
Translation: Gods help those who do.
English equivalent: God helps them that help themselves.
Meaning: "When in trouble first of all every one himself should do his best to improve his condition."
  • Change if your environment doesn't change!
Dives aut iniquus est, aut iniqui heres.
English equivalent: No one gets rich quickly if he is honest.
  • Now you are telling me! Behave as Romans do! Stand out! Blow it out of proportion! Better to die young as a lion than live long as a mouse! :) maybe the middle ground is to be a dog?
Divide et impera.
Translation: Divide and govern [or conquer]. Attributed to Julius Caesar.
English equivalent: Divide and conquer.
Meaning: "The best way to conquer or control a group of people is by encouraging them to fight among themselves rather than allowing them to unite in opposition to the ruling authority."
  • Children who are thought to have a dialogue will never stand alone in the face of danger! 
  • I laugh in the face of danger! Hahahaha! Simba the Lion king! It takes a greedy insider to wipe the pride! It also takes an insider to bring it back to life!
Docendo discimus.
Translation: We learn by teaching. (Seneca)
  • We relearn by re exploring the paths once taken! New ways are always found in old paths. The difference between then and now shows what tomorrow may be, what could change history from repeating itself is if there are no new potholes on the way! Would a smooth road teach new skills? Those who withhold the mistakes of their paths leave others to repeat same mistakes! Those who care about the future generation tell it as it is! They are the Hero's not the squeaky clean angels! Better the devil you know than the angel you don't know! "As long as you love me" In a world that wants Hero's one is bound to be deceived! Those who hurt us makes us stronger! Those who love us take us higher!
Duabus ancoris fultus.
English equivalent: Good riding at two anchors, men have told, for if the one fails, the other may hold.
  • Isn't it also a saying that a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush? This is why sometimes I ignore rules and stick to principles! Imagine holding on to 2 poles going in different directions! Rules tear you apart, principles keep you whole! Having a plan B isn't bad but why have it if it also can create insecurities about plan A? Plan A always works if patience is employed, plan B is the next step not an alternative! Do as if it were impossible to fail!
  • Do what I say don't do what I do doesn't seem to work for some parents! Some Kids do learn sometimes from the mistakes of their parents when comparing situations and people!
Ductus Exemplo
Translation: Lead by Example.
  • Follow a chosen path to the end and then continue further!
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
Translation: It is sweet and honourable to die for the fatherland. By Horace, Odes III, 2, 13, frequently quoted on war memorials, and notably in the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen, who calls it "the old lie".
  • Even during perceived peace times there are wars to be won! To die for a land that seeks not its own salvation? The core of most wars are economic demands. When youth are idle some are prone to mischief or becoming dull! Those who are in mischief need to be organised and those who are asleep need to be awakened from slumber! Natural disasters are one ways that nature stirs up man to find force within! Death to the body isn't as tragic as death of a soul!
Dulce pomum quum abest custos.
Translation: Sweet is the apple when the keeper is away.
English equivalent: Forbidden fruit is sweetest.
Meaning: "Things that you must not have or do are always the most desirable."
  • Dangle the carrot and the rabbit will show up, put a scarecrow and the crows will stay away!
Dulcior illa sapit caro, quae magis ossibus haeret.
English equivalent: The sweetest flesh is near the bones.
  • That which we adore we keep close to, that which we love we let fly!
Dum canem caedimus, corrosisse dicitur corrium.
Translation: If you want to beat a dog you will easily find a stick.
Meaning: Someone who wants to be mean will find things to be mean about no matter what.
  • What we are filled with we project! If we want it we will find it!
Dum vivimus, vivamus!
Translation: While we live, let us live!
  • There will be enough time to sleep in the coffin.
Ecce omnis, qui dicit vulgo proverbium, in te assumet illud dicens: Sicut mater, ita et filia ejus.
Translation: Such mother, such daughter.
English equivalent: Like mother, like daughter.
Meaning: "Daughters may look and behave like their mothers. This is due to inheritance and the example observed closely and daily."
  • No woman can raise a man, even if she does try the image of oneself in a boy is lost to his father.
Effectus sequitir causam.
Translation: Effect follows a reason.
English equivalent: Every why has a wherefore.
