
Admonishing ain't wooping!

It is amazing how the public would make you ashamed of being a parent when admonishing your child turns their heads! Your child is endorsing their rule and instead of support the parent gets scolded with looks! Fuck y'all because when the same child tomorrow insults you you will again accuse me of not putting the foot down when it was necessary!

Yesterday i was watching an episode of Oprah and in it was said that "every time you beat a child you are killing in them a sense of self". Admonishing and whooping are 2 different things and it is useful to showcase methods for parents to know the difference or tomorrow one will have to call the Nanny Macfee from the Uk to help parents get back their confidence!

Every culture has its way of putting a child straight and if the American system of liberty has made the kids into the youth who carry guns and terrorise the neighbourhood then I guess the African way works best for me! I once witnessed how my fav African aunt chased her 20 year old son round the compound with words "I gave birth to you and I can kill you" put him straight! She didn't beat him because the rest of us stood between her and him but the fear  of her words drove the message clear! We later made sure he got the knuckles from us instead of her! This is the blessing of having a big enough family as well as the friends of your kids around; the message is passed hierarchically! The oldest is respected enough to be the parent when it comes to admonishing the younger ones!

Our father in heaven spoke thorough his son Jesus Christ! Kids never listen to direct messages, sometimes strangers are better siblings! Embrace the friends of your kids and siblings they are best at refining the crude message in a subtle manner! Would we have heard or beloved Christ if not for the apostols? Where is Peter, Paul, Mathew and Luke? They might as well be the Beatles!

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