Meaning: "Everything has an underlying reason."

Eodem cubito, eadem trutina, pari libra.
Translation: The elbow, the same balance, an equal balance.
English equivalent: Whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.
  • Let God be the judge of mans thoughts, deeds are mans judgement of self. 
Ex granis fit acervus.
Translation: A heap is made from grains.
English equivalent: Every little helps.
Meaning: "All contributions, however small, are of use."
  • Manage the little and one will direct all. Rip a 1000 folds - exponential growth.
Ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt.
Translation: Bad customs have given birth to good laws.
English equivalent: Good laws have sprung from bad customs.
  • Every policy or law results from mistakes, seldom does any law come from success or at least the public may not know of it.
  • Someone is always protecting their territory. 
Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Translation: "Nothing comes from nothing" (you need to work for something; also the Conservation Law in philosophy and modern science) (Lucretius). This is also a famous Shakespeare quote in King Lear.
"If you would have any thing done for you, you must give something, for people will not serve you for nothing."
  • How about volunteers? The job or work scope of a volunteer is not entirely selfless. Some derive pleasure, some derive knowledge "practical experience" that would move them towards a paying job. 
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta.
English equivalent: A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
Meaning: "People who know they have done wrong reveal their guilt by the things they say or the way they interpret what other people say."
  • Is anyone without sin? Can one live a life and have no blame? 
  • By religious standards even babies are born into sin, it would mean they are in debt already for being born. The prejudices that parents induce into the mind of their children no wonder they are sinful. Every No, every Yes is a prejudice, a judgement of a situation without understanding. To accept an idea one needs explanation, to accept it is another concept entirely as experience may defuse the ideology once held. A child that grows away or outside the social system develops his or her own perception of life hence without blame. Every conscious human being is paying for the debts or enjoying the credits or both for the works of its ancestors. 
Extremis malis extrema remedia.
Translation: Extreme remedies for extreme ills.
English equivalent: Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies.
Meaning: "Drastic action is called for – and justified – when you find yourself in a particularly difficult situation."
  • Opposites attract, Opposites create balance. The degree of drastic varies from people to people and places to places. Do not confuse the matters of the mind with matters that matter. 
Expecta bos olim herba.
Translation: Waiting for the grass the cow dies.
English equivalent: While the grass grows the steed starves.
Meaning: Dreams or expectations may be realized too late.
  • Putting a time frame to things creates tension. Time is not what one can control but one can work in time and with time. Certain things have deadlines i.e. do what you can or must and leave the rest to God. Dreams are realised the moment they are seen, the trick is did one look for the puzzles to the picture? A lot of people associate dreams coming through with someone holding a key to their door. Why would one put their dream in anothers hands? Negotiate, barter, Implement these are all paths to achieving what one wants.
Facilis descensus Averni.
The descent into hell is easy.
  • Its easy to let go of something or someone but how about giving up on oneself? 
Factis ut credam facis.
English equivalent: No need of words, trust deeds.
Meaning: "Actions may be, and indeed sometimes are deceptive in a measure though not as much so as words; and accordingly are received in general as more full and satisfactory proofs of the real disposition and character of persons than verbal expressions."
  • Hold people to what they say and they will do. Hold people to what they do and they will say anything to prove you wrong. Best method for control is no control. Those who want will always do.
Festina lente!
"Make haste slowly" (i.e. proceed quickly but with caution, a motto of Augustus Caesar).
English equivalent: More speed less haste.
  • Ever looked closely to the meaning of traffic lights meaning? Danger, Patience in Action! Look for the risk, defuse it and proceed.
Fides facit fidem.
English equivalent: Confidence begets confidence.
  • Sometimes arrogance can be mistaken for confidence; when it intimidates others. Those who know self see others.
Fidite Nemini
Translation: Trust nobody/no one.
"Every time you trust someone you end up getting screwed."
  • Trust in this case or maybe in other cases implies that one surrenders all work or their actions depend on the opinion of the other. Trust is in sharing, that way no one gets screwed. In action when someone shares one should keep in mind that the other doesn't think exactly like you. Sharing implies that after a deed the responsibility of rectifying and or monitoring is till done by both. Sharing is collaborating and in the process it is trust. Just because one thinks differently does not mean things wouldn't work. Acceptance from the beginning that humans are not perfect allows everyone the space to manage setbacks. Once, twice but the third time a disappointment is already a pattern, thats why they say third time is a charm or harm. Consistency places people where they belong, neither does it mean that someone who failed twice will fail again. I always use this as a guide "When someone asks you to go a mile go 2 miles" and that revolves around giving someone another chance and if afterwards a failure then i am sure i wouldn't be the one to say Go, people remove themselves from environments where they feel inadequate and there are those that don't get the message so one may have no choice but bring the hammer down.
Finis originae pende.
English equivalent: Such a beginning, such an end.
Meaning: The outcome of things depends on how they start.
Forma bonum fragile est.
English equivalent: All that is fair must fade.
"Nothing lasts forever."
  • if things originate from your core they usually transcend and never end except you end it. As human beings we loose the touch "enthusiasm" along the way so taking a break is required. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Humans are not robots even if some can go on longer that most. 
  • A Leaders objective is not just in presiding over current matters but the ability to create a succession of members that would or should keep a continuum or bring change. Companies that have lasted more than 100years today are not just held in the hands of those who started it so it is presumed that a succession paradigm was established. Values are paradigms they switch from old to new and back again, circumstances demand the time frame of its use. To be objective of the use of a paradigm one needs to be clear about which is favourable or not. It is hard to be Liberal or Conservative without dialogue. In example a 35year old in Africa is considered young, while in the developed world middle aged or in some cases old! The traditionalists i.e. conservatives in order to preserve control would diminish experience to a number, while the liberal thinking minds are aware that age is but a number! Values are measured by standards of old and new thinking hence it fluctuates depending on who is in need of the excuse. Yesterdays youth are tomorrows Old and todays Youth will still be old tomorrow. Who was once liberal will be conservative tomorrow and who was once conservative will become liberal; we all see the mistakes we made yesterday and it is senseless to stick to old beliefs if one is to grow. Growth is change and change is growth but considering that human beings are habitual creatures a kick in the ass is sometimes required for growth to happen. Growth demands that nothing should last for ever but must transcend. One can only prolong or delay which is one and the same thing depending on who is at the receiving end. Those who wait feel delay, those who are to pass the baton will try to delay a change of power even if it is at their own peril. Change happens no matter what. Time game.
Fortes fortuna iuvat
Translation: Fortune favors the brave.
  • Nothing ventured nothing gained, if it is money good, if it is in knowledge wonderful as that can also be traded. Face problems squarely in thought and all the rest shall be added unto you. There is always a demand for solutions as life never ceases to to amaze people. The fear of life leads people to shy away from it. Fear creates ignorance "fearful minds can never see through the fog". A touch or a taste never kills anyone! Without exploration one can't find. The brave are crowned with "favours" it may or may not be considered a fortune. Sometimes i stay away from doing things because i can see the hassle in it, to be wanted isn't always a blessing neither to be ignored. 
Frans hominum ad perniciem, et integritas ad salutem, vocat.
English equivalent: Honesty is the best policy.
Meaning: "Being honest or telling the truth is always the wisest course of action."
  • In one quote one says " hear, see and be quiet" in this it says "Honesty is the best policy". I say give word when asked and help in deed regardless of if one is asked or not. I don't seek gratitude for what i do but i am grateful for being of service, my reward is in heaven. Usually people linch you for your words but release you for your deeds that profit them, thats the world for you. Silence is golden and hidden deeds are true acts; don't let the right hand know what the left hand does; don't boast about your work let your work do the bidding.
  • Being honest or telling the truth is always the wisest course of action. Really? i thought the wise are cunning? Should the truth be delivered in cunning ways to be digested? In the world i live in an honest man is considered a fool for they are used. Yeah survival sure has made us into beasts, even animals don't kill their own and others only to sustain energy for the day. Most humans behave like there is no tomorrow, walloping everything on their path without discrimination of whats good for them and others on the long run. Why give a hoot if all is a waste? I care but i don't worry, this mindset removes emotions from my heart!
Fronti nulla fides.
English equivalent: Appearances deceive.
  • PR Agents on the loose.
Generosus equus non curat canem latrantem.
English equivalent: The dogs bark but the caravan passes on.
"Everyone's got opinions, but nobody's got the answers" so let the world say what it will.
  • Every Yes has a No, Every No has a yes! The opposite is always a solution, the implementation makes it right or wrong, so the problem is in How not only in the what but the why may be the missing link? Hidden Intentions are reasons for things becoming difficult.
Gloriosum est iniurias oblivisci.
English equivalent: Forgive and forget.
A drop hollows out the stone. 
  • Touch and go does not make things last. Staying through softens the blow.
Gutta cavat lapidem non bis, sed saepe cadendo; sic homo fit sapiens non bis, sed saepe legendo.
A drop hollows out the stone by falling not twice, but many times; so too is a person made wise by reading not two, but many books.
  • One book can not contain all information neither is everything written down or can ever be, just as Imagination does not prove experience but a skill in connecting the dots. Knowledge = Outside Information "environmental facts" + Personal experience + Imagination.
Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo
A drop hollows out the stone not by force, but falling many times. (original latin proverb).
  • Consistency for a period of time creates a habit.
Historia est vitae magistra.
Translation: "History is the tutor of life.”
  • History contains lies and truths, exploring reveals to everyone the truth according to them. Historians till this day argue and question facts that have been recorded by men who knew those who knew. The deeper one goes, the deeper it gets. A 100% proof can only be gotten from those who are still alive and mostly about their life and even then they will find something to hide as very few will admit to being fools or being wise with time and people. One can only take for sure what one pledges to on record with a signature as a reference for blame pushing. However history isn't just about verifying facts but also being able to see a general picture of events and draw knowledge from it for personal or entertainment use. 
Hodie mihi, cras tibi.
Translation: "What's to me today, tomorrow to you.”
  • Every dog has its day and tomorrow for the cat.
  • We learn from each other.
  • Todays treasure could be tomorrows trash.
  • Pass the baton in favour of tomorrow i.e. think twice before one acts on words.
Homo cogitat, Deus iudicat.
Translation: "Men believe what they want to." (Julius Caesar)
  • Caesar said so and got stabbed! I went through the archives of youtube to get some info on Caesar and in one of the analysis it presented that he provoked his own death due to ill health and he didn't want to loose his dignity as well as become an immortal. This is why killing some men of history is a bad idea if one wants to level them with others. Man truly sees what they think is a solution for a moments gratis and blind to the later effects of their actions. Someone could be gaining out of another misery and someone could make you miserable for their gain. Everyone is free to do as they wish the responsibility is theirs.
Honor sequitir fugientem.
Translation: Honor follows the fleeing.
  • Check how you react to things, it is not often personal to you even if it is directed at you. Sometimes i get angry at myself for not reacting to an instant disrespect, i go beating myself for that but then i realise that should i have had a guilty mind i would have done harm. Slow to anger people often do this. I am more likely to blow the roof after an event than when in the moment. A moments relief can make the future unbearable. 
Hortamur fari, quo sanguine cretus.
English equivalent: Good blood always shows itself.
  • The eyes are the souls mirror! Vision is evident in the nature of a "Man"
Hostium munera, non munera.
Translation: Gifts of enemies are no gifts.
Meaning: "Do not trust gifts or favours if they come from an enemy."
  • Some enemies don't know that they are enemies. Envy create enemies out of friends.
  • Why would i even want to let an enemy close if i am surrounded by friends? I don't keep bad company.
Ignavum fortuna repugnat.
Translation: Fortune disdains the lazy.
Meaning: Laziness deceives wisdom.
  • Just as bad times reveal who are friends so does fortune show who are enemies. Who treats one no different could be a friend. 
Ignorantia legis non excusat
Translation: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
  • Everyone has boundaries. To avoid being the enemy of state be a chicken on one leg. Social Code of conduct usually saves ones ass from being nailed. My dad once said: Just because your parents are one way does not mean other parents are  the same way. I am that I am is what i always knew.
Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
Translation: To rule yourself is the ultimate power. (Seneca)
  • The source is within; May the force be with you. Explore the Jedi rules they are simpler to embrace when it comes to understanding how to govern oneself.
To be continued.

